BBC新闻100篇 News Item 30歌词 歌手英语听力-专辑BBC新闻100篇-单曲《BBC新闻100篇 News Item 30》LRC歌词下载

深情不如久伴2022-02-26  104

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《BBC新闻100篇 News Item 30》歌词:

[00:00.00]The United States army [00:02.21]has formally charged the military officer [00:04.14]accused of carrying out last week's mass shooting [00:06.44]at the Fort Hood military base in Texas. [00:08.93]The officer, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, [00:11.54]an army psychiatrist, [00:13.03]has been under armed guard in a hospital [00:14.90]since being wounded in the shooting. [00:16.76]Mathew Prize reports from New York. [00:18.57]There are still many questions [00:20.75]surrounding the mass shooting [00:22.36]at the America's largest military base, [00:24.29]but one of them has now been answered. [00:26.41]Major Nidal Hasan, an army psychiatrist [00:29.14]who was due to be deployed to Afghanistan, [00:31.38]has been charged with 13 counts of murder. [00:34.49]That could rise [00:36.17]if prosecutors decide also to charge him [00:38.16]with the murder of an unborn child [00:40.09]being carried by one of his victims. [00:42.39]He will be prosecuted in a military court. [00:45.13]If convicted, he could face the death penalty, [00:48.30]although no one has actually been executed [00:50.60]under the US military justice system for almost 50 years. [by:Charlotte-lcf] [00:00.00]美利坚合众国军队 [00:02.21]已经正式指控军官 [00:04.14]上周在德克萨斯州的胡德堡 [00:06.44]进行大规模射击。 [00:08.93]军官Nidal Mailk Hasan少校, [00:11.54]一名军事精神医生, [00:13.03]因受到枪击受伤, [00:14.90]在医院中一直受到武装部队的保护。 [00:16.76]来自纽约的Mathew Prize报道。 [00:18.57]其中仍然存在许多问题 [00:20.75]围绕着这场在美国最大的军事基地 [00:22.36]的大型枪击事件, [00:24.29]但其中一个问题已经得到了解答。 [00:26.41]原本应该被部署到阿富汗的 [00:29.14]军事精神病学家Nidal Hasan上校, [00:31.38]被指控犯下13起谋杀案。 [00:34.49]如果检察官也决定指控他 [00:36.17]谋杀由他的受害者携带的 [00:38.16]一名未出生的个孩子 [00:40.09]则罪名将会增加。 [00:42.39]他将于军事法庭受到起诉。 [00:45.13]一旦罪名成立,他将会面临死刑, [00:48.30]虽然在美国军事司法系统下 [00:50.60]近50年来没有人真正被处决过。


