You Are Not Machines, You Are Men歌词 歌手Across The Waves-专辑War Ends, Misery Stays-单曲《You Are Not Machines, You Are Men》LRC歌词下载

导读:《You Are Not Machines, You Are Men》歌词 歌手Across The Waves的专辑War Ends, Misery Stays单曲《You Are Not Machines, You Are Men》LR…

You Are Not Machines, You Are Men歌词 歌手Across The Waves-专辑War Ends, Misery Stays-单曲《You Are Not Machines, You Are Men》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《You Are Not Machines, You Are Men》
歌手:Across The Waves
专辑:War Ends, Misery Stays

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《You Are Not Machines, You Are Men》歌词:

[00:43.000]I'm sorry,but i don't want to be an emperor.That's not my business. [00:50.000]I dont't want to rule or conquer anyone. [00:52.000]I should like to help everyone if possible- Jew,Gentile-black man-white. [00:57.000]We all want to help one another.Human beings are like that. [01:01.000]We want to live by each other's happiness,not by each other's misery. [01:04.000]We dont't want to hate and despise one another. [01:07.000]In this world there is room for everyone,and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. [01:12.000]The way of life can be free and beautiful,but we have lost the way. [01:17.000]Greed has poisoned men's souls,has barricaded the world with hate,has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. [01:25.000]We have developed speed,but we have shut ourselves in. [01:29.000]Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. [01:32.000]Our knowledge has made us cynical,our cleverness hard and unkind. [01:36.000]We think too much and feel too little. [01:39.000]More than machinery we need humanity. [01:41.000]More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. [01:45.000]Without these qualities,life will be violent and all will be lost. [01:49.000]The airplane and the radio has brought us closer together. [01:53.000]The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men. [01:55.000]Cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. [01:59.000]Even now my voive is reaching millions throughout the world, [02:02.000]millions of despairing men,women and little children, [02:05.000]victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. [02:10.500]To those who can hear me , I say "Do not deapair". [02:14.000]The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed. [02:18.000]The bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. [02:21.000]The hate of men will pass. [02:23.000]And dictators die and the power they took from the people,will return to the people. [02:28.000]And so long as men die liverty will never perish. [02:46.000]Soldiers!dont't give yourselves to brutes [02:48.000]men who despise you and enslave you - who regiment your lives. [02:52.000]Tell you what to do,what to think and what to feel. [02:54.000]Who drill you,treat you as cattle,use you as cannon fodder. [02:59.000]Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men. [03:01.000]Machine men,with machine minds and machine hearts. [03:05.000]You are not machines.You are not cattle.You are men. [03:09.000]You have the love of humanity in your hearts. [03:11.000]You don't hate - only the unloved hate.Only the unloved and the unnatural. [03:16.000]Soldiers!don't fight for slavery,fight for liberty. [03:19.000]In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written [03:20.000]"The kingdom of God is within man" [03:23.000]Not one man,nor a group of men - but in all men - in you. [03:27.000]You the people have the power,the power to create machines,the power to create happiness. [03:31.000]You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful [03:35.000]To make this life a wonderful adventure. [03:38.000]Then in the name of democracy let's use that power - let us all unite. [03:43.000]Let us fight for a new world - a decent world [03:46.000]that will give men a chance to work,that will give you the future and old age and security. [03:51.000]By the promise of these things,brutes have risen to power,but they lie. [03:55.000]They don not fulfil their promise,they never will. [03:58.000]Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. [04:02.000]Now let us fight to fulfil that promise.Let us fight to free the world [04:07.000]To do away with national barriers,do away with greed,with hate and intolerance. [04:13.000]Let us fight for a world of reason,a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness. [04:21.000]Soldiers! in the name of democracy,let us all unite! [06:23.000]Hannah,can you hear me?Wherever you are,look up,Hannah. [06:32.000]The clouds are lifting.The sun is breaking through. [06:37.000].We are coming out of the darkness into the light. [06:40.000]We are coming into a new world,a kindlier world. [06:45.000]where men will rise above their hate,their greed and burtality. [06:51.000]Look up,Hannah.The soul of man has been given wings,and at last he is beginning to fly. [06:59.000]He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope,into the furure [07:05.000]the glorious future that belongs to you,to me and to all of us. [07:11.000]Look up,Hannah.Look up. [by:难过无树] [00:43.000]对不起,我不想当世界之王,那不是我的事 [00:50.000]我不想统治任何人 [00:52.000]我只想帮助所有人,犹太人非犹太人黑人白人 [00:57.000]我们乐于彼此帮助,这是人类的天性 [01:01.000]我们想使别人幸福而不是痛苦 [01:04.000]我们并不想彼此仇恨怨怼 [01:07.000]每个人都有权生存世界本来可以很好,可以接纳每一个人 [01:12.000]生活本来可以自由美好,可我们错过了 [01:17.000]野心毒化了人的灵魂,使这个世界充满了仇恨,使我们步入了血腥和不幸 [01:25.000]我们发展了科技却封闭了自己 [01:29.000]机械化带来了效率却使我们更贪婪 [01:32.000]知识使我们更加玩世不恭和无情 [01:36.000]我们思考得越多感觉却越迟钝 [01:39.000]不仅要机器,还要仁慈 [01:41.000]不仅要智慧,还有人道和宽容 [01:45.000]否则生活将充满暴力,人会堕落 [01:49.000]飞机和收音机使人联系得更加紧密 [01:53.000]这些发明本来是为了使人类变得更美好 [01:55.000]本来是为了使人类相亲相爱 [01:59.000]千千万万的人现在正在听我说 [02:02.000]包括那些绝望的男人和女人们 [02:05.000]他们是一个制度的牺牲者,饱受着各种折磨 [02:10.500]我要对他们说,别绝望! [02:14.000]这所有的不幸都是由于贪婪造成的 [02:18.000]都是由那些害怕人类进步的人造成的 [02:21.000]仇恨终将消失 [02:23.000]暴君将死去,他们剥夺的权力将被还给人民 [02:28.000]就算会有死亡,自由也不会消失 [02:46.000]士兵们!别为暴君们卖命 [02:48.000]他们蔑视奴役你们,统治你们 [02:52.000]统治你们的思想你们的行动 [02:54.000]压榨你们,把你们当成牛马,把你们当成他们的炮灰 [02:59.000]不要听从那些邪恶的人 [03:01.000]僵硬的人,僵硬的思想,僵硬的心 [03:05.000]你们不是机器,不是牛马,是人 [03:09.000]你们心中都有爱的冲动 [03:11.000]不要恨——只有冷酷的人才恨,只有那些冷酷无情的人 [03:16.000]士兵们,不要当奴隶,为自由而战 [03:19.000]路加福音第十七章说 [03:20.000]“神的国度就在人间” [03:23.000]不是一个人或一群人——是所有人——有你 [03:27.000]你们是创造者,你们创造了机器,你们创造了幸福 [03:31.000]你们可以使生活变得自由和美丽 [03:35.000]把生命变成美丽的旅程 [03:38.000]以民主的名义——发挥我们的创造 [03:43.000]我们团结起来——为新世纪而战 [03:46.000]正义的世界,所有人能劳动,年轻人有前途,老人有保障 [03:51.000]靠着这些承诺,暴君夺取政权,他们撒谎 [03:55.000]他们不会兑现诺言,永远不会 [03:58.000]独裁者解放自己,却奴役人民 [04:02.000]我们需要战斗去实现这个诺言,让我们为新世界而战斗 [04:07.000]打破种族间的隔阂,放弃野心、仇恨和狭隘,为理性的世界而战 [04:13.000]这世界的科学进步,给我们带来的,应该是幸福 [04:21.000]士兵们!以民主的名义,让我们团结起来! [06:23.000]哈娜 你听见我在说吗?不论你在哪,抬起头看看 [06:32.000]云雾消散 日光渐显 [06:37.000]我们正在从黑暗走向光明 [06:40.000]我们正在前往一个新世界 一个更美好的世界 [06:45.000]那儿的人们会克制他们的憎恶 贪婪 残忍 [06:51.000]看看 哈娜 人们的灵魂已被插上了翅膀 最终将会飞翔 [06:59.000]正在飞向彩虹——飞进有希望的光 飞向未来 [07:05.000]未来美好的光辉会属于你我和其他所有人 [07:11.000]看 哈娜 快看


