Details歌词 歌手Wouter Hamel-专辑Hamel-单曲《Details》LRC歌词下载

独揽帅氕2022-04-02  83

导读:《Details》歌词 歌手Wouter Hamel的专辑Hamel单曲《Details》LRC歌词下载,《Details》歌词分享。…

Details歌词 歌手Wouter Hamel-专辑Hamel-单曲《Details》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Wouter Hamel

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[00:05.110]A humdrum Tuesday morning when nothing's any good [00:09.660]I try to get to work [00:12.140]but I can't get out of this mood [00:16.440]a dreary friday evening [00:19.940]my friends are all in town [00:24.330]I plan to join them later [00:27.930]but my blues are still around [00:34.690]don't wanna waste my time on crying [00:39.270]things that you say won't tear me down [00:43.930]what can I do when you've been lying [00:48.170]I can't be bothered by those memories [00:53.170]spare me the sordid uncouth details [00:58.410]the image is vivid in my mind [01:03.210]I needn't fantasize to picture [01:07.320]the love we had was ruined too soon [01:12.020]you'd woo me with your lovesong [01:14.600]you'd tempt me with your eyes [01:16.720]you'd send me reeling high above [01:19.110]into orange coloured skies [01:21.250]you'd play on your piano [01:23.640]you wrote me poetry [01:25.940]with lovey-dovey metaphors [01:28.500]all leadin' back to me [01:31.320]don't wanna go back to the old days [01:36.320]when love used to blind me every day [01:41.030]guess I was lost inside your love maze [01:45.450]but now the air is clear enough to see [02:28.190]I was all dressed up [02:30.540]with nowhere to go [02:32.800]you had me from the start [02:35.340]you had me from hello [02:38.000]but now I'm free to fly away [02:40.120]into a brand new lovely day [02:42.820]I'm leaving you behind [02:47.950]spare me the grungy grimy details [02:52.680]the image is lifelike as it is [02:57.400]I can see you and him before me [03:01.660]the love we had was rudely traded in [03:06.940]spare me the sordid uncouth details [03:11.670]the image is vivid in my mind [03:16.410]I needn't fantasize to picture [03:20.630]the love we had was ruined [03:23.180]oh, can't you see It's ruined [03:25.980]the love we had was ruined [03:29.900]too soon [00:05.110]星期二的清晨乏味得很 感觉对什么都提不起兴趣 [00:09.660]我挣扎着想去上班 [00:12.140]却早已陷在这愁绪中 被死死缠住 [00:16.440]星期五的夜晚也沉闷不已 [00:19.940]我的朋友们都去了城里 尽享灯红酒绿 [00:24.330]我打算等会儿去加入他们 [00:27.930]但即使这样 我仍然感到忧郁 [00:34.690]我才不想为了你而落泪 [00:39.270]我不会被你的话给击垮 [00:43.930]你骗了我 我又能怎么办呢 [00:48.170]我不能被回忆的浪潮困住啊 [00:53.170]那些肮脏的细节 别再和我说了 [00:58.410]那些画面在我脑海里仍无比鲜活 [01:03.210]我也不会再沉溺于幻想之中了 [01:07.320]我们的爱情早已烟消云散 [01:12.020]你哼唱着万般柔情 追求于我 [01:14.600]你的双眸秋波荡漾 撩动我心 [01:16.720]你的美让我仿佛直冲云霄 [01:19.110]刺激不已 眩晕不止 [01:21.250]你的双指在琴键上翩翩起舞 [01:23.640]你为我写就暗涌爱意的情诗 [01:25.940]字里行间那漫天爱意 [01:28.500]全都直击我心 [01:31.320]我不想再去回忆往昔 [01:36.320]曾经的那个我是被爱蛊惑的傻瓜 [01:41.030]在你设计的爱情迷阵里晕头转向 [01:45.450]但现在 我什么都看明白了 [02:28.190]我穿上一袭盛装 [02:30.540]却不知要到哪里去 [02:32.800]你从一开始就令我惊艳 [02:35.340]你双唇初启 就已掳掠我心 [02:38.000]但现在我终于走出这迷阵 [02:40.120]得以重见天日 [02:42.820]我把你尘封在记忆中 [02:47.950]那些肮脏的细节 不必再与我说 [02:52.680]那一幕幕场景 我都记得清晰 [02:57.400]我看着你和他走在我前面 [03:01.660]我们之间曾经那么真挚的爱 你随便就献给了别人 [03:06.940]那些肮脏的细节 不必再提起 [03:11.670]那些画面在我脑海里仍无比鲜活 [03:16.410]我也不会再沉溺于幻想之中了 [03:20.630]我们的爱情早已消亡 [03:23.180]噢 难道你还看不出来么 [03:25.980]我们这所谓的爱情 [03:29.900]早已随风远逝


