Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)歌词 歌手小朴的派大星-专辑Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝的睡前小故事)-单曲《Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)》LRC歌词下载

傲然天下2022-04-03  85

导读:《Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)》歌词 歌手小朴的派大星的专辑Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝的睡前小故事)单曲《Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)》LRC歌词下载,《Grounded…

Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)歌词 歌手小朴的派大星-专辑Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝的睡前小故事)-单曲《Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)》
专辑:Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝的睡前小故事)

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《Grounded with ROSÉ(肉宝睡前小故事)》歌词:

[00:00.676]hi there I'm rose [00:02.931]and it's my pleasure to share this sleep story with you [00:08.187]I've been listening to calm for a long time [00:12.176]it's been so helpful for me to relax and feel good [00:15.927]about myself [00:17.934]one of my favorite things to do [00:20.426]after a long day in front of the camera [00:23.439]or a long night on stage [00:26.182]is to climb into bed under my soft blankets [00:29.942]with my puppy by my side [00:31.936]and turn on my favorite sleep story [00:35.427]before you know it [00:38.426]I feel grounded and loved as I drift off to sleep [00:43.676]and sleeping isn't always easy for me [00:46.676]especially after a hard day [00:49.427]the days you can't seem to make anybody happy [00:55.186]the days where you wish you could just stay in bed [00:58.684]and not have to face the world [01:00.684]the days where you don't recognize the person [01:03.439]looking back at you in the mirror [01:07.177]that's when I decided to take some time [01:09.427]every day just for me [01:12.429]to connect with myself and listen to my inner voice [01:15.425]so I would love for you to settle into your warm bed [01:22.438]relax your body [01:23.926]and take a few deep cleansing breads [01:28.691]and when you're ready [01:31.180]close your eyes [01:33.935]and follow me [01:35.441]to sweet dreams [01:46.927]do you know that feeling [01:49.686]when you're about to fall asleep [01:53.183]when you're fading in and out [01:56.187]of a dream world [01:57.679]so deep [01:59.932]your body is feeling heavy [02:02.427]and your eyes are getting blurry [02:05.683]your mind begins to drift [02:09.426]on its own wondrous journey [02:13.180]your bed is like a cloud [02:16.178]soft and wispy white [02:20.177]gliding like a ship [02:22.933]on the sea of inky night [02:27.431]under sparkling stars [02:30.691]and the glowing crescent moon [02:34.177]you're floating through the night [02:37.191]like a happy lost balloon [02:40.679]you feel a soft breeze blowing [02:44.676]brushing across your face [02:47.685]a reminder to be present [02:51.178]when you feel its warm embrace [02:54.942]there's bliss within these moments [02:57.941]before the night ahead [03:00.932]when you yourself are just enough [03:05.190]at peace at home in bed [03:08.434]gazing at the sky [03:36.428]the stars dance and gleam [03:43.177]you start to feel relaxed [03:48.683]as you're floating off to dreams [03:49.932]song within your heart [03:54.927]rises up from deep within [03:55.940]allow your mind to calm [00:00.676]嗨,我是rose [00:02.931]我很高兴能和你们分享这个睡眠故事 [00:08.187]我听了冷静很久了 [00:12.176]放松和感觉良好对我很有帮助 [00:15.927]关于我自己 [00:17.934]我最喜欢做的事情之一 [00:20.426]在镜头前度过了漫长的一天 [00:23.439]或者在舞台上度过漫漫长夜 [00:26.182]就是盖着我柔软的毯子爬上床 [00:29.942]我的小狗在我身边 [00:31.936]打开我最喜欢的睡眠故事 [00:35.427]不知不觉中 [00:38.426]当我渐渐入睡时,我感到踏实和被爱 [00:43.676]睡觉对我来说并不容易 [00:46.676]尤其是辛苦了一天之后 [00:49.427]那些日子,你似乎不能让任何人快乐 [00:55.186]那些日子,你希望你能躺在床上 [00:58.684]不用面对这个世界 [01:00.684]那些你认不出那个人的日子 [01:03.439]看着镜子里的你 [01:07.177]就在那时我决定花点时间 [01:09.427]每一天都是为了我 [01:12.429]与自己沟通,倾听内心的声音 [01:15.425]所以我希望你能睡在温暖的床上 [01:22.438]放松你的身体 [01:23.926]再拿一些深层清洁面包 [01:28.691]当你准备好了 [01:31.180]闭上你的眼睛 [01:33.935]跟我走 [01:35.441]甜蜜的梦想 [01:46.927]你知道那种感觉吗 [01:49.686]当你快要睡着的时候 [01:53.183]当你渐行渐远时 [01:56.187]梦想的世界 [01:57.679]如此之深 [01:59.932]你的身体感觉很重 [02:02.427]你的眼睛变得模糊了 [02:05.683]你的思想开始漂移 [02:09.426]在它自己的奇妙旅程中 [02:13.180]你的床像一朵云 [02:16.178]柔软而纤细的白色 [02:20.177]像船一样滑行 [02:22.933]在漆黑夜晚的海上 [02:27.431]下闪闪发光的星星 [02:30.691]还有那一轮新月 [02:34.177]你漂浮在夜空中 [02:37.191]就像一个失落的气球 [02:40.679]你感到一阵微风吹过 [02:44.676]拂过你的脸庞 [02:47.685]提醒你要出席 [02:51.178]当你感受到它温暖的拥抱 [02:54.942]幸福就在这些时刻 [02:57.941]在黑夜来临之前 [03:00.932]当你自己刚刚好 [03:05.190]安安静静地躺在床上 [03:08.434]凝视天空 [03:36.428]星星跳舞,闪烁 [03:43.177]你开始感到放松 [03:48.683]当你飘向梦想 [03:49.932]在心中歌唱 [03:54.927]从内心深处升起 [03:55.940]让你的头脑冷静下来


