How Did You Get Here歌词 歌手Little Simz-专辑Sometimes I Might Be Introvert-单曲《How Did You Get Here》LRC歌词下载

南柯一梦2022-03-05  100

导读:《How Did You Get Here》歌词 歌手Little Simz的专辑Sometimes I Might Be Introvert单曲《How Did You Get Here》LRC歌词下载,《How Did You Get…

How Did You Get Here歌词 歌手Little Simz-专辑Sometimes I Might Be Introvert-单曲《How Did You Get Here》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《How Did You Get Here》
歌手:Little Simz
专辑:Sometimes I Might Be Introvert

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《How Did You Get Here》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Simbiatu Ajikawo/Dean Josiah Cover [00:01.000] 作曲 : Simbiatu Ajikawo/Dean Josiah Cover [00:13.870]How did you get [00:15.467]How did you get get [00:17.128]How did you get [00:18.782]How did you get here? [00:27.007]How did you get [00:28.647]How did you get get [00:30.256]How did you get [00:31.868]How did you get here? [00:38.580]How the hell did I get here [00:40.084]Sometimes I sit and I wonder [00:41.862]I'm the version of me I always imagined when I was younger [00:45.145]All the doubt I had thrown at me [00:46.925]All the time I invested [00:48.442]I sit and read my old lyric books like damn it must've been destined [00:51.724]Stuck to it I improvised my way here no rules [00:55.015]Back when it was serious handing mixtapes out in my school [00:58.314]All I had was my brain and my hunger had to use that as tools [01:01.667]Amount of people that told me no and I turned that into my fuel [01:04.808]Slacking in my school work didn't care much [01:07.343]Sisters are getting on to me [01:08.934]But trust me this music ting is my prophecy [01:11.512]I didn't need to convince them cos they saw it all from just watching me [01:14.770]Now I got them on side confidence rises there ain't no stopping me I'm unstoppable [01:18.740]Got a strong head on my shoulders and being good hearted don't cost as all [01:22.114]Times I thought I had lost it all [01:23.472]When I didn't even have shxt to my name [01:25.246]Studio runs on foot trekking through the rain [01:27.684]Made me into what I became [01:29.453]All I wanted to be around was like minded people on the same page [01:33.534]And I found that in space age [01:35.307]Back then we never made a penny but it didn't matter us because our soul was nourished [01:38.707]Shooting music videos in Chucks' garden with no budget [01:41.897]Came up with some real ones [01:43.406]All the talent we had to harvest [01:45.087]We didn't alway see eye to eye but they always had my back regardless [01:48.909]That was a pivotal time [01:50.057]Breaks my heart it didn't work but we tried [01:51.761]Still I never aborted the mission [01:53.427]All that I've taken is all God has given [01:55.017]When Tola's speaking to me then I listen [01:56.634]Told to follow my own intuition [01:58.301]Go at the pace I set for myself [01:59.878]I don't need drums to follow the rhythm [02:01.594]Couldn't of planned this it was just written [02:03.220]Many dreams I'm sitting on [02:04.794]I'm made up of the same stars that I wish upon [02:07.238]Times I thought my prayers weren't getting answered but boy was I wrong [02:10.606]All it took is me knowing I'm meant to be here it's where I belong [02:13.732]It's where I belong yeah [02:16.715]And sometimes I forget [02:21.839]But I have to think back and remind myself of the journey [02:26.993]It's been a beautiful one [02:29.301]Jheeze [02:31.893]Sometimes I sit and I wonder [02:33.570]I'm the version of me I always imagined when I was younger [02:36.827]All the albums I studied [02:38.531]Learning bout flow and cadence [02:40.146]I sit and listen to my old shxt like damn all it took was patience [02:43.476]Story over the glory [02:45.057]Other paths that weren't for me [02:46.711]Wasn't much of an academic or road invested or sporty [02:49.923]Made the most with all I blessed with the tools in my inventory [02:53.267]Things the teachers don't teach you [02:54.921]And now the student might lead you [02:56.264]If you wanna leave the class your free too [02:58.332]Everything here's subjective [02:59.925]If you stand we're we standing you might understand the perspective [03:03.269]How the hell did you get far [03:04.887]You ain't get no head start [03:06.494]All decisions we made was based on our circumstance [03:08.708]We hoped to surpass [03:09.500]It took most of our lifetime to wake up, smell the roses, realise that the world is ours [03:13.859]Us and them but we worlds apart [03:19.560]Nothing in life comes easy and you work twice as hard to you black [03:22.888]Used to think mum exaggerated till the world showed me it's fact [03:26.187]Still it's mine for the taking [03:27.944]Lock the doors and we break in [03:29.531]Still got love for them non believers yeah the ones that said we won't make it [03:32.876]Everything you want is out there waiting for you to take it [03:36.031]The key is to have faith in your dreams and never stop chasing and you'll make it trust [03:42.723]All it was was perseverance [03:45.077]Pushing never giving up [03:49.063]They built them walls so high up and we tore em down [03:53.144]They told us no [03:54.806]We said yes [03:56.240]It's okay [03:58.654]Some get it some don't [03:59.734]I didn't take you long to get here [04:04.524]But we keep pushing on [04:06.054]How did you believe you would get here? [04:10.793]And in times of doubt [04:12.573]You didn't sell your soul but you held on [04:16.873]Always [04:19.372]It didn't take you long to get here [04:23.447]And here we are [04:27.358]It's the story of never ending [04:29.297]It's been a long road [04:33.342]Ha [04:35.000]Feel good don't it? [04:37.414]Yeah [04:39.091]I didn't take you long to get here - tell your kids to play this [04:45.577]How did you believe you would get here? [04:51.170]Simz [by:beachouseinidaho] [00:13.870]你如何走到 [00:15.467]你如何走到 [00:17.128]你如何走到 [00:18.782]你如何走到今天? [00:27.007]你如何走到 [00:28.647]你如何走到 [00:30.256]你如何走到 [00:31.868]你如何走到? [00:38.580]我到底是如何走到今天? [00:40.084]也有时冥思苦想 [00:41.862]现在的我就是我曾想成为的那个 [00:45.145]无数的自我质疑 [00:46.925]无数的时间成本 [00:48.442]坐下翻着几沓歌词本,心想这一定早就注定 [00:51.724]保持信念,一路即兴发挥,不受拘束 [00:55.015]从前一根筋,在学校分发混音带 [00:58.314]手上只有头脑和饥饿感,就用作唯一的工具 [01:01.667]人们回绝我,我把这变成动力 [01:04.808]学业懈怠了,也不在乎 [01:07.343]姐妹们好言相劝 [01:08.934]但相信,音乐这条路我早已看清 [01:11.512]我不用说服别人,只需要做出成绩 [01:14.770]现在无往不利,心气高涨,没谁拦得住我,我不可阻挡(歌词中on side应为on sight) [01:18.740]头脑清醒强大,善良正直也无需代价 [01:22.114]几次以为失去了一切 [01:23.472]那时我如同草芥 [01:25.246]步行来往录音室,被雨浇个湿透 [01:27.684]这塑造了我 [01:29.453]只想和志同道合的人一道,往来无白丁 [01:33.534]我在Space Age找到了这种感觉 (Space Age是由Little Simz, Chuck20, Josh Arcé, Tilla Arcé组成的组合) [01:35.307]那时我们身无分文,但精神保持滋润 [01:38.707]在Chuck20的后院里拍零预算的MV [01:41.897]做出来些真东西 [01:43.406]把才能都兑现 [01:45.087]我们不总面对面,但他们无条件伴我左右 [01:48.909]那是个关键节点 [01:50.057]失败令人心碎,但我们起码尝试过 [01:51.761]我仍没放弃那使命 [01:53.427]一切都是上帝赋予的 [01:55.017]听从母亲(Tola Ajikawo)的教诲 [01:56.634]她让我跟着直觉 [01:58.301]顺着自己设定的步调 [01:59.878]不需要鼓点来找到那节拍 [02:01.594]没有什么在计划之内,路都是我一步步走出 [02:03.220]从前许下的梦想成了我脚下的台阶 [02:04.794]从前祈愿的星星成了我身上的血肉 [02:07.238]总怀疑虔诚的祈祷没有得到回复,天,我可真错了 [02:10.606]得到这些只因信念,这,就是我属于的地方, [02:13.732]这,就是我属于的地方 [02:16.715]有时我也会忘记 [02:21.839]但必须回头看看提醒自己这旅途 [02:26.993]这段路很美 [02:29.301]芜湖 [02:31.893]有时我苦思冥想 [02:33.570]现在的我就是我曾想成为的那个 [02:36.827]钻研了那么多专辑 [02:38.531]学习flow和抑扬顿挫 [02:40.146]我坐下听从前的拙作,发觉一切只需耐心 [02:43.476]那些经历重过光环 [02:45.057]其他道路不适合我 [02:46.711]不爱学习,不想搞事业,也不怎么矫健 [02:49.923]得到的大多归功于赤手空拳,加上几样趁手的工具 [02:53.267]老师不会教你这些 [02:54.921]我这个学生也许能启发你 [02:56.264]如果你不想听我讲,请便吧 [02:58.332]我说的一切都是主观的 [02:59.925]如果你来到我这里,也许就明白我的视角 [03:03.269]哪可能到达彼岸 [03:04.887]你甚至还没启程 [03:06.494]我做的决定都被环境影响 [03:08.708]努力去克服它 [03:09.500]很多人花一生寻找清醒,我细嗅蔷薇,发觉这个世界属于我们 [03:13.859]然而我与他们的世界被分割 [03:19.560]生活中一切都不易,需要付出双倍只因我的肤色 [03:22.888]曾以为妈妈夸大,而世界告诉我了事实 [03:26.187]但你仍可以去争取 [03:27.944]即使门被上锁我也将它冲破 [03:29.531]向那些曾看低我们的人给予支持和爱 [03:32.876]你想要的一切就在那里等着你征服 [03:36.031]只要对梦想保有信念,永远别停止追逐,一定可以,相信吧 [03:42.723]一切都是坚持 [03:45.077]砥砺前行,永远别放弃 [03:49.063]推倒他们建起的高墙 [03:53.144] [03:54.806]反抗他们所有的否定 [03:56.240]没问题的 [03:58.654]有人能做到,有人不能 [03:59.734]其实也不需太久就能到达 [04:04.524]我们只埋头前进 [04:06.054]从前谁相信你能做到? [04:10.793]在怀疑的时候 [04:12.573]不要变卖灵魂,握紧它 [04:16.873]永远 [04:19.372]其实也不需太久就能到达 [04:23.447]我们已经到了 [04:27.358]故事不会完结 [04:29.297]我们已走出很远 [04:33.342]哈哈 [04:35.000]感觉不错吧 [04:37.414]yeah [04:39.091]其实也不需太久就能到达,给孩子们听听这个 [04:45.577]从前谁相信你能做到? [04:51.170]


