I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel (feat. Mike Paul)歌词 歌手2nd South Carolina String BandMike Paul-专辑Strike the Tent (Civil War Songs &

导读:《I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel (feat. Mike Paul)》歌词 歌手2nd South Carolina String BandMike Paul的专辑Strike the Tent (Civil Wa…

I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel (feat. Mike Paul)歌词 歌手2nd South Carolina String Band / Mike Paul-专辑Strike the Tent (Civil War Songs & Campfire Melodies)-单曲《I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel (feat. Mike Paul)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel (feat. Mike Paul)》
歌手:2nd South Carolina String Band / Mike Paul
专辑:Strike the Tent (Civil War Songs & Campfire Melodies)

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《I Goes to Fight Mit Sigel (feat. Mike Paul)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : John F. Poole [00:05.337]I've come shust now to tells you how [00:07.828]I goes mit regimentals, [00:10.410]To SCHLAUCH dem voes of Liberty, [00:12.758]Like dem old Continentals, [00:15.300]Vot fights mit England, long ago, [00:17.759]To save de Yankee Eagle; [00:20.394]Un now I gets mine sojer clothes, [00:22.845]I'm going to fight mit Sigel. [00:25.308]Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you, [00:27.824]Wir going to fight mit Sigel. [00:35.242]Ven I comes from de Deutsche Countree, [00:37.749]I vorks somedimes at baking; [00:40.158]Den I keeps a lager bier saloon, [00:42.670]Un den I goes shoe-making; [00:45.009]But now I was a sojer been [00:47.518]To save the Yankee Eagle; [00:49.979]To SCHLAUCH dem tam Secession volks, [00:52.442]I'm going to fight mit Sigel. [00:54.985]Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you, [00:57.410]Wir going to fight mit Sigel. [01:04.912]I gets EIN tam big rifle guns, [01:07.304]Un puts him to mine shoulder, [01:09.775]Den march so bold, like a big jack-horse, [01:12.239]Un may been someding bolder; [01:14.658]I goes off mit de volunteers, [01:17.191]To save de Yankee Eagle; [01:19.659]To give dem Rebel vellers fits, [01:22.246]I'm going to fight mit Sigel. [01:24.564]Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you, [01:27.044]Wir going to fight mit Sigel. [01:34.395]Dem Deutshen mens, mit Sigel's band, [01:36.873]At fighting have no rival; [01:39.383]Un ven Cheff Davis' mens we meet, [01:41.767]Ve SCHLAUCH 'em like de tuyvil; [01:44.147]Dere's only von ting vot I fear, [01:46.659]Ven pattling for de Eagle: [01:49.125]I vont get not no lager bier, [01:51.736]Ven I goes to fight mit Sigel. [01:54.167]Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you, [01:56.500]Im going to fight mit Sigel. [02:03.906]For rations dey gives salty pork, [02:06.448]I dinks dat was a great sell; [02:08.946]I petter likes de SOUR KROUT, [02:11.450]De SWITZER KAISE un PRETZEL. [02:13.753]If Fighting Joe will give us dem, [02:16.262]Ve'll save de Yankee Eagle; [02:18.759]Un I'll put mine VROU in breechaloons, [02:21.298]To go un fight mit Sigel. [02:23.681]Yaw! daus is drue, I shpeaks mit you, [02:26.175]Wir going to fight mit Sigel. [by:asdvita] [00:05.337]我跟你讲我刚来到 [00:07.828]我跟着大部队走 [00:10.410]去干掉自由的敌人 [00:12.758]就像大陆军的英雄 [00:15.300]我们曾同英国战斗过 [00:17.759]为了拯救洋基鹰鹫 [00:20.394]现在我军服身上穿 [00:22.845]同西格尔(Franz Sigel)去战斗 [00:25.308]哟!这准没错,我跟你说 [00:27.824]同西格尔去战斗 [00:35.242]我来自遥远的德意志 [00:37.749]在面包房里工作 [00:40.158]后来整了个啤酒馆 [00:42.670]又跑去做点鞋子 [00:45.009]但现在我是个大头兵 [00:47.518]去拯救洋基鹰鹫 [00:49.979]去干掉该死的分裂者 [00:52.442]同西格尔去战斗 [00:54.985]哟!这准没错,我跟你说 [00:57.410]同西格尔去战斗 [01:04.912]我拿到把大大的来福枪 [01:07.304]并把它扛在肩上 [01:09.775]走路雄赳赳像匹大挽马 [01:12.239]信心逐渐开始膨胀 [01:14.658]我跟着其他志愿兵 [01:17.191]去拯救洋基鹰鹫 [01:19.659]对着狗叛徒重拳出击 [01:22.246]同西格尔去战斗 [01:24.564]哟!这准没错,我跟你说 [01:27.044]同西格尔去战斗 [01:34.395]一帮德国兵跟着西格尔 [01:36.873]打仗碰不着敌手 [01:39.383]杰夫(Jefferson Davis)的人要遇着咱 [01:41.767]得像魔鬼一样狠揍 [01:44.147]只有一件事我有点慌 [01:46.659]当我拯救洋基鹰鹫 [01:49.125]我恐怕搞不到啤酒喝 [01:51.736]当同西格尔去战斗 [01:54.167]哟!这准没错,我跟你说 [01:56.500]同西格尔去战斗 [02:03.906]从补给得到了咸猪肉 [02:06.448]我想那味道不错 [02:08.946]我还喜欢吃点腌酸菜 [02:11.450]椒盐饼和瑞士蛋糕 [02:13.753]要是善战的乔(Joseph Hooker)让咱放开吃 [02:16.262]我会拯救洋基鹰鹫 [02:18.759]连老婆也带在马鞍上 [02:21.298]同西格尔去战斗 [02:23.681]哟!这准没错,我跟你说 [02:26.175]同西格尔去战斗

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