HALAL歌词 歌手Marlon Craft-专辑HALAL-单曲《HALAL》LRC歌词下载

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HALAL歌词 歌手Marlon Craft-专辑HALAL-单曲《HALAL》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Marlon Craft

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[00:00.000] 作词 : Andrew Archer/Kevin Theodore/Marlon Cirker [00:01.000] 作曲 : Marlon Cirker [00:14.451]Oh my God [00:23.964]A lotta y'all just want some shit to critique [00:26.463]But your ass can't listen in the midst of a speech [00:28.956]As long as the cool table still got limited seats [00:31.703]And you try to argue your way in, you'll be sitting with sheep [00:35.454]Yeah, we so quick to just speak, addicted to peaks [00:38.464]But life lived in the middle is sweet [00:40.452]Chasing highs, avoiding lows, never time to even learn [00:43.454]Usually ones getting loud but don't even believe their words [00:46.708]I'm from New York, we was taught not to feed the birds, but [00:49.716]Ain't no hungry pigeon in sight these days, politely, hey [00:52.960]This shit we giving hype be fake [00:54.951]I wonder a lotta days what good is progression [00:57.701]If it's all built on lies [00:58.953]Lost our ability to evaluate [01:01.204]Need to re-calibrate our rigid little Tweets [01:03.703]I think you're past your fate, everyone wanna eat [01:06.202]But it's red if they won't have the stakes that I have embraced [01:08.905]Man, have a plate [01:10.661]Or keep acting like this shit don't matter [01:12.401]Acting like we ain't the blueprint for the kids going after [01:15.166]Acting like we ain't the ones who made it cool tonight [01:18.171]Knowing not try and not grow as long as you got hoes, right? [01:21.664]I feel responsibility to declare your flopping [01:24.920]And I do my duty free like airport shopping [01:27.158]Won't take the culture name in vain, you a junkie, um [01:29.908]Dudes just wanna be liked even if that means they gon' be wrong [01:33.164]Claim they cold but that's fear, they present the same [01:35.667]shivering, covering up, unrelenting games, yeah [01:39.654]They want the fame, they all want the pain [01:41.660]They wanna be Marlon, they don't wanna work at the other name [01:44.658]Mission to avoid a cubicle turned to a collar [01:47.158]A bar then a musical, Esperanza Spalding [01:50.416]Yeah, I'm the best, I'll debate your mother [01:52.906]She probably saw me on MSNBC and loved it [01:56.658]I'd rather have these dialogues within the culture [01:58.405]But this payola these days is undercover [02:01.662]I guess it ain't payola when it's just the whole structure [02:04.412]Like the same thing on the table is somehow better than under [02:07.910]I shout shit they ain't got the balls to utter [02:10.165]Apalled, disgusted how I live, I don't know how you ain't [02:14.411]The money stay up but the value ain't [02:16.661]I run circles round you dude till I'm out of shapes [02:19.909]Yeah, so **** you and your little pouty face [02:22.916]No one ever cared about mine [02:24.662]I had to prove I wasn't pussy every day my whole life [02:27.400]If they look at me like a trust fund baby one more time [02:30.418]I might slap the shit out your face, open hand [02:33.665]So you overstand you ain't worth the risk of a broken hand [02:36.905]Only spend time with my people, really know the plan [02:40.149]You just fear this light 'cause all you know is lamp [02:44.409]And that ain't halal brother [02:47.404]That ain't halal brother [02:50.915]I'm talking to the god [by:愢低问Steven] [00:14.451]我的天呐 [00:23.964]你们当中有太多人的批评就是没事找茬儿 [00:26.463]但其实你们根本没有仔细聆听 [00:28.956]真正“酷”的那帮人圈子很小 [00:31.703]你据理力争去硬融 最后发现身边还是一群没脑子跟风的人 [00:35.454]我们说话不过脑子 对一时口嗨上瘾 [00:38.464]但其实折中调和的生活才是王道 [00:40.452]追逐高潮 躲避低谷 甚至从来都没意识到 [00:43.454]那些特能说的人甚至都不相信他们自己说的话 [00:46.708]我来自纽约 这儿的人都知道不去喂鸟 但是 [00:49.716]如今根本没有一只鸽子会挨饿 [00:52.960]炒作的事儿没有一件是真实的 [00:54.951]我挺好奇的 成绩和成功有什么用 [00:57.701]如果这一切都建立在谎言之上 [00:58.953]我们会失去自己观察分析和评估的能力 [01:01.204]为了迎合需要 去咬文嚼字反复编辑发在社交网络上的东西(推文) [01:03.703]我认为你已经错过了你的注定 所有人都只想混口饭吃 [01:06.202]不去像我一样真正全身心的投入赌注那一定会是亏损的(吃饭和投资谐音语意一语双关:red/steak & red/stake 投资绿赚红赔;这里red指回报亏损) [01:08.905]那你还是继续恰烂钱吧 [01:10.661]或者继续装作为了恰钱做虚假人设 这件事无关紧要 [01:12.401]装作我们不是这行业里后辈的蓝图 [01:15.166]装作我们不是让hip-hop酷起来的人 [01:18.171]想着只要有妞儿 甚至可以不用再去尝试努力和成长 对么 [01:21.664]我有责任去点明你们的堕落 [01:24.920]我义务履行我的责任就像在机场购物一样(一语双关;duty free也有免税的意思) [01:27.158]对于hip hop文化 我拒绝安于枉然 而他们只是瘾君子(谐音一语双关;in vain是枉然,in vein是指静脉注射;歌词中说的瘾君子是安于枉然对待的人) [01:29.908]他们只是想被点赞 就算意味着需要他们去做错的事 [01:33.164]声称是因为冷 其实是因为恐惧 他们的表现都一样 [01:35.667]发抖着 想藏住真相 像玩硬挺着装下去的游戏 yeah [01:39.654]他们想要热度 但不想经历痛苦的磨砺 [01:41.660]他们想成为Marlon(我) 但不想成为下一个自己 [01:44.658]我逃避在办公室里的生活和穿带领子的衬衫 [01:47.158]我从酒吧演出到开音乐会 像埃斯佩兰萨·斯伯丁一样(美国歌手/葛莱美奖最佳新人;最早经常在家乡的酒吧演出) [01:50.416]对 我就是最棒的 我可以跟你妈辩论 [01:52.906]她可能在MSNBC电视台上看见过我 还挺喜欢我的 [01:56.658]我宁愿在这个文化里展开诚实的对话 [01:58.405]但音乐产业里的暗箱操作都见不得光(payola指为了获得音乐播放推广向商业广播电台行的贿) [02:01.662]我想这也不算是暗箱操作 如果这个行业里大家都在这么干 [02:04.412]就好比说台面上的比台面下的好一样(指这种行贿在台面上、台面下都一样) [02:07.910]这种甚至没人有胆量小声哔哔的事儿 我就得喊出来 [02:10.165]我厌恶我们所处的大环境 不知道你们是怎么受得了的 [02:14.411]价格还是那么高 但价值已经贬了 [02:16.661]说唱和保持真实我比你们强太多了(run circles around someone指在一些领域远强于某些人) [02:19.909]yeah 所以去你和你皱起的眉头的 [02:22.916]从来也没人在意过我和我皱起的眉头 [02:24.662]我这辈子每天都要证明我不是个软蛋 [02:27.400]如果你们再以为我是嘴含金汤匙的富二代(trust fund babies:“信托基金宝贝”,指家底殷实、娇生惯养的富二代) [02:30.418]我也许就会狠狠地给你们几个大耳贴子 手还得张得巨开 [02:33.665]所以你们充分理解了 你们不值得我冒骨折的险打那么使劲 [02:36.905]我只跟我最真的兄弟一块混 他们明晰我的计划 [02:40.149]你们对这道光感到恐惧 因为你们只知道混吃等死(一语双关 lamp 台灯/【俚】什么都不干,在家抽叶子) [02:44.409]那不清真 哥们儿 [02:47.404]那不清真 哥们儿 [02:50.915]我在跟神对话

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