Just Monika歌词 歌手Random Encounters源之吖-专辑Just Monika-单曲《Just Monika》LRC歌词下载

云中飘逸2022-03-28  109

导读:《Just Monika》歌词 歌手Random Encounters源之吖的专辑Just Monika单曲《Just Monika》LRC歌词下载,《Just Monika》歌词分享。…

歌曲:《Just Monika》
歌手:Random Encounters / 源之吖
专辑:Just Monika

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《Just Monika》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Random Encounters [00:00.441] 作曲 : 源之吖/Random Encounters [00:00.882] 编曲 : Random Encounters [00:01.323]Sayori: I'm so glad you're joining the literature club. [00:05.073]MC: Hey,I never agreed to join. [00:06.323]Monika:Oh wow,sayori!Who's your friend? [00:07.823]Sayori: He's our club's newest member! [00:10.073]MC:that's ···not set in stone······ [00:12.826]Sayori: This is Monika [00:14.073]Yuri [00:15.573]and Natsuki [00:17.074]and you already know me. [00:18.323](唱词部分) [00:19.573]Monika: Welcome to our meeting! [00:20.074]Yuri: Are you into reading? [00:21.824]Sayori: No need for being coy! [00:24.073]Monika: We'll improve your uptake! [00:25.074]Natuski: Have a friggin' cupcake [00:26.574]and must you bring a boy? [00:29.074]Monika: Time to write some poems! [00:30.323]Don't be scared to show 'em! [00:31.324]The Festival's days away! [00:34.074]Natsuki: You can help with baking! [00:35.323]Yuri: or with banner making! [00:36.573]Sayori: And I'll walk home alone today··· [00:39.073]Maybe we're friends, [00:40.573]maybe we're more······ [00:41.574]How could he love a simple girl next door? [00:44.324]I'm just not the type he's looking for······· [00:49.323]Monika:Hey, Sayori' you doing OK? [00:52.574]Sayori:I'm having a difficult day········ [00:54.575]Monika: I'd say! You seem pretty lonely! [00:58.573]MC: I wish I could make her grin, [01:01.323]all she wants are things back the way they've been. [01:03.324]Monika: She's depressed and stressed and she's feeling blue, [01:06.073]so I don't want Sayori hanging around you! [01:08.074](合唱) [01:09.323]Just Monika [01:10.824]Just Monika [01:12.074]Just Monika [01:12.574]Just Monika [01:13.573]Just Monika [01:14.824]Just Monika [01:16.073]Just Monika [01:18.073]Just just Monika [01:19.324] [01:19.831]Monika: I'm so glad you're join the literature club. [01:21.824]MC: Wait! What happened to Sayori? [01:22.823]Natsuki: Who? [01:24.323]Yuri:There's no one here named that. [01:25.825]Natsuki: Manga is my passion. [01:27.837]Don't you dare be bashin'! [01:29.075]The writing's got finesse! [01:30.823]Maybe you should borrow, [01:33.074]these until tomorrow····· [01:34.324]Were you looking up my dress? [01:36.574]Yuri: Let's go read a story. [01:38.074]MC: What about Sayori? [01:39.575]Monkia: Let's talk about me instead! [01:41.573]I've been learning piano! [01:43.074]And I sing soprano! [01:44.324]And I can't get you out of my head! [01:46.831]Yuri: Can't look away, [01:47.823]can't help but blush. [01:49.573]Where did I get this overwhelming crush [01:51.573]It's shape as a knife and twice the rush! [01:56.574]Natsuki: Yo, [01:57.835]There's something I think you should know! [02:00.824]I've never seen yuri so-- sane and chill and still kinda sweaty [02:02.074] [02:09.260]And I don't mind cutting to the chase [02:10.011]I'm in love with you and your grogeous face [02:12.010]Monika: That's a sentiment I can't allow! [02:13.509]So my dear friend Yuri is getting the point now! [02:16.260](合唱) [02:17.260]Just Monika [02:18.760]Just Monika [02:20.260]Just Monika [02:21.263]Just Monika [02:22.509]Just Monika [02:23.761]Just Monika [02:25.011]Just Monika [02:26.261]Just just Monika [02:27.011] [02:27.259]Monika: Could you have guessed? [02:29.011]Maybe you've known? [02:30.260]Natsuki is next I'm deleting her too! [02:32.260]We don't need cupcakes or poems or tea. [02:34.759]I only need you to love me! [02:38.010]Hey, [02:39.260]there's no one else in our way····· [02:41.268]So look at me and just say,right here, my dear [02:45.510]That you love me! [02:48.010]And we'll sit here till the end of time [02:50.010]cause I've earned this and you're finally mine! [02:52.511]I'm sorry what you've had to see [02:55.010]But it no longer matters,cause nou you belong to me ! [02:58.011](合唱) [02:58.510]Monika: Forever! [02:59.513](Just Monika) [03:00.260]Monika: Forever! [03:00.759](Just Monika) [03:01.261]Monika: Forever! [03:02.009](Just Monika) [03:02.510]Monika: Forever! [03:03.260](Just Monika) [03:03.774]Monika: Forever! [03:04.509](Just Monika) [03:05.010]Monika: Forever! [03:05.760](Just Monika) [03:06.260]Monika: Forever! [03:07.009]Just Monika [03:07.510]Monika: Forever! [03:08.010](Just just Monika) [03:09.759]Monika: FOREVER! [03:10.259] [03:11.520]Sayori: Well look what the cat dragged in! [03:12.510]MC: Sayori? [03:13.509]You're still in the literature club? [03:15.259]Sayori: Of course! I'm The president after all! [03:17.761]Yuri: Wow Sayori! Who's your friend? [03:20.010]Sayori: He's our newest member! [03:21.509]Natsuki: I'm guessing that' not set in stone···· [03:24.509]MC: This time,I think it is. [03:27.259]Yuri: Why don't he join us? [03:28.509]I was just getting Natsuki here into my favorite horror novel. [03:32.010]Natsuki: Hey!It's not like I like it or anything······ [03:34.010]Sayori: So···are you walking home with anyone after this? [03:37.261]MC: Just my friend Sayori. [03:45.512]Sayori: Just Sayori! [03:46.009]Just Sayori! [03:47.759]Just Sayori! [03:49.010]Just Sayori! [03:50.259]Just Sayori! [03:51.509]Just Sayori! [03:52.760]Just Sayori! [03:53.760]Just Sayori! [by:frisk-maybe] [00:01.323]纱世里:我很高兴你能加入文学部 [00:05.073]你:嘿,我可没说过要入部 [00:06.323]莫妮卡:哦,哇!纱世里!他是你朋友? [00:07.823]纱世里:这厮是我部的新成员! [00:10.073]你:我...我还没决定好.. [00:12.826]纱世里:这位是莫妮卡 [00:14.073]优里 [00:15.573]夏树! [00:17.074]然后你已经认识我了 [00:18.323](唱词部分) [00:19.573]莫妮卡:欢迎来到我们的社团! [00:20.074]优里:你喜欢看书吗? [00:21.824]纱世里:害羞大可不必! [00:24.073]莫妮卡:我们将提高你的理解力! [00:25.074]夏树:吃掉这该死的杯子蛋糕 [00:26.574]然后你就要带个男生过来吗? [00:29.074]莫妮卡:是时候写一些诗了 [00:30.323]别害怕与别人分享 [00:31.324]学院祭就要来了 [00:34.074]夏树:你可以帮我烤蛋糕 [00:35.323]优里:或者帮我做装饰品 [00:36.573]纱世里:看来今天我得独自回家了 [00:39.073]也许我们只是朋友 [00:40.573]也许我们的关系也并不止于此 [00:41.574]但他又怎么会爱上一个普通的邻家女孩? [00:44.324]我并不是他一直在找的女孩... [00:49.323]莫妮卡:嘿,你还好吗纱世里? [00:52.574]纱世里:我今天过的异常煎熬! [00:54.575]莫妮卡:我看你今天有些孤独呢 [00:58.573]你:我希望我能使她心情好些 [01:01.323]她就是想让一切回到从前 [01:03.324]莫妮卡:她很沮丧紧张,并且忧郁无比 [01:06.073]所以我不想纱世里这样“吊”着你的心 [01:08.074](合唱) [01:09.323]只有莫妮卡 [01:10.824]只有莫妮卡 [01:12.074]只有莫妮卡 [01:12.574]只有莫妮卡 [01:13.573]永远的莫妮卡 [01:14.824]永远的莫妮卡 [01:16.073]永远的莫妮卡 [01:18.073]永远的(乱码)莫妮卡 [01:19.324] [01:19.831]莫妮卡:我好高兴你加入文学部 [01:21.824]你:等等!纱世里出什么事了? [01:22.823]夏树:谁? [01:24.323]优里:这里没有叫这个名字的人 [01:25.825]夏树:漫画是我的爱好 [01:27.837]你可不准吐槽 [01:29.075]画工很精细 [01:30.823]也许你应该借来看看 [01:33.074]明天再来还我 [01:34.324]你在看我裙底?!(扇耳光) [01:36.574]优里:让我们来看会儿书吧 [01:38.074]你:纱世里怎么了? [01:39.575]莫妮卡:来谈谈我吧 [01:41.573]我在学习钢琴 [01:43.074]还有那动人的女高音 [01:44.324]我满脑子里想的全是你 [01:46.831]优里:我无法转移视线 [01:47.823]不禁脸红 [01:49.573]这样的感觉究竟何时拥有? [01:51.573]它像刀一样锋利地一次次冲击我 [01:56.574]夏树:哟 [01:57.835]我认为这里有些事你应该知道 [02:00.824]我从未见过优里是如此... 优里:理智·颤抖并且流了些汗... [02:02.074] [02:09.260]优里:我不介意直接“切”入主题 [02:10.011]我已经爱上了你和你英俊的小脸蛋 [02:12.010]莫妮卡:这种情况我绝不允许 [02:13.509]所以我亲爱的朋友优里现在应该明白了吧 [02:16.260](合唱) [02:17.260]只有莫妮卡 [02:18.760]只有莫妮卡 [02:20.260]只有莫妮卡 [02:21.263]只有莫妮卡 [02:22.509]永远的莫妮卡 [02:23.761]永远的莫妮卡 [02:25.011]永远的莫妮卡 [02:26.261]永远的(乱码)莫妮卡 [02:27.011] [02:27.259]莫妮卡:你应该猜到了吧? [02:29.011]或者你已经明了 [02:30.260]接下来就是夏树,我也会把她删了 [02:32.260]我们不需要杯子蛋糕 茶 或者诗 [02:34.759]我只需要你爱我 [02:38.010]嘿! [02:39.260]已经没有其他人妨碍我们了 [02:41.268]所以在这儿看着我说,亲爱的 [02:45.510]说你深爱我! [02:48.010]我们会一直坐在这儿到时间尽头 [02:50.010]因为你最后终于独属我一人! [02:52.511]我很抱歉你看到这些事 [02:55.010]但都不重要了,因为你已经属于我! [02:58.011](合唱) [02:58.510]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [02:59.513](只有莫妮卡) [03:00.260]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:00.759](只有莫妮卡) [03:01.261]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:02.009](只有莫妮卡) [03:02.510]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:03.260](只有莫妮卡) [03:03.774]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:04.509](只有莫妮卡) [03:05.010]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:05.760](只有莫妮卡) [03:06.260]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:07.009](只有莫妮卡) [03:07.510]莫妮卡:永远!永远! [03:08.010](只有莫妮卡) [03:09.759]莫妮卡:直到永远! [03:10.259] [03:11.520]纱世里:看看是谁进来了? [03:12.510]你:纱世里? [03:13.509]你还在文学部? [03:15.259]纱世里:当然,毕竟我是社长嘛 [03:17.761]优里:哇,纱世里,他是你朋友 [03:20.010]纱世里:他是我们的新成员 [03:21.509]夏树:我猜他一定还没决定好 [03:24.509]你:这次,我想..我决定了 [03:27.259]优里:为什么不加入呢? [03:28.509]我正要把夏树推坑进我最爱的恐怖小说 [03:32.010]夏树:嘿,这...我不是喜欢它... [03:34.010]纱世里:那么,在这之后有要和谁一起回家吗? [03:37.261]你:只有我的朋友纱世里 [03:45.512]纱世里:只有纱世里! [03:46.009]只有纱世里! [03:47.759]只有纱世里! [03:49.010]只有纱世里! [03:50.259]永远的纱世里! [03:51.509]永远的纱世里! [03:52.760]永远的纱世里! [03:53.760]永远的纱世里!

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