We Did It!!!歌词 歌手grandson-专辑We Did It!!!-单曲《We Did It!!!》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《We Did It!!!》歌词 歌手grandson的专辑We Did It!!!单曲《We Did It!!!》LRC歌词下载,《We Did It!!!》歌词分享。…

歌曲:《We Did It!!!》
专辑:We Did It!!!

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《We Did It!!!》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Jordan Benjamin/Kevin Hissink/JT Daly/Maxwell Joseph/Chester Krupa Carbone [00:00.101] 作曲 : Jordan Benjamin/Kevin Hissink/JT Daly/Maxwell Joseph/Chester Krupa Carbone [00:00.202] Should we just do nothing? [00:02.971] Should we say "to Hell with it all"? [00:05.666] Should we end the discussion before it even started [00:10.139] And not pick up the call? [00:11.441] Should we go pop Xans and stay anesthetized? [00:16.890] Should we throw up our hands [00:18.640] Let the talking heads on the television decide this ride? [00:24.060] Yeah, we did it [00:28.131] We didn't [00:29.804] It's all getting better now, is it? [00:33.992] It isn't [00:35.728] I'm gonna get away with it [00:38.620] I'm gonna be a winner [00:41.545] I'm gonna get away- [00:42.930] 'Cause the rich get richer and the sick get sicker [00:46.936] I'm gonna get away with it [00:49.747] I'm gonna be a winner [00:52.541] I'm gonna get away- [00:53.772] 'Cause the rich get richer and the sick get sicker [00:57.144] I'm gonna pat myself on the back [00:59.457] 'Cause I did the bare minimum [01:02.507] Where the **** is my medal? [01:04.874] Tweetin' from my brand new condominium [01:08.882] Yeah, we did it [01:12.913] We didn't [01:14.510] It's all getting better now, is it? [01:18.685] It isn't [01:20.475] I'm gonna get away with it [01:23.292] I'm gonna be a winner [01:25.932] I'm gonna get away- [01:27.431] 'Cause the rich get richer and the sick get sicker [01:31.608] I'm gonna get away with it [01:34.309] I'm gonna be a winner [01:37.199] I'm gonna get away- [01:38.575] 'Cause the rich get richer and the sick get sicker [01:42.099] (Yeah) [01:43.676] We did it [01:46.257] We didn't [01:49.556] My legacy will never burn down [01:52.611] What you gonna do when it's your turn now? [01:55.743] Dance with the devil, don't pull her into bed [01:58.550] Anyone's a hero with a bullet in the head [02:01.245] I have been around since you were just a child [02:03.880] You think that you can stop me? Then you are in denial [02:06.565] I own all of the jury, the judge over the trial [02:09.260] You walked into a trap, I walk out with a smile [02:14.938] (Yeah) [02:24.716] I'm gonna get away with it (I'm gonna get away with it) [02:27.790] I'm gonna be a winner (I'm gonna be a winner) [02:30.417] I'm gonna get away- [02:31.795] 'Cause the rich get richer and the sick get sicker [02:35.883] I'm gonna get away with it [02:38.751] I'm gonna be a winner [02:41.777] I'm gonna get away- [02:42.892] 'Cause the rich get richer and the sick get sicker [by:Antithief] [00:00.202]我们就这么干等着吗? [00:02.971]我们应该说“让一切都见鬼去”吗? [00:05.666]我们该在讨论开始前就结束吗? [00:10.139]而且也不接电话? [00:11.441]我们应该纵情享乐,保持麻醉吗? [00:16.890]还是放手一搏? [00:18.640]让电视上说话的人来指指点点? [00:24.060]是啊,我们做到了 [00:28.131]实际上,并没有 [00:29.804]一切都好起来了,是吗? [00:33.992]并没有哦 [00:35.728]我要逃脱这里 [00:38.620]我要赢! [00:41.545]我要逃! [00:42.930]因为他们更加富有,而我们时时病发 [00:46.936]我要逃离这里啊! [00:49.747]我想要赢! [00:52.541]我要逃! [00:53.772]因为他们更富了,而我病入骨髓! [00:57.144]我要推自己一把 [00:59.457]因为我只做了最起码的事 [01:02.507]我应得的奖牌在哪?? [01:04.874]我在我的新公寓里发泄着不满 [01:08.882]是啊,我们做到了 [01:12.913]其实我们啥也没做成 [01:14.510]一切都好起来了,对吗! [01:18.685]没有啊 [01:20.475]我要滚得远远的 [01:23.292]我要赢得彻彻底底 [01:25.932]我要让他们看不到我的身影 [01:27.431]因为那些人活得逍遥自在,而我要忍受痛苦 [01:31.608]我要把一切都甩在后头 [01:34.309]我要让世界仰望我的胜利 [01:37.199]我要撤退然后反击! [01:38.575]因为那些人面目可憎,吸食着我的鲜血 [01:42.099](没错!) [01:43.676]我们做到了! [01:46.257]那是他们制造的假象而已 [01:49.556]我的遗产会被继承 [01:52.611]当时机已到,你会干些什么好事呢? [01:55.743]与魔共舞,但注意分寸哦 [01:58.550]每个英雄的头骨中都被打进了一枚子弹 [02:01.245]你打酱油还不会的时候我就在这了 [02:03.880]你觉得你能拦得住我,然后被我狠狠的抽了一巴掌 [02:06.565]陪审团和法官都是我的手下 [02:09.260]你踏入我的陷阱,我潇洒的离开 [02:14.938](是的) [02:24.716]我要逃离这里 [02:27.790]我现在可以赢了! [02:30.417]我要逃开啊 [02:31.795]因为我的鲜血被用在了恶人的身上 [02:35.883]我不允许,我要逃离 [02:38.751]我要让他们输得彻底 [02:41.777]我要逃离这里 [02:42.892]因为他们本就是矛盾的产物!

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