Flat Of Angles Part 3歌词 歌手Benedict Cumberbatch-专辑Bonobo - Late Night Tales (Deluxe)-单曲《Flat Of Angles Part 3》LRC歌词下载

傲视之巅2022-04-02  103

导读:《Flat Of Angles Part 3》歌词 歌手Benedict Cumberbatch的专辑Bonobo - Late Night Tales (Deluxe)单曲《Flat Of Angles Part 3》LRC歌词下载,《F…

歌曲:《Flat Of Angles Part 3》
歌手:Benedict Cumberbatch
专辑:Bonobo - Late Night Tales (Deluxe)

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《Flat Of Angles Part 3》歌词:

[00:00.000]And now for the third part of four-part Late Night Tales story [00:04.000]"Flat of Angles" [00:05.000]Written by Simon Cleary [00:06.000]And read by me Benendict Cumberbatch [00:10.000]I just can't access my thoughts [00:11.000]Or put them into words [00:13.000]I think now my brain recycle been awaiting deletion [00:17.000]Still no reply to my text, I send to its ... [00:21.000]Oh, let me see [00:22.000]9:48, and it's now 10 o'clock [00:25.000]She hasn't texted to me in response [00:27.000]To my imploring, longing, yearning message [00:29.000]full of wiring sudden grief [00:31.000]Thus, morning!(escalation mark) [00:33.000]How are you [00:34.000]I enjoyed our journey in the dark so can't wait this night!(escalation mark) [00:39.000]Back at my place, looking forward to the gig tonight [00:42.000]what time can you get there? [00:43.000]Where is Rhythm Factory?(escalation mark) [00:45.000]Have a great day! [00:47.000]Kiss. [00:49.000]As many questions as possible all crying out for response [00:53.000]surface lightness, reflective even [00:55.000]Asking after, referring to events our showing her I'm thinking of her [00:59.000]The kiss bow [01:00.999]That was contemplative for a good five minutes although we held hands briefly [01:04.998]Near McDonald's on the Earl's Court Road last night [01:06.998]I don't know that was to forward the kiss, too presumptuous now [01:11.998]But, her touch, sent a clean electric impulse through me [01:17.998]up my arm, into my brain [01:19.998]It cuts through the K, the sodium light [01:24.998]the rain I longed to protect her from my arms [01:29.998]Now he's check of the message this phone results [01:33.000]and a little clutch of pain somewhere of the sanity is heart [01:38.000]The snails are climbing all over the wall in my bathroom [01:43.000]There is a bush outside the window [01:45.000]when it rains if I've left the window open [01:47.000]which I need to, sometimes [01:49.000]They crawl in [01:52.000]The iridescent tracery they leave on [01:54.000]Unknown journey sparkles in the bob light [01:58.000]I take a Tesco-bag glove and gather them, [02:00.998]bundle them out the window. [02:08.000]My time spend with you before the war. [02:14.000]She said she was going to Spain, hoped it wouldn’t rain, [02:16.000]heard it wouldn’t rain. I wanted to go too, [02:18.000]she said she was a solo traveler, [02:20.000]it was her rule, [02:21.000]she goes on journeys alone. [02:23.000]With plenty to read. [02:25.000]I recommend some books, so that perhaps a thought of me would go with her. [02:29.000]Perhaps I am the only thought she had. [02:30.000]Or more probably, she never thought of me, as I did of her. [02:33.000]I wanted to say these things, [02:35.000]but there was always a wall around me, [02:37.000]I could never tell people how much they meant to me. [02:39.000]I could tell others how much I hated some people, [02:41.000]but could never even tell a friend I appreciated their company [02:45.000]until I'd had 10 cans, then it would descend into a stereotypical drunken [02:50.000]“You’re my best mate, you are.” [02:54.000]So we opened that bottle of absinthe, and sat on the couch. [02:58.000]I knocked a copy of The Face onto the floor, [03:01.000]cleared away a few cans with my boots. [03:02.000]We turned to face each other there, [03:05.000]and my knee touched hers. [03:10.000]I looked at our knees together, [03:12.000]hers at the top of the black leather boots, hidden in grey woollen tights, [03:16.000]with little bobbles on them. [03:20.000]Her knee moved imperceptibly away, [03:24.000]but I felt it. [03:26.000]I looked up to her face [03:28.000]as she said “Drink a shot with me, and look me in the eye as you do.” [03:33.000]We did. [03:35.000]and feel the effect of the alcohol, [03:38.000]but her eyes gave me a warm glow, [03:42.000]I was swallowed by them, [03:45.000]as she swallowed the green liquid. [03:48.000]I couldn’t get enough. [03:50.000]We did it again and again. [03:55.000]Rinse, then repeat. [03:58.000]As needed. [04:02.000]Well, we were fabric for a drama bass night [04:06.000]we were about to bow about four [04:08.000]Just getting our coats, when we and Tim getting some sorts of trouble with the coat room attendant, he lost his ticket [04:12.000]She said "we'd have to wait until the end to get the coat [04:16.000]So we had to sit outside by the meat market, in the freezing cold [04:20.000]At least wear our coats [04:21.000]Until 8, when it was finally over [04:23.000]Tim with his only coat hanging around in the middle of this desert [04:28.000]And then Tim, put his hand, in his jeans' pocket and pulls out a sweat rubbish ruffled ticket [04:34.000]saying "I had it all along" [04:38.000]Doug, saw this, he just screws his hands up into his face [04:42.000]forces them to his side [04:44.000]shaking, grating his teeth, groaning [04:47.000]moving off slowly, muttering "fu~~~XX" [04:53.000]Oh no, my number will be on her phone. [04:58.000]They’ll know. [05:00.000]I need to get round there and delete the calls. [05:04.000]So it [05:10.000]Out of the strong, came forth sweetness. [05:16.000]It says that on the tins of Lyle’s Golden Syrup. [05:18.000]Have you ever noticed that? [05:20.000]It has a picture of a lion, dead, [05:22.000]surrounded by bees, buzzing around, [05:23.000]and feasting on the lion’s innards. [05:24.000]It is from a Biblical story, [05:26.000]someone was going somewhere, [05:27.000]saw the lion dead in the sunshine, [05:29.000]and carried on. [05:30.000]On his way back,the bees had started to form a hive within the lion, [05:34.000]and were creating honey. [05:36.000]Hence out of the strong... [05:40.000]I have enough here to join her, to join the lion. [05:47.000]I can't walk around the block once more, again. [05:52.000]I've been doing that for years, and I have never escaped. [05:57.000]I don't even know why I'm doing it. [06:01.000]I'm going nowhere, like those snails, except out the window. [06:09.000]The streets are full of mercenary eyes. [06:12.000]Veins full of evil serum. [06:15.000]90 degrees from window. [06:18.000]Right down to its gables. [06:26.000]You've been listening to Late Night Tales [06:29.000]Music and stories worth staying up for. [00:00.000] [00:00.000] [00:04.000]“突出的平面” [00:05.000]由西蒙·克利著 [00:06.000]由我本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇诵 [00:10.000]我不知道我在想些什么 [00:11.000]也难以说明 [00:13.000]我想现在我的脑部回忆正在等待回收删除 [00:17.000]还是没有回复...我是什么时候发过去的... [00:21.000]噢,让我看看 [00:22.000]9:48,现在已经10点了 [00:25.000]她还是没有回我的短信 [00:27.000]我那恳求,渴望,渴求的短信 [00:29.000]我内心突然充满了莫名的悲伤 [00:31.000]然而,早上到了! [00:33.000]你好吗? [00:34.000]我沉迷于我们在黑暗中的旅行,挨过了昨晚 [00:39.000]我又回到了我的住处,期待着这个夜晚 [00:42.000]你什么时候能到那里? [00:43.000]“节奏工厂”在哪里? [00:45.000]祝你一天愉快! [00:47.000]吻 [00:49.000]堆积如山的问题,所有人都急切等待回复 [00:53.000]表面亮闪闪的,均匀地泛着光 [00:55.000]问完问题后,我发现这些问题都是在向她表明我在想她 [00:59.000]吻手鞠躬 [01:00.999]尽管我们只是短暂的握手,但这让我沉思了五分钟 [01:04.998]昨晚在伯爵法院路上的麦当劳附近 [01:06.998]我不知道那是在期待一个吻,太过分了 [01:11.998]但是,她的触碰,向我发送了纯洁的电波 [01:17.998]经由我的臂,进入我的大脑 [01:19.998]它穿过K,穿过钠光 [01:24.998]我期待这雨能使她免受怀疑 [01:29.998]现在他看着手机中的消息结果 [01:33.000]一丝丝被掐着的疼从装满理智的心中升起 [01:38.000]蜗牛们爬过浴室墙 [01:43.000]窗外有一丛灌木 [01:45.000]当外面下雨了,而我没关窗 [01:47.000]偶尔,我需要这样做 [01:49.000]它们爬进来了 [01:52.000]它们留下的彩虹般的窗饰 [01:54.000]未知的旅程在灯光下闪闪发光 [01:58.000]我拿一个乐购袋和手套抓它们 [02:00.998]将它们关在窗外 [02:08.000]在战前我和你一起度过的时光 [02:14.000]她说她要去西班牙,希望那里不会下雨 [02:16.000]听说那里不会下雨,我也想去 [02:18.000]她说她是单人旅行者 [02:20.000]但这是她的原则 [02:21.000]她要独自旅行 [02:23.000]路上阅览群书 [02:25.000]我向她推荐了几本书,这样也许一丝我的思绪就会和她同行 [02:29.000]也许在她身边只有我一个人这样想 [02:30.000]或者更可能,她从未,像我想她一样想我 [02:33.000]我曾想说出这些事 [02:35.000]但我周围一直有一堵墙 [02:37.000]我从未告诉人们他们对我有多重要 [02:39.000]我可以告诉别人我多恨某些人 [02:41.000]但我从不会告诉任一个朋友:我羡慕他们的陪伴 [02:45.000]直到我喝完了10罐酒,那大概就会陷入到所谓的醉酒中 [02:50.000]“你是我最好的伴侣,你就是” [02:54.000]然后我们开了那瓶苦艾酒,坐在了沙发上 [02:58.000]我把 The Face 的副本碰倒在地 [03:01.000]用靴子踢开几个罐子清出一片空地 [03:02.000]我们转身面对面 [03:05.000]我们的膝盖相触 [03:10.000]我看着我们接触着的膝盖 [03:12.000]她的膝盖在黑色皮靴顶部,隐藏在紧身灰毛衣里 [03:16.000]在它们上面有一点跳动 [03:20.000]她的膝盖不知不觉的移开了 [03:24.000]但我感觉到了 [03:26.000]我抬头看向她的脸 [03:28.000]正如她曾说的,“和我一起喝酒,像我一样看着我。” [03:33.000]我们照做了 [03:35.000]我没感到酒精的影响 [03:38.000]但是她的眼里给了我温暖的光 [03:42.000]我被它们吞噬了 [03:45.000]正如她咽下翠绿的苦艾酒 [03:48.000]我觉得不够 [03:50.000]我们重复了一次又一次 [03:55.000]灌进一杯又一杯 [03:58.000]正如需要的那样 [04:02.000]喔,我们是演戏剧低音夜的料子 [04:06.000]我们要在四点左右鞠躬 [04:08.000]只要我们穿上外套,当我们...蒂姆遇到了一些麻烦,带着外套的服务员,他丢了票 [04:12.000]她说“我们只有等到最后才能拿到外套” [04:16.000]所以我们不得不坐在外面,在肉市的旁边,在冷风里 [04:20.000]至少我们穿着我们的外套 [04:21.000]直到八点,它终于结束了 [04:23.000]蒂姆终于在寒冷的沙漠里裹上了他的外套 [04:28.000]然后蒂姆,把手放在牛仔裤的口袋里,并拉扯出一张带着汗水的废票 [04:34.000]说“我一直都有” [04:38.000]道格看到了,他只是把手伸到他的脸上 [04:42.000]迫使他们走到他身边 [04:44.000]摇动着,磨着牙,呻吟着 [04:47.000]慢慢地走开,咕哝着"fuuuuuuuu(ck)" [04:53.000]哦不,我的电话号会出现在她的手机上 [04:58.000]他们就会知道了 [05:00.000]我要去那里删除通话记录 [05:04.000]这样 [05:10.000]走出坚强,产生甜蜜 [05:16.000]它说,在莱尔的罐装金糖浆的味道。 [05:18.000]你可曾注意过? [05:20.000]那里有一只狮子的照片,已死了的 [05:22.000]被蜜蜂包围,嗡嗡响 [05:23.000]并在狮子的内脏上摆筵席 [05:24.000]这个故事来源于圣经 [05:26.000]某人在赶路时 [05:27.000]看见这只狮子在阳光下死去 [05:29.000]然后他继续赶路了 [05:30.000]当他回来时,蜜蜂已经开始在狮子体内建了一个蜂巢 [05:34.000]正在生产蜂蜜 [05:36.000]因此,在强大的... [05:40.000]我有足够的机会加入她,加入狮子 [05:47.000]再一次,我再也不能走过街区了 [05:52.000]我已经这样做了这么多年了,我从来没有逃跑过 [05:57.000]我甚至不知道为什么要这样做 [06:01.000]除了窗外的世界,我会像那些蜗牛一样无处可去 [06:09.000]街上充斥着雇佣军的眼睛 [06:12.000]静脉充满了血清 [06:15.000]从窗口90度的方向 [06:18.000]直到山墙 [06:26.000]你一直在听的深夜故事 [06:29.000]音乐和故事值得永存

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