Meant to be Yours歌词 歌手Jamie MuscatoOriginal West End Cast of Heathers-专辑Heathers the Musical (Original West End Cast Recording)-

仍记初年2022-03-01  91

导读:《Meant to be Yours》歌词 歌手Jamie MuscatoOriginal West End Cast of Heathers的专辑Heathers the Musical (Original West End Cas…

Meant to be Yours歌词 歌手Jamie Muscato / Original West End Cast of Heathers-专辑Heathers the Musical (Original West End Cast Recording)-单曲《Meant to be Yours》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Meant to be Yours》
歌手:Jamie Muscato / Original West End Cast of Heathers
专辑:Heathers the Musical (Original West End Cast Recording)

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《Meant to be Yours》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Kevin Murphy/Laurence O'Keefe [00:00.716]JD: [00:00.972]All is forgiven baby! [00:02.213]Come on out,and get dressed! [00:03.482]You are my date to the pep rally tonight! [00:05.719] [00:05.962]VERONICA: [00:06.220]What?Why? [00:07.222] [00:07.471]JD: [00:07.719]Our classmates thought they were signing this petition. [00:10.435]You gotta come out here and see what they really signed! [00:14.147] [00:14.644](sung) You chucked me out like I was trash, [00:17.356]For that you should be dead— [00:18.596]But! But! But! [00:19.340]Then it hit me like a flash, [00:21.836]What if high school went away instead, [00:24.586]Those assholes are the key! [00:26.595]They’re keeping you away from me! [00:29.091]They made you blind, messed up your mind, [00:31.355]But I can set you free! [00:33.592] [00:33.841]You left me and I fell apart, [00:36.349]I punched the wall and cried— [00:38.098]Bam! Bam! Bam! [00:39.095]Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside! [00:44.091]And so I built a bomb, [00:46.350]Tonight our school is Vietnam! [00:48.598]Let’s guarantee they’ll never see their senior prom! [00:53.345] [00:53.588]I was meant to be yours! [00:57.343]We were meant to be one! [01:01.594]Don’t give up on me now! [01:05.600]Finish what we’ve begun! [01:10.350]I was mean to be yours! [01:14.342] [01:14.590]So when the high school gym goes boom with everyone inside— [01:18.342]Pchw! Pchw! Pchw! [01:19.594]In the rubble of their tomb, [01:21.591]We’ll plant this note explaining why they died! [01:24.595] [01:24.844]JD AND STUDENTS: [01:25.540](spoken) We, the students of Westerburg High [01:28.038]Will die. Our burnt bodies may finally get through [01:31.540]To you. Your society churns out slaves and blanks [01:35.536]No thanks. Signed the Students of Westerburg High [01:39.548]‘Goodbye.’ [01:41.039] [01:41.297]JD: [01:41.537](sung) We’ll watch the smoke poor out the doors. [01:44.216]Bring marshmallows, [01:45.226]We’ll make s’mores! [01:46.222]We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars! [01:50.732] [01:51.416]I was meant to be yours! [01:55.404]We were meant to be one! [01:59.666]I can’t take this alone! [02:03.919]Finish what we’ve begun! [02:07.666]You were meant to be mine! [02:11.417]I am all that you need! [02:14.664]You carved open my heart! [02:18.404]Can’t just leave me to bleed! [02:21.425] [02:21.910]Veronica, open the—open the door, please, [02:24.161]Veronica, open the door. [02:25.858]Veronica, can we not fight anymore, [02:27.862]Please, can we not fight anymore, [02:29.802]Veronica, sure, you’re scared, [02:31.559]I’ve been there. I can set you free! [02:34.053]Veronica, don’t make me come in there! [02:36.564]I’m gonna count to three! [02:38.516](spoken) One! Two! F**k it! [02:41.274] [02:41.774](JD kicks open the closet door. Veronica dangles from an improvised bedsheet noose) [02:42.502] [02:47.009]JD: [02:49.010](spoken) Oh my God! ‘No! ‘Veronica’! [02:53.767](sung) Please don’t leave me alone, [02:59.723]You were all I could trust, [03:06.713]I can’t do this alone, [03:10.964] [03:11.460]JD AND STUDENTS: [03:12.459]STILL I WILL IF I MUST! [by:伤感咩吖] [00:00.716] [00:00.972]啥都过去了 宝! [00:02.213]来吧 打扮一下! [00:03.482]你是我今晚动员会的搭档! [00:05.719] [00:05.962] [00:06.220]什么?为什么? [00:07.222] [00:07.471] [00:07.719]咱同学们觉得他们在签署请愿书 [00:10.435]你得过来观察他们到底签的是啥! [00:14.147] [00:14.644]你对我弃之不顾 把我当垃圾对待 [00:17.356]就光这点 你就该死 [00:18.596]但是!但是!但是! [00:19.340]我灵光一闪 [00:21.836]还不如毁灭这个高中 [00:24.586]这些混蛋才是关键! [00:26.595]他们让你离我远去! [00:29.091]他们让你盲目 搅乱你的思想 [00:31.355]但是 我可以使你获得解放! [00:33.592] [00:33.841]你离开了我 我心碎不已 [00:36.349]我只好捶墙大哭 [00:38.098]咣!咣!咣! [00:39.095]然后我发现你改变了我的内心 释放出我内心的真实想法 [00:44.091]所以我做了个炸弹 [00:46.350]今晚我们学校就是战场! [00:48.598]我敢担保 他们再也看不到我们的毕业舞会 [00:53.345] [00:53.588]我生来就属于你! [00:57.343]我们就是命中注定的一对! [01:01.594]现在可别放弃我啊 [01:05.600]结束我们所引起的开端 [01:10.350]我生来属于你! [01:14.342] [01:14.590]所以当高中体育馆爆炸时 所有人都会在里面—— [01:18.342]嘭!嘭!嘭! [01:19.594]碎石块下就是他们的坟墓 [01:21.591]我们得写张纸条来解释他们的死亡 [01:24.595] [01:24.844] [01:25.540]我们 韦斯特堡高中的学生们即将死亡! [01:28.038]我们燃烧的尸体 最后大概会直穿你的心脏 [01:31.540]将会变为一个充满奴隶与空壳的社会 [01:35.536]不用了 谢谢 署名 韦斯特堡全体学生 [01:39.548]再见咯 [01:41.039] [01:41.297] [01:41.537]我们会一同观看浓烟从门内冒出 [01:44.216]带上棉花糖 [01:45.226]我们还能做多点 [01:46.222]熊熊烈火燃烧之际 我们可以微笑与拥抱 [01:50.732] [01:51.416]我曾生来就属于你! [01:55.404]我们曾就是命中注定的一对! [01:59.666]我无法孤身承受这一切! [02:03.919]结束由我们所引起的一切! [02:07.666]你生来就属于我! [02:11.417]我就是你的全部需要! [02:14.664]你刻在了我的心房 [02:18.404]请别留我一人流血不止! [02:21.425] [02:21.910]维罗妮卡 开开——开门吧 求求了 [02:24.161]维罗妮卡 开门 [02:25.858]维罗妮卡 我们能别再吵了吗 [02:27.862]求求了 别再争吵了好吗 [02:29.802]维罗妮卡 当然 你会害怕 [02:31.559]可我在这儿啊 我能使你解脱! [02:34.053]维罗妮卡 可别让我破门而入哈! [02:36.564]我数到三! [02:38.516]一 二 妈的! [02:41.274] [02:41.774] [02:42.502] [02:47.009] [02:49.010]我的天啊 别 维罗妮卡! [02:53.767]请别丢下我一人不管 [02:59.723]你是我唯一信赖的人了 [03:06.713]这种事我不能自己一个人干啊! [03:10.964] [03:11.460] [03:12.459]要是万不得已 那我还是会做!(后画外音:维罗妮卡 我给你做了些小吃 啊——)


