Universe Works (feat. Stephanie Gayle)歌词 歌手Bop AlloySubstantialMarcus DStephanie Gayle-专辑Substantial & Marcus D Are Bop Allo

比你孤独也比你酷2022-03-08  102

导读:《Universe Works (feat. Stephanie Gayle)》歌词 歌手Bop AlloySubstantialMarcus DStephanie Gayle的专辑Substantial & Ma…

歌曲:《Universe Works (feat. Stephanie Gayle)》
歌手:Bop Alloy / Substantial / Marcus D / Stephanie Gayle
专辑:Substantial & Marcus D Are Bop Alloy

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《Universe Works (feat. Stephanie Gayle)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Stanley Bryan Robinson/Stephanie Gayle Hilliard [00:01.000] 作曲 : Marcus D. Marino [00:07.80]Take a look in the mirror, do you like you? [00:09.99]Are things getting any clearer, are you strike-through? [00:12.48]Do you live on lies, are you in disguise? [00:14.93]Do you ig' em or respond to your children cries? [00:17.48]Do you spend the time, to fulfill their needs? [00:19.86]Are you driven by money, do you live for a greed? [00:22.41]Are you even concerned with your people at all? [00:24.75]Are you the type of person that people can call? [00:27.25]When they luck run out, do you share with your partner [00:29.74]Or cut them out? Do you care? [00:31.64]Are you harder to get a long with cause you stuck in your ways? [00:34.37]Do you listen or you always got something to say? [00:36.81]And do you say something when you notice injustice? [00:39.25]Do you judge a man on what he hold in his clutches [00:41.70]Cars and clothes, money wads and hoes [00:44.05]Do you lend a helping hand to the starving po'? [00:46.48]Because [00:47.19]What you do, what you say [00:51.35]May come back to you someday they say [00:57.06]That's how the Universe Works [00:59.32]That's how the Universe Works [01:01.16]Some lies soothe and the say the truth hurts [01:03.72]And um, that's how the universe works [01:05.97]Do you teach or mislead? [01:07.64]Are you known to deceive? [01:09.38]Or prove to be worthy of trust [01:11.09]Would you give a live show to only thirty of us? [01:13.29]Or half ass through it, and act mad foolish? [01:15.82]Are you what most consider a bull****ter? [01:18.17]Would you rather strive for peace or pull triggers? [01:20.66]Are you a lazy bum or go getter? [01:23.05]Baby got shovels for hands, gold digger [01:25.55]Get what you put out, careful what you say and do [01:27.94]Can't talk shit. then get mad at what they say to you [01:30.38]Quick to play games, but hate when they playin' you [01:32.74]Love to dish it out, time to learn how to take it too [01:35.23]No instruction manual, don't know what to make of you [01:37.42]Those you fronted on now take turns to fake on you [01:40.35]Reevaluate your moves, really think it through [01:42.56]Life's full circle, homie I'mma pray for you! [01:44.60]It's the law of life [01:46.24]For every wrong, a right [01:48.82]Watch what you say and do [01:51.06]Cause it just might happen to you [01:53.56]Karma will come to get'cha [01:55.51]It's well documented in every scripture [01:57.70]Really do you get the picture [01:59.54]What goes around comes around back again [02:01.98]The cycle never ends my friend [02:04.13]So they say... [02:04.55]What you do, what you say [02:08.99]May come back to you someday they say [02:14.71]That's how the Universe Works [02:17.20]That's how the Universe Works [02:18.86]Some lies soothe and the say the truth hurts [02:21.26]And um, that's how the universe works [02:24.27]What you do, what you say [02:28.21]May come back to you someday they say [02:34.09]That's how the Universe Works [02:36.45]That's how the Universe Works [02:38.19]Some lies soothe and the say the truth hurts [02:40.53]And um, that's how the universe works [03:20.33]That's how the Universe Works [by:SHEHASBEENGONE] [00:07.80]你喜欢看着镜子里的自己吗? [00:09.99]事情变得更清楚了吗? [00:12.48]你生活在谎言和伪装之中吗? [00:14.93]你选择无视还是回应你孩子的哭声? [00:17.48]你花过时间去满足他们的需求吗? [00:19.86]你被金钱所驱使,贪婪地活着吗? [00:22.41]你甚至都不关心你的人 [00:24.75]你是那种被别人可以随意驱使的人的吗? [00:27.25]当你运气不佳时,你和你的伴侣分享这些不幸吗? [00:29.74]还是用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运?不予理睬吗? [00:31.64]因为你陷入了困境所以你是不是要始终都得更加努力? [00:34.37]你听完这些还是有话要说? [00:36.81]当你注意到不公正的时候,你能说些什么吗? [00:39.25]你会根据一个人所拥有的东西来判断他吗 [00:41.70]汽车和衣服,钞票和女人 [00:44.05]你向饥饿的贫民伸出援助之手吗? [00:46.48]因为 [00:47.19]他们说:你做什么,你说什么 [00:51.35]总有一天会回到你的身边 [00:57.06]宇宙就是这样运作的 [00:59.32]宇宙就是这样运作的 [01:01.16]一些谎言安抚人心,忠言逆耳 [01:03.72]宇宙就是这样运作的 [01:05.97]你教书还是把人引入歧途? [01:07.64]你知道怎么把人引入歧途? [01:09.38]并让他们觉得你的教诲值得信任 [01:11.09]你能给我们三十个人现场表演吗? [01:13.29]还是屁滚尿流,装疯卖傻? [01:15.82]你认为大多数人都是骗子吗? [01:18.17]你宁愿争取和平还是拉动扳机? [01:20.66]你是个懒惰的人还是能干的人? [01:23.05]宝贝们以色为诱惑骗取金钱 [01:25.55]得到你所投入的,小心你所说的和做的 [01:27.94]别胡说八道。为他们对你说的话而生气 [01:30.38]聪明地敷衍过去,但你讨厌当他们玩弄你的时候 [01:32.74]爱把它吐出来,时间也要学会如何去承受 [01:35.23]没有说明书,也不知道怎么做 [01:37.42]在你前面的人轮流欺骗你 [01:40.35]重新评估你的行动,仔细想想 [01:42.56]生命的完整循环,我为你祈祷! [01:44.60]这就是生命法则 [01:46.24]有些错误有时也是正确的 [01:48.82]注意你所说的和所做的 [01:51.06]因为它可能会发生在你身上 [01:53.56]因果报应 [01:55.51]它在每一段历史中都有充分记载。 [01:57.70]你真的明白了吗? [01:59.54]周围的一切又回来了 [02:01.98]时代永不结束,朋友 [02:04.13]所以他们说… [02:04.55]他们说:你所做的,你所说的 [02:08.99]也许有一天他们会回到你身边 [02:14.71]宇宙就是这样运作的 [02:17.20]宇宙就是这样运作的 [02:18.86]有些谎言安慰人心,忠言逆耳 [02:21.26]嗯,宇宙就是这样运作的 [02:24.27]你所做的,你所说的 [02:28.21]也许有一天他们会回到你身边,他们说 [02:34.09]宇宙就是这样运作的 [02:36.45]宇宙就是这样运作的 [02:38.19]有些谎言安慰人心,忠言逆耳 [02:40.53]嗯,宇宙就是这样运作的 [03:20.33]宇宙就是这样运作的

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