魂のルフラン (English Version)歌词 歌手arlie Ray-专辑覚醒、そして降临-单曲《魂のルフラン (English Version)》LRC歌词下载

暗夜蔷薇2022-03-21  82

导读:《魂のルフラン (English Version)》歌词 歌手arlie Ray的专辑覚醒、そして降临单曲《魂のルフラン (English Version)》LRC歌词下载,《魂のルフラン (English Version)》歌词分享。…

歌曲:《魂のルフラン (English Version)》
歌手:arlie Ray

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《魂のルフラン (English Version)》歌词:

[00:00.14]Get back to me when you are not here [00:06.80]You ruin the clear sky [00:12.68]The world filled with love, dream and your tears [00:22.55]Under this star you will be called again [00:29.14]Recalling your memories [00:34.97]Realized a soul [00:52.78]You were scanning poly once [00:54.20]They are in ruely shadow [00:59.78]I'm still tramped around [01:01.47]Quiet in the chaotic silence [01:05.98]Scan where past truly quietly cry out truly [01:14.18]Sometimes fingers chasing me all along [01:21.52]I hate you so at all cause your mother sturdy [01:28.98]However you are staying for a season [01:35.57]Flame soar whole all pass [01:39.06]Surely you laughter in my mind [01:44.03]Would you flee this candle's beautiful shower [01:50.18]Get back to me when you are not here [01:54.50]You ruin the clear sky [01:58.22]The world filled with love, dream and your tears [02:04.91]Under this star you will be called again [02:09.40]Recalling your memories [02:12.95]Miracle happens again and never alone [02:19.24]Realized a soul [02:36.28]My mind cross might to pray for a color belief [02:42.85]Perform sink to the darkness like a shadow [02:49.40]How were the dad's hearts fear tear [02:53.01]Under as free eternity [02:57.71]There is a limit but I would keep thinking forever [03:04.02]Get back to me when you are not here [03:08.85]You ruin the clear sky [03:12.36]The world filled with love, dream and your tears [03:18.74]Under this star you will be called again [03:23.32]Recalling your memories [03:26.88]Miracle happens again and never alone [03:33.16]Realized a soul [04:18.30] [04:48.57]Get back to me when you are not here [04:53.72]You ruin the clear sky [04:57.47]The world filled with love, dream and your tears [05:04.06]Under this star you will be called again [05:08.35]Recalling your memories [05:12.15]Miracle happens again and never alone [05:18.41]Realized a soul [05:23.20]Get back to me when you are not here [05:26.95]You ruin the clear sky [05:30.65]The world filled with love, dream and your tears [05:37.05]Under this star you will be called again [05:41.68]Recalling your memories [05:45.49]Miracle happens again and never alone [05:51.52]Realized a soul [06:33.80] [06:58.16] [by:水表质检员] [00:00.14]当你无处可去的时候就归还于我吧 [00:06.80]你毁灭了这充斥着 [00:12.68]爱与梦想和你的眼泪的清澈天空 [00:22.55]再一次在这星空下 [00:29.14]被你的回忆所呼唤 [00:34.97]魂之轮回 [00:52.78]无数的眼神扫过 [00:54.20]被碧影重重包裹的你 [00:59.78]在这一片死寂的混沌中 [01:01.47]只有我依然孤身徘徊 [01:05.98]指尖在探寻着自我 [01:14.18]描绘着我过去真实悄然的哭声 [01:21.52]我憎恨你出身之所的顽固 [01:28.98]即使你身处这死亡的季节 [01:35.57]火焰拂过所有的过去 [01:39.06]依稀记得你的笑颜 [01:44.03]你愿意逃离这凄美烛光的洗礼吗 [01:50.18]当你无处可去的时候就归还于我吧 [01:54.50]你毁灭了这充斥着 [01:58.22]爱与梦想和你的眼泪的清澈天空 [02:04.91]再一次在这星空下 [02:09.40]被你的回忆所呼唤 [02:12.95]奇迹会永远伴随着你 [02:19.24]魂之轮回 [02:36.28]闭上双眼祈祷着血染的信仰 [02:42.85]世界此刻消失于黑暗的残影 [02:49.40]面对这来世的自由 [02:53.01]心中的恐惧不曾停下 [02:57.71]在有限之中寻找着永恒 [03:04.02]当你无处可去的时候就归还于我吧 [03:08.85]你毁灭了这充斥着 [03:12.36]爱与梦想和你的眼泪的清澈天空 [03:18.74]再一次在这星空下 [03:23.32]被你的回忆所呼唤 [03:26.88]无论多少次奇迹总会发生 [03:33.16]魂之轮回 [04:48.57]当你无处可去的时候就归还于我吧 [04:53.72]你毁灭了这充斥着 [04:57.47]爱与梦想和你的眼泪的清澈天空 [05:04.06]再一次在这星空下 [05:08.35]被你的回忆所呼唤 [05:12.15]奇迹会永远伴随着你 [05:18.41]魂之轮回 [05:23.20]当你无处可去的时候就归还于我吧 [05:26.95]你毁灭了这充斥着 [05:30.65]爱与梦想和你的眼泪的清澈天空 [05:37.05]再一次在这星空下 [05:41.68]被你的回忆所呼唤 [05:45.49]无论多少次奇迹总会发生 [05:51.52]魂之轮回

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