yankee and the brave (ep. 4)歌词 歌手Run The Jewels-专辑RTJ4-单曲《yankee and the brave (ep. 4)》LRC歌词下载

三寸光阴七寸执念2022-02-22  106

导读:《yankee and the brave (ep. 4)》歌词 歌手Run The Jewels的专辑RTJ4单曲《yankee and the brave (ep. 4)》LRC歌词下载,《yankee and the brave (e…

yankee and the brave (ep. 4)歌词 歌手Run The Jewels-专辑RTJ4-单曲《yankee and the brave (ep. 4)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《yankee and the brave (ep. 4)》
歌手:Run The Jewels

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《yankee and the brave (ep. 4)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Jaime Meline/Michael Render/Torbitt Schwartz/Wilder Schwartz [00:03.827] This week on Yankee and the brave [00:05.443] [00:05.901] Back at it like a crack addict, Mr. Black Magic [00:08.174] Crack a ***** back, chiropractic, Craftmatic [00:10.599] Big daddy smokin' big Cali in a black alley [00:13.293] In a black Grand Natty rollin' down Old Natty [00:16.799] Hair nappy, matty as a black granddaddy, all fact [00:20.023] No cappin', fat, black boat captain stay floatin' [00:22.754] No flappin', wave runner, I'm a gunner [00:25.633] I'ma have your block hot as a sauna all summer [00:27.629] And I put that on Osama and my mother****in' mama [00:30.138] I'ma terrorize the actors playing like they want some drama [00:33.599] I'ma chop 'em with a chopper 'til I mother****in' drop 'em (Drop 'em, drop 'em, drop 'em) [00:36.282] [00:37.739] Stack addict, a mack with the blackest fabric, I'm back [00:39.838] I magically rack it and dash while I'm duckin' rat-a-tat-tats [00:42.221] I'm runnin' the truck over sucker shit [00:44.426] Matter fact, kiss the ass and even the crack [00:46.991] Automatic facts, it's like that (Woo) [00:49.138] It's scammer bliss when you puttin' villains in charge of shit [00:52.114] All of us targeted, all we doin' is arguin' [00:55.177] Pardon them as they work until every pocket's been picked and soul been harvested [00:59.242] I'm ready to mob on these ****in' charlatans (Charlatans, charlatans, charlatans, charlatans, charlatans, charlatans) [01:03.420] [01:03.692] Go-go-go-, go-go-go-go- [01:05.238] Go-go-go-go-, Go-go-go-go- [01:07.600] Go-go-go-go-, go-go-go-, go-go- [01:10.273] What we gon' do—? [01:12.546] [01:13.213] 'Til time die, I'm galactically fly [01:15.617] The moon is movin' the maniacs in the city to crime [01:19.101] Hearts fry, all this neon is rippin' us up inside [01:21.639] Immortality's out of bounds, it's a one-round ride [01:24.118] [01:24.467] I got one round left, a hunnid cops outside [01:27.089] I could shoot at them or put one between my eyes [01:30.199] Chose the latter, it don't matter, it ain't suicide [01:33.063] And if the news say it was that's a goddamn lie [01:35.922] I can't let the pigs kill me, I got too much pride [01:38.808] And I meant it when I said it, never take me alive [01:41.652] [01:42.030] I got the Grand Nat runnin' in the alley outside [01:44.986] Now, Michael, run like you hungry and get your ass in the ride [01:47.789] I'd rather have and not need you than watch your rotten demise [01:50.636] And you still owe me for them Nikes, you do not get to just die [01:53.414] You try to **** with my brother, you get the bastard surprise [01:56.404] And that's more honest than your whole life in a fraction of time [01:59.311] I didn't get my degree in how to smoke weed 'til I'm blind [02:02.151] So you could ruin my high, Jewel Runner, do and you're bye [02:05.065] [02:05.453] My brother made a point so out the back door I'ma slide [02:08.074] I'm chubby, husky, thighs rubbing, ****in' up my Levi's [02:11.066] The crooked copper got the dropper, I put lead in his eye [02:13.966] 'Cause we heard he murdered a black child so none of us cried [02:16.467] [02:16.934] Yankee and the brave are here [02:18.783] Everybody hit the deck [02:20.032] We don't mean no harm [02:21.703] But we truly mean all the disrespect (Four) [by:Jesse_Wang] [00:03.827]这周是《洋基与勇士》 (这是一部虚构的节目,Yankee是El-P的角色,Brave是Killer Mike的角色。这两个名字来自他们家乡的棒球队:纽约洋基和亚特兰大勇士) [00:05.901]像粉儿一样回到它,黑魔法先生 (指多民族歌手比利·丹尼尔斯,20世纪40-80年代丹尼尔斯活跃在音乐界,美国在这段时间面临种族偏见和暴力。Killer Mike指美国仍然面临着丹尼尔斯时代的许多问题) [00:08.174]紧抓后背做,像Craftmatic一样正脊 (Craftmatic是一款可调节床品牌,有着脊柱调节的功能) [00:10.599]大爷在黑巷子里抽着烟 [00:13.293]黑色大车的轮子轧过大马路 (Grand Natty指Killer Mike的1987版别克君威,Old Natty指Old National Highway,它是一条穿过南亚特兰大的长公路) [00:16.799]小卷毛,像个黑爷爷般成熟,这是实话 [00:20.023]没有封顶,胖胖的黑船长漂浮着 [00:22.754]不要拍手,我是个枪手 [00:25.633]我要让你的街道整个夏天都像桑拿一样热 [00:27.629]我把这记在拉登和我妈身上 (Killer Mike将自己比作拉登,意指他的被捕和暗杀都需要两个不同的总统来完成) [00:30.138]我会吓坏演员们,好像他们想要一些戏剧似的 (Killer Mike曾表示美国最近五任总统都只是演员,自己的词作会吓到他们) [00:33.599]我会用菜刀剁碎他们,然后扔掉 [00:37.739]嗜财如命,黑色衣物穿于我身 (El-P经常穿着黑色牛仔外套) [00:39.838]我就像变魔术一样拿着它,一边跑一边蹦 [00:42.221]我要开卡车碾过废物们 [00:44.426]实际上,跪舔甚至是吸粉儿 [00:46.991]这是事实,就是这样 (这种口吃让人想起Biz Markee在同名歌曲结尾处的口吃) [00:49.138]当你让恶棍来负责这些事的时候,那是一种欺骗 [00:52.114]我们所有人都有针对性,我们所做的只是在争论 [00:55.177]原谅他们,因为他们工作,直到每一个口袋与灵魂都被收取 (这些歌词特别针对亿万富翁阶层:那些不是为谋生而只是在“收获”工人阶级的劳动的人,除了奉献外,都没有付出) [00:59.242]我准备教训下这些混蛋 (他们掌控着一切资源,使我们无法反抗) [01:03.692]走!走!走!走! [01:05.238]走!走!走!走! [01:07.600]走!走!走!走! [01:10.273]我们要做什么? [01:13.213]直到我赴死,会在银河上飞翔 (指一天结束了) [01:15.617]月亮使城市中的疯子犯罪 (指罪犯大多在夜晚犯罪) [01:19.101]内心煎熬,所有这些霓虹灯都将我们撕碎了 (霓虹灯指夜店等场所的招牌,人们去这些地方只为寻求身体愉悦而非精神享受) [01:21.639]永生是不可能的,这是单行道 (one round双关,单行道/左轮的一轮,与下一句对应) [01:24.467]我只剩下一轮子弹,外面有一百个警察 [01:27.089]我可以朝他们开枪,或者在我的眼睛中间开 [01:30.199]选择后者,没关系,这不是自杀 [01:33.063]如果新闻说是,那就是该死的谎言 [01:35.922]我不能让这帮条子干掉我,我如此有尊严 [01:38.808]我是认真的,别想活捉我 (这一段verse指Christopher Dorner,详情可查阅相关新闻,Killer Mike指Dorner并没有像要自杀,而是被逼无奈) [01:42.030]我把大车放在外面的小巷里 [01:44.986]现在,迈克尔,像你饿了一样跑吧,准备开冲 (这里指的是Mike的体重和胃口,El说赶快行动,就像那里有顿饭。相反,El-P则将车驶离战区) [01:47.789]我宁愿有你,也不愿看着你堕落的灭亡 [01:50.636]你还有欠我的耐克,你不会死的 [01:53.414]你想和我兄弟搞事,你会得到一个大惊喜 [01:56.404]那比你一生都要诚实 [01:59.311]直到我失明了,我才拿到如何飞叶子的学位 [02:02.151]这样你就能毁了我的兴致,我们和你说拜拜 [02:05.453]我兄弟说得对,所以我从后门溜出去 [02:08.074]我胖乎乎的,我的李维斯摩擦着大腿 [02:11.066]一只弯曲的东西钩住了,我把铅弄进了他的眼睛 (他决定使用最后一颗子弹) [02:13.966]我们听说他杀了一个黑人孩子,所以我们都没哭 [02:16.934]洋基和勇士在这里 [02:18.783]所有人准备好 [02:20.032]我们没有恶意 [02:21.703]但我们真正的意思并非尊重

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