Stop The Hatred歌词 歌手欧阳靖Wyclef Jean-专辑Stop The Hatred-单曲《Stop The Hatred》LRC歌词下载

趁早放手2022-03-28  108

导读:《Stop The Hatred》歌词 歌手欧阳靖Wyclef Jean的专辑Stop The Hatred单曲《Stop The Hatred》LRC歌词下载,《Stop The Hatred》歌词分享。…

歌曲:《Stop The Hatred》
歌手:欧阳靖 / Wyclef Jean
专辑:Stop The Hatred

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《Stop The Hatred》歌词:

[00:10.976]Rain love on me [00:13.757]Rain love on me [00:16.066]Open up your eyes and finally see [00:19.101] [00:20.070]My grandma passed away at the top of last year [00:22.948]At the funeral drowning cause I couldn’t hold back tears [00:25.831]But after all that’s happened this past year [00:28.247]Part of me sees grace in the fact that she’s not here [00:30.944]As a grandson this statement’s a fact [00:32.831]No elderly should ever be victim of such a heinous attack [00:35.805]Prey on the weak only cowards would take advantage of that [00:38.510]No more staying meek it’s time to take a stand and react [00:41.046]A simple trip to the market thought the streets were safe [00:43.598]Turned targets I speak up for my people’s sake [00:46.189]From this pandemic I’m hopeful that we’ll see escape [00:48.852]Until then love’s the only vaccine for hate [00:51.578]Now when my folks leave the house it’s quite the norm [00:54.060]My mind’s flooded with thoughts of what might go wrong [00:56.745]Truthfully I wish I didn't have to write this song [00:59.242]But it’s only right I recite it since this mic is on [01:02.056] [01:02.943]What if we went a little bit out of our way to stop the hatred [01:08.268](Imagine that) [01:09.387]Stop the hatred [01:13.354]What if we took a little time out of our day to stop the hatred [01:18.968](Could it be) [01:19.667]Stop the hatred [01:21.533]Rain love on me [01:22.859] [01:23.026]He cold like Antarctica [01:24.399]It don’t matter if you black and white says the man in the mirror [01:26.823]The squad’s facing the terror [01:28.367]I’m talking mother father sister brother grandma and grandpapa [01:31.675]All doomed cause of skin color [01:33.510]Paranoid like my mind playing tricks on this ghetto boy [01:36.236]So I gotta scream for my mama like I’m George Floyd [01:38.885]Now I’m all in linen like John imagining [01:41.031]But he ain’t give peace a chance he took 8 lives with him [01:44.067]Where the love go still unanswered [01:46.817]Politicians they be flipping Gabby Douglas [01:49.051]Divide so they can conquer then they chain our ancestors [01:52.172]Come together like the Beatles remastered [01:54.805] [01:55.172]What if we went a little bit out of our way to stop the hatred [02:00.571](Imagine that) [02:01.418]Stop the hatred [02:05.613]What if we took a little time out of our day to stop the hatred [02:10.927](Could it be) [02:12.003]Stop the hatred [02:13.711]Rain love on me [02:14.917] [02:15.085]It’s new footage every other day every bit of it hard to watch [02:18.212]I’m talking to my son he’s eight listen to your pops [02:20.951]I said don’t fall for the bait the actions of a few [02:23.584]Don’t reflect the nature of an entire race [02:26.006]Maybe the past is full of lessons but we missed it [02:28.336]History shows indeed tension has existed [02:31.078]Between the two communities but here’s a fact [02:33.371]Beyond colors were humans not just yellow or black [02:35.846]Like Chris Rock I ain’t liberal or conservative inside [02:38.656]I just know the enemy would love to further the divide [02:41.485]Media don’t care how the story is told [02:43.629]They’re more concerned with how the story is sold [02:45.799]Preconceived notions make it harder to see together [02:48.856]There’s much power Rush Hour look at Carter and Lee [02:51.484]Hopefully through dialogue we’ll start to agree [02:53.932]More light for you doesn’t make the world darker for me [02:56.652]Nuh uh [02:57.572] [02:57.722]What if we went a little bit out of our way to stop the hatred [03:03.130](Imagine that) [03:04.071]Stop the hatred [03:05.931]What if we took a little time out of our day to stop the hatred [03:13.623](Could it be) [03:14.775]Stop the hatred [03:16.140]Rain love on me [03:17.855] [03:18.943]Rain love on me [03:21.209]Rain love on me [03:23.880]Open up your eyes and finally see [03:29.284]Rain love on me [03:32.109]Rain love on me [03:34.333]Open up your eyes and finally see [by:人类迷惑行为__] [00:10.976]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [00:13.757]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [00:16.066]睁开你双眸 终于看见 [00:20.070]去年年初 我的奶奶驾鹤西去 [00:22.948]葬礼上令人窒息 因为我眼泪夺眶而出 [00:25.831]但终究 去年这噩耗传来 [00:28.247]她离去的事实中 我的一部分灵魂窥见了恩典 [00:30.944]作为孙辈 这便是现实 [00:32.831]没有一位老人应成为如此令人发指攻击的受害方 [00:35.805]掠夺弱者 只有懦夫会利用这一点 [00:38.510]不再温和顺从 是时候作出表率 阐明立场 [00:41.046]简单地逛下市场 还以为街道十分安全 [00:43.598]却沦为攻击的靶子 我为亲人的利益发声 [00:46.189]这次疫情 我满怀希冀 我们会看见逃离的曙光 [00:48.852]直到爱成为安抚仇恨的疫苗 [00:51.578]此刻我的亲人相继离去 再正常不过 [00:54.060]我心中百感交集 究竟哪里出了错 [00:56.745]老实说 我希望我大可不必写下这首歌 [00:59.242]直到麦克风就绪 我唯有实话实说 [01:02.943]若是我们勇于踏出一步以阻止仇恨蔓延 [01:08.268](想象那般情景) [01:09.387]阻止仇恨蔓延 [01:13.354]若是我们多花点时间以阻止仇恨蔓延 [01:18.968](这是否可能) [01:19.667]阻止仇恨蔓延 [01:21.533] [01:23.026]他冷若冰霜 似南极洲 [01:24.399]你的肤色是黑是白 这无关紧要 [01:26.823]这一大群人正面对着恐惧 [01:28.367]我指的是 父母双亲 兄弟姐妹 奶奶爷爷 [01:31.675]一切因皮肤颜色而给出定论 [01:33.510]偏执如我 如贫民窟男孩心怀幻想 [01:36.236]故我会为惊叫呼唤妈妈 如同化身乔治·弗洛伊德 [01:38.885]现在我身着亚麻 如约翰想象的那般 [01:41.031]但他从未给和平一线生机 他亲手带上了八条人命 [01:44.067]去往爱无法回应的地方 [01:46.817]政客们对加比·道格拉斯勃然大怒 [01:49.051]四分五裂后以便令世界臣服 便能束缚我们的先辈 [01:52.172]团结起来 就像披头士重录唱片 [01:55.172]若是我们勇于踏出一步以阻止仇恨蔓延 [02:00.571](想象那般情景) [02:01.418]阻止仇恨蔓延 [02:05.613]若是我们多花点时间以阻止仇恨蔓延 [02:10.927](这是否可能) [02:12.003]阻止仇恨蔓延 [02:13.711]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [02:15.085]每过一天都有新视频上传 每一帧都难以观看 [02:18.212]我和八岁的儿子说 听爸爸的话 [02:20.951]我说道 别被少数人的行为蒙蔽 [02:23.584]别映出整个种族的天性 [02:26.006]也许过去皆教训 而我们将之错过 [02:28.336]历史表明剑拔弩张的局面确实存在过 [02:31.078]在两派政党之间 有一个事实 [02:33.371]那便是超乎颜色存在的不是黄黑之别 而是人道 [02:35.846]像克里斯·洛克 我并不是自由派或保守派 [02:38.656]我只是清楚敌人也会乐意划分出更深的鸿沟 [02:41.485]媒体不在意故事怎么被讲述 [02:43.629]他们只关心故事怎么卖个好价钱 [02:45.799]先入为主的观念让齐心变得无比艰难 [02:48.856]力量强大磅礴如《尖峰时刻》看看卡特和李再次聚首 [02:51.484]期盼通过沟通 我们达成一致 [02:53.932]予你再多光亮不会令我世界的黑暗更甚 [02:56.652] [02:57.722]若是我们勇于踏出一步以阻止仇恨蔓延 [03:03.130](想象那般情景) [03:04.071]阻止仇恨蔓延 [03:05.931]若是我们多花点时间以阻止仇恨蔓延 [03:13.623](会发生吗) [03:14.775]阻止仇恨蔓延 [03:16.140]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [03:18.943]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [03:21.209]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [03:23.880]睁开你双眸 终于看见 [03:29.284]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [03:32.109]将爱尽数挥洒给我 [03:34.333]睁开你双眸 终于看见


