Free Smoke歌词 歌手Drake-专辑More Life-单曲《Free Smoke》LRC歌词下载

嫼衹皛牸2022-03-31  105

导读:《Free Smoke》歌词 歌手Drake的专辑More Life单曲《Free Smoke》LRC歌词下载,《Free Smoke》歌词分享。…

Free Smoke歌词 歌手Drake-专辑More Life-单曲《Free Smoke》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Free Smoke》
专辑:More Life

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《Free Smoke》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Paul Bender/M. Samuels/A. Graham/Bryan Antoine/Naomi Saalfield/Perrin Moss/Simon Mavin/D. Sewell/M. Bernard/A. Ritter [00:00.003] 作曲 : Paul Bender/M. Samuels/A. Graham/Bryan Antoine/Naomi Saalfield/Perrin Moss/Simon Mavin/D. Sewell/M. Bernard/A. Ritter [00:00.06]Is it the strength of your feelings [00:06.71]Overthrowing your pain [00:11.43]Using you high to be reaching [00:16.75]And is it today that you will find your new release [00:25.46]And in your wake, ripple your sweet voice [00:37.52]And more chune for your head tops [00:38.82]So watch how you speak on my name, you know? [00:41.25] [00:57.15]Yeah [00:58.30]I couldn't get a bill paid [01:00.31]You couldn't buy the real thing [01:02.50]I was staying up at your place [01:03.78]Trying to figure out the whole thing [01:05.58]I saw people doing things [01:07.31]Almost gave up on the music thing [01:08.92]But we all so spoiled now [01:10.40]More life, more everything [01:12.27]Must have never had your phone tapped [01:13.81]All that yapping on the phone **** [01:15.65]You must really love the road life [01:17.10]All that never coming home **** [01:19.10]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [01:20.81]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [01:22.39]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [01:24.26]Dom Rosé toast [01:25.76]Hidden hills where I post [01:27.26]Iced up, my day slow [01:29.26]Silk pajamas when I wake, though [01:30.83]Mireval to the face, though [01:32.42]I drunk text J-Lo [01:34.14]Old number, so it bounce back [01:35.88]Boi-1da got the bounce back [01:37.46]Used to get paid for shows and front door money [01:39.62]Five, ten, twenties, hand sanitize after you count that [01:42.45]Me and Gibbo was about that [01:44.10]Eating Applebee's and Outback [01:45.84]Southwest, no first class [01:47.64]Hilton rooms, gotta double up [01:49.29]Writing our name on a double cup [01:50.86]We ain't even have a tour bus [01:52.58]Girls wouldn't even think of recording me [01:53.97]I fall asleep in sororities [01:55.87]I had some different priorities [01:57.67]Weezy had all the authority [01:59.32]Women I like was ignoring me [02:00.98]Now they like, aren't you adorable? [02:02.64]I know the question rhetorical [02:04.46]I took the team plane from Oracle [02:06.40]Mama never used to cook much [02:07.80]Used to chef KD [02:09.33]Now me and Chef, KD [02:11.90]Bet on shots for twenty G's [02:12.99]I brought the game to its knees [02:14.53]I make too much these days to ever say, "Poor me" [02:17.86]Where you at? I never see you [02:19.90]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [02:21.48]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [02:23.25]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [02:25.20]****** moves so waste [02:26.34]Please come outside the house and show yourself [02:28.48]So I can say it to your face [02:29.62]It's bound to happen, man, it's gotta happen now [02:31.64]So let's just get it out the way [02:33.00]Lotta ****** going bad on me [02:34.18]Please, one at a time [02:35.55]I wanna move to Dubai [02:36.58]So I don't never have to kick it with none of you guys [02:38.82]I didn't listen to Hov on that old song [02:40.64]When he told me pay it no mind [02:42.15]I get more satisfaction outta going at your head and seeing all of you die [02:45.59]And I seen a lot of you die [02:46.98]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [02:48.51]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [02:50.16]Free smoke, free smoke aye! [02:51.88]Hidden hills where I post, yeah [02:53.49]Ye already know, yeah [02:55.28]I'm the troublemaker in the neighborhood [02:57.40]Far as troublemaking goes, yeah [02:58.40]House party up the road, yeah [03:00.23]I'm not Kid 'n Play [03:01.74]This kid doesn't play about the flow, yeah [03:03.84]Y'all keep playing with your nose, yeah [03:05.34]You get high and do the most, yeah [03:07.40]How you let the kid fighting [03:08.44]Ghost-writing rumors turn you to a ghost? [03:10.13]Oh you ****** got jokes [03:12.80]Free smoke, free smoke [03:14.27] [03:23.15]Baka [03:25.60]Yeah, we outchea [03:27.11]Ya don know, aye? [03:28.89]It's a OVO ting, aye? [03:30.61]Ya don know, aye? [03:32.41]It's a East Side ting, aye? [03:34.84]Ya don know aye? [03:36.67]More life [by:TomFeng40] [00:00.06]是不是你的感情 [00:06.71]掩盖了你的伤痛 [00:11.43]使你站在了高处 [00:16.75]你是否今天才发现你的新作品 [00:25.46]有涟漪般甜美的声音 [00:37.52]你是否今天才发现你歌曲会获奖无数 [00:38.82]所以提到我的时候,你最好小心点 [00:57.15]没错 [00:58.30]我曾穷困潦倒 [01:00.31]你的生活也不富裕 [01:02.50]我在你家熬到很晚 [01:03.78]在想我到底为了什么 [01:05.58]我看见其他人成功了 [01:07.31]甚至打算放弃音乐 [01:08.92]但我们现在已经不一样了 [01:10.40]但我还要更多 [01:12.27]你的电话肯定没被窃听过吧 [01:13.81]在电话里跟你废话连篇 [01:15.65]你肯定很喜欢四海为家吧 [01:17.10]从不回家 [01:19.10]算计我的人小心点 [01:20.81]别让那颗子弹冲着你去 [01:22.39]只留下我枪口上的余烟 [01:24.26]我喝价格不菲的好酒 [01:25.76]我住最为奢华的房子 [01:27.26]每天都很享受 [01:29.26]我穿丝绸的睡衣 [01:30.83]我住最好的酒店 [01:32.42]我醉后给珍妮弗·洛佩兹发短信 [01:34.14]她秒回我 [01:35.88]Boi-1da(制作人,Drake好友)现在很牛逼 [01:37.46]我曾经赚不了多少钱 [01:39.62]来听我表演的人寥寥无几 [01:42.45]我和我哥们曾经 [01:44.10]只吃得起Applebee和Outback(美国连锁餐厅) [01:45.84]坐不起头等舱 [01:47.64]住不起希尔顿 [01:49.29]也喝不起美酒 [01:50.86]我连大巴都租不起 [01:52.58]女孩儿们对我毫无兴趣 [01:53.97]曾经我在联谊会上睡着 [01:55.87]有很多人很多事都比我重要 [01:57.67]直到我遇见了大哥Lil Wayne [01:59.32]曾经她们对我爱答不理 [02:00.98]现在的我你们高攀不起 [02:02.64]真可笑 [02:04.46]我坐勇士队的专用飞机 [02:06.40]曾经妈妈不怎么做饭 我们只吃得起方便食品 [02:07.80]曾经和凯文·杜兰特天壤之别 [02:09.33]现在我跟库里,杜兰特一起 [02:11.90]下2万的赌注和他们玩投篮游戏 [02:12.99]我发挥到了极致 [02:14.53]估计再也没机会说“我好惨”了 [02:17.86]你现在又在哪呢? [02:19.90]算计我的人小心点 [02:21.48]别让那颗子弹冲着你去 [02:23.25]只留下我枪口上的余烟 [02:25.20]Kid Cudi就像个墙头草 [02:26.34]请拿出点真本事让我看看 [02:28.48]我才能当着你的面喷你(Kid Cudi曾在推特挑衅Drake,质疑公鸭不敢当面喷他) [02:29.62]别着急 我会收拾你 [02:31.64]所以现在你先滚一边去 [02:33.00]很多人试图摸黑我 [02:34.18]一个一个来 [02:35.55]我得搬到迪拜去 [02:36.58]这样我就不用挨个收拾你们了 [02:38.82]我没听从Jay-Z(Jay-Z的昵称是Hov)的意见不也成功了吗 [02:40.64]他告诉我注意的地方我都没注意 [02:42.15]我现在不也成功了吗 而很多其他人则是销声匿迹 [02:45.59]很多人都销声匿迹 [02:46.98]算计我的人小心点 [02:48.51]别让那颗子弹冲着你去 [02:50.16]只留下我枪口上的余烟 [02:51.88]我住的是最贵的别墅 [02:53.49]你们知道的 [02:55.28]我总是爱找点麻烦 [02:57.40]免得麻烦老找我 [02:58.40]我喜欢开轰趴 [03:00.23]但我不是Kid N Play(美国上世纪流行组合) [03:01.74]他们flow玩的没我溜 [03:03.84]你们继续磕你们的药把 [03:05.34]你们继续嗨吧 [03:07.40]你怎么还在喋喋不休 [03:08.44]说我找人代写 现在你找人代写都没人理你(Meek Mill曾指控Drake代写) [03:10.13]你可真幽默 [03:12.80]算计我的人小心点 [03:23.15]我和我哥们Baka [03:25.60]就在这 [03:27.11]你懂吗? [03:28.89]我们是OVO [03:30.61]你懂吗 [03:32.41]我们来自东边 [03:34.84]你懂吗 [03:36.67]我不会止步


