Hold The Fort (Live1984)歌词 歌手Bruce Brackney-专辑IWW Rebel Voices: Songs Of The Industrial Workers Of The World (Live1984)-单曲《Hold

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导读:《Hold The Fort (Live1984)》歌词 歌手Bruce Brackney的专辑IWW Rebel Voices: Songs Of The Industrial Workers Of The World (Live…

歌曲:《Hold The Fort (Live / 1984)》
歌手:Bruce Brackney
专辑:IWW Rebel Voices: Songs Of The Industrial Workers Of The World (Live / 1984)

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《Hold The Fort (Live / 1984)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Philip Paul Bliss [00:07.70]We meet today in freedom's cause [00:11.64]And raise our voices high [00:15.05]We'll join our hands in union strong [00:18.67]To battle or to die [00:22.65]Hold the fort for we are coming [00:26.36]Union men, be strong [00:30.23]Side by side we battle onward [00:34.13]Victory will come [00:37.65]Look my comrades [00:39.47]See the union banner waving high [00:44.72]Reinforcements now appearing [00:48.57]Victory is nigh [00:52.33]Hold the fort for we are coming [00:55.91]Union men, be strong [00:59.72]Side by side we battle onward [01:03.56]Victory will come [01:14.43]See our numbers still increasing [01:18.41]Hear the bugles blow [01:21.79]By our union we shall triumph [01:25.34]Over every foe [01:28.92]Hold the fort for we are coming [01:32.70]Union men, be strong [01:36.60]Side by side we battle onward [01:40.36]Victory will come [01:43.80]Fierce and long the battle rages [01:47.59]But we do not fear [01:51.30]Help will come whenever it's needed [01:54.57]Cheer, my comrades, cheer [01:58.27]Hold the fort for we are coming [02:02.09]Union men, be strong [02:05.94]Side by side we battle onward [02:09.60]Victory will come [by:连卡同志] [00:07.70]今日相遇,为自由事业 [00:11.64]要高声歌唱! [00:11.64]要高声歌唱! [00:15.05]我们手牵手,于强大工会 [00:15.05]我们手牵手,于强大工会 [00:18.67]战斗或灭亡! [00:18.67]战斗或灭亡! [00:22.65]守住街垒,我们正前来 [00:22.65]守住街垒,我们正前来 [00:26.36]工会人,要坚强! [00:26.36]工会人,要坚强! [00:30.23]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [00:30.23]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [00:34.13]胜利会来到 [00:34.13]胜利会来到 [00:37.65]看吧,我的同志 [00:37.65]看吧,我的同志 [00:39.47]工会红旗在飘扬 [00:39.47]工会红旗在飘扬 [00:44.72]增援力量已经出现 [00:44.72]增援力量已经出现 [00:48.57]胜利会来到 [00:48.57]胜利会来到 [00:52.33]守住街垒,我们正前来 [00:52.33]守住街垒,我们正前来 [00:55.91]工会人,要坚强! [00:55.91]工会人,要坚强! [00:59.72]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [00:59.72]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [01:03.56]胜利会来到 [01:03.56]胜利会来到 [01:14.43]看我成员,仍在增加 [01:14.43]看我成员,仍在增加 [01:18.41]听那冲锋号已吹响 [01:18.41]听那冲锋号已吹响 [01:21.79]通过工会,我们传捷报 [01:21.79]通过工会,我们传捷报 [01:25.34]消灭一生敌! [01:25.34]消灭一生敌! [01:28.92]守住街垒,我们正前来 [01:28.92]守住街垒,我们正前来 [01:32.70]工会人,要坚强! [01:32.70]工会人,要坚强! [01:36.60]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [01:36.60]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [01:40.36]胜利会来到 [01:40.36]胜利会来到 [01:43.80]面对穷凶恶敌,万里长征 [01:43.80]面对穷凶恶敌,万里长征 [01:47.59]我们不惧怕 [01:47.59]我们不惧怕 [01:51.30]困难之时,援军将至 [01:51.30]困难之时,援军将至 [01:54.57]同志们,振臂欢呼! [01:54.57]同志们,振臂欢呼! [01:58.27]守住街垒,我们正前来 [01:58.27]守住街垒,我们正前来 [02:02.09]工会人,要坚强! [02:02.09]工会人,要坚强! [02:05.94]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [02:05.94]肩并肩,奋力推进向前 [02:09.60]胜利会来到! [02:09.60]胜利会来到!

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