The Wellerman歌词 歌手Alexander Nakarada-专辑The Wellerman-单曲《The Wellerman》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《The Wellerman》歌词 歌手Alexander Nakarada的专辑The Wellerman单曲《The Wellerman》LRC歌词下载,《The Wellerman》歌词分享。…

The Wellerman歌词 歌手Alexander Nakarada-专辑The Wellerman-单曲《The Wellerman》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《The Wellerman》
歌手:Alexander Nakarada
专辑:The Wellerman

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《The Wellerman》歌词:

[00:11.96]There once was a ship that put to sea [00:14.27]And the name of the ship was the Billy of Tea [00:16.75]The winds blew up, her bow dipped down [00:19.04]O blow, me bully boys, blow [00:21.58]Soon may the Wellerman come [00:23.98]To bring us sugar and tea and rum [00:26.37]One day, when the tonguin' is done [00:28.65]We'll take our leave and go [00:31.11]She'd not been two weeks from shore [00:33.21]When down on her, a right whale bore [00:35.93]The captain called all hands and swore [00:38.21]He'd take that whale in tow [00:40.71]Soon may the Wellerman come [00:43.05]To bring us sugar and tea and rum [00:45.49]One day, when the tonguin' is done [00:47.78]We'll take our leave and go [00:50.43]Before the boat had hit the water [00:52.57]The whale's tail came up and caught her [00:55.12]All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her [00:57.51]When she dived down low [00:59.99]Soon may the Wellerman come [01:02.28]To bring us sugar and tea and rum [01:04.73]One day, when the tonguin' is done [01:07.07]We'll take our leave and go [01:09.63]Soon may the Wellerman come [01:11.97]To bring us sugar and tea and rum [01:14.46]One day, when the tonguin' is done [01:16.75]We'll take our leave and go [01:19.13]No line was cut, no whale was freed [01:21.53]And the Captain's mind was not of greed [01:23.94]But he belonged to the whaleman's creed [01:26.27]She took that ship in tow [01:28.72]Soon may the Wellerman come [01:31.10]To bring us sugar and tea and rum [01:33.54]One day, when the tonguin' is done [01:35.93]We'll take our leave and go [01:38.45]Soon may the Wellerman come [01:40.74]To bring us sugar and tea and rum [01:43.23]One day, when the tonguin' is done [01:45.51]We'll take our leave and go [by:殇心少年] [00:11.96]曾经有艘船破浪出航 [00:14.27]那艘船的名字叫做“比利 · 欧蒂”【Billy of Tea:将茶叶泡在临时水壶里 预示最终要做的 "调羹" 就是鲸鱼被捕获后的宰杀 与后文呼应】 [00:16.75]阴风怒号 樯倾楫摧 [00:19.04]但水手们仍大喊着“尽情吹吧 来得更猛烈些吧” [00:21.58]Wellerman很快就会到【Wellerman:是指当时澳大利亚海岸捕鲸公司Weller Bros的补给船 因此被捕鲸手称作Wellerman】 [00:23.98]给我们带来糖 茶和朗姆酒【rum:原产地古巴 是一种以甘蔗糖蜜为原料生产的烈性蒸馏酒】 [00:26.37]等到狩猎结束的那一天【tonguin':屠宰鲸鱼 也就是上岸割下它的舌头 象征此次狩猎结束】 [00:28.65]我们就去休憩 [00:31.11]驶离海岸还不到两周 [00:33.21]一条露脊鲸向船只冲过来【right whale:因为是捕鲸手最常捕杀的猎物而得此名 世界最大动物之一 现因滥捕而濒临绝灭】 [00:35.93]船长召集了所有水手 [00:38.21]立誓定将那条鲸鱼捕获 [00:40.71]Wellerman很快就会到 [00:43.05]给我们带来糖 茶和朗姆酒 [00:45.49]等到狩猎结束的那一天 [00:47.78]我们就去休憩 [00:50.43]小艇还未放下水时 [00:52.57]鲸鱼扬起尾巴击中了船只 [00:55.12]所有水手都聚集在一起 用鱼叉与其激战 [00:57.51]然后鲸鱼深潜入海底 [00:59.99]Wellerman很快就会到 [01:02.28]给我们带来糖 茶和朗姆酒 [01:04.73]等到狩猎结束的那一天 [01:07.07]我们就去休憩 [01:09.63]Wellerman很快就会到 [01:11.97]给我们带来糖 茶和朗姆酒 [01:14.46]等到狩猎结束的那一天 [01:16.75]我们就去休憩 [01:19.13]没有割断绳索 鲸鱼也没有被释放 [01:21.53]并不是船长心性贪婪 [01:23.94]这是属于捕鲸者的信仰 [01:26.27]拖曳那艘船前行 [01:28.72]Wellerman很快就会到 [01:31.10]给我们带来糖 茶和朗姆酒 [01:33.54]等到狩猎结束的那一天 [01:35.93]我们就去休憩 [01:38.45]Wellerman很快就会到 [01:40.74]给我们带来糖 茶和朗姆酒 [01:43.23]等到狩猎结束的那一天 [01:45.51]我们就去休憩


