I Be Like (feat. Dax)歌词 歌手Chanel West CoastDax-专辑I Be Like (feat. Dax)-单曲《I Be Like (feat. Dax)》LRC歌词下载

一袖寒风2022-04-05  146

导读:《I Be Like (feat. Dax)》歌词 歌手Chanel West CoastDax的专辑I Be Like (feat. Dax)单曲《I Be Like (feat. Dax)》LRC歌词下载,《I Be Like (…

歌曲:《I Be Like (feat. Dax)》
歌手:Chanel West Coast / Dax
专辑:I Be Like (feat. Dax)

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《I Be Like (feat. Dax)》歌词:

[00:15.950]I be like la di di da di [00:17.550]La di di da di da di day [00:23.330]I be like la di di da di [00:25.550]La di di da di da di day [00:30.980]We at my homie's apartment [00:32.980]Cops just came to the door [00:35.955]I’m picking weed out the carpet cause it fell on the floor [00:39.955]Damn,the suns coming up but i ain't reach my quato [00:41.251]My homie's on they way up [00:45.230]My girls asleep on my shouldert [00:47.620]Vodka stay in my cup [00:48.531]Your man got me on a poster [00:51.111]B!tch,i got all this bread like live in the toaster(haha) [00:55.021]When i' m in the room they yell"Coast!" [00:57.010]Hanging with homies that know me before all the glow [01:01.000]Before all the dough,beforte all the shows [01:02.655]Before i could buy all these clothes [01:03.121]Before my friends turned into foes [01:04.762]When doors were still closed [01:06.545]And wrists weren't froze [01:07.232]Now i'm on boats in the Lagos [01:09.011]They checkin' my posts, no likes,they just scroll [01:11.012]Cause they all drones [01:11.022]I be like la di di da di [01:13.966]La di di da di da di day [01:18.960]I be like la di di da di [01:21.960]La di di da di da di day [01:26.960]I be like la di di da di [01:29.670]La di di da di da di day [01:35.010]I be like la di di da di [01:36,980]La di di da di da di day [01:44.120](Dax!)La di da it's finna be a good day(Good day!) [01:46.980]I ain't signing but they do what i say(meow) [01:49.980]That's the kitty so you know i'm getting laid [01:52.010]Hundred twenty-five an hour that's a f**k ni**a raid [01:53.980]I ain't giving up the D unless the D getting paid [01:55.980]Silly rabbit,you ain't slick,i ain't never finna chase [01:57.980]Baeber shop bars make a mumble rapper fade [02:00.005]Putit it in rotation,this a simulation [02:02.101]Can't breath ,a nigga need some ventilation [02:03.920]I ain't never been the type to put a girl in circulation [02:05.980]Let the boys run through just to get some validation [02:07.980]Hit the whole damn high, have her buzzin' pollination [02:09.980]Let her hop up inside ,no incarceration [02:12.010]This a story of a mac,on god, i ain't never going back [02:15.120]I be like la di di da di [02:17.120]La di di da di da di day [02:23.980]I be like la di di da di [02:26.980]La di di da di da di day [02:29.980]Good day! [02:31.980]I be like la di di da di [02:34.120]La di di da di da di day [02:38.980]I be like la di di da di [02:41.980]La di di da di da di day [02:47.980]I be like la di di da di [02:49.980]La di di da di da di day [by:YuvalF] [00:15.950]哼着歌儿,我们什么都不放在心上 [00:17.550]整日这样 [00:23.330]什么事都不在乎 [00:25.550]就这样吧 [00:30.980]我们在哥们儿的公寓 [00:32.980]警察刚到前门 [00:35.955]我把“烟”从地毯上捡起,它刚掉落在地 [00:39.955]该死,马上日出,我的目标却仍未完毕 [00:41.251]我的兄弟已经在路上了 [00:45.230]我的闺蜜靠在我肩上睡着了 [00:47.620]伏特加还在我杯子里 [00:48.531]你们的人在留言里找到了我 [00:51.111]贱人,这钱都是我赚的,好像我住在吐司机里(bread有money意,赚钱比较容易的意思) [00:55.021]当我在屋子里时他们都很放松 [00:57.010]我正和相识已久的旧友逛街,认识他们在这些光环之前 [01:01.000]在我赚到这么多钱之前,在我这么多场的表演之前 [01:02.655]在我能支付这么些衣服之前 [01:03.121]也在我的朋友变成仇人之前 [01:04.762]门还是紧闭 [01:06.545]手腕不再僵直 [01:07.232]我现在在拉各斯的船上 [01:09.011]他们看着我的帖子,都不点赞,直接划走 [01:11.012]我看他们就像屁虫嗡嗡嗡的 [01:11.022]我哼着小曲儿,满不在乎 [01:13.966]一天天的 [01:18.960]什么事儿都不放心上 [01:21.960]一直都是这样 [01:26.960]我唱着歌儿,无忧无虑 [01:29.670]平淡的说这着没什么 [01:35.010]遇事不决 [01:36,980]量子力学 [01:44.120]芜湖,总算有天好日子 [01:46.980]我没比划,他们就做了我说的(上面缺一句奈何水平不行实在听不出来) [01:49.980]那是凯蒂猫的叫声所以你们知道我被怎么样了(get laid=get fked) [01:52.010]一小时125那就是抢劫(最后一个词听不清抱歉) [01:53.980]但我的弟弟只要付过钱就要勇往直前 [01:55.980]你整日整夜的rap,你也有生机,我也有自己的追求(原句大概率不是这样那个···我按自己听的翻译了一下) [01:57.980]理发店和酒吧都使得口齿不清的rapper光环褪去 [02:00.005]让我们进入轮转,开始模拟 [02:02.101]无法呼吸,黑人都需要通气设备 [02:03.920]我从来都不是那种让姑娘“骑虎难下”的人 [02:05.980]让男孩子们演练演练好获得准许 [02:07.980]全垒G打,让她受“惊”也很兴奋 [02:09.980]让她从内由外的高兴,不要什么监禁 [02:12.010]这就是一个黑帮老大的故事,老天,我想我永远都回不去了 [02:15.120]我哼着小曲儿 [02:17.120]悠哉悠哉 [02:23.980]我说着什么都不在乎 [02:26.980]过着一天又一天 [02:29.980]好日子! [02:31.980]我哼着小曲儿 [02:34.120]悠哉悠哉 [02:38.980]我说着什么都不在乎 [02:41.980]过着一天又一天 [02:47.980]我什么都不在乎 [02:49.980]什么都不在乎

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