Helpless歌词 歌手Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton-专辑Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)-单曲《Helpless》LRC歌词下载

柳絮纷飞2022-04-05  77

导读:《Helpless》歌词 歌手Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton的专辑Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)单曲《Helpless》LRC歌词下载,《Help…

歌手:Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
专辑:Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

点击试听 → 《Helpless


[00:00.00]Ohh, I do I do I do I dooo! [00:04.34]Hey! Ohh, I do I do I do I dooo! [00:10.36]Boy you got me helpless! [00:14.51]Look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit [00:17.24]I’m helpless! [00:20.64]Down for the count, and I’m drownin’ in ‘em [00:23.71]I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight [00:26.71]We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night [00:29.73]Laughin’ at my sister as she’s dazzling the room [00:32.63]Then you walked in and my heart went “Boom!” [00:35.79]Tryin’ to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom [00:38.80]Everybody’s dancin’ and the band’s top volume [00:41.80]Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine [00:44.42]Grab my sister, and whisper, [00:46.24]“Yo, this one’s mine.” [00:49.10](Oh)My sister made her way across the room to you [00:51.17](Oh)And I got nervous, thinking “What’s she gonna do?” [00:55.05]She grabbed you by the arm, I’m thinkin’ “I’m through” [00:58.13]Then you look back at me and suddenly I’m [01:00.08]Helpless! [01:02.10]Oh, look at those eyes [01:03.19](Look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit) [01:05.58]Oh! Yeah, I’m [01:06.43]Helpless, I know [01:08.95](Down for the count and I’m drownin’ in ‘em. ) [01:12.26](Helpless! )I’m so into you [01:15.67]I am so into you (Look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit) [01:18.57]Helpless! [01:20.68]I know I’m down for the count [01:22.74]And I’m drownin’ in ‘em. [01:25.01]Where are you taking me? [01:26.09]I’m about to change your life [01:28.16]Then by all means, lead the way [01:30.12]Elizabeth Schuyler. It’s a pleasure to meet you [01:32.57]Schuyler? [01:33.28]My sister [01:34.42]Thank you for all your service [01:36.44]If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, [01:38.11]it will have been worth it [01:39.86]I’ll leave you to it [01:42.77]One week later [01:43.78]I’m writin’ a letter nightly [01:45.57]Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me [01:48.55]Laughin’ at my sister, cuz she wants to form a harem [01:51.57]I’m just sayin’, if you really loved me, you would share him [01:54.17]Ha! [01:54.63]Two weeks later [01:55.94]In the living room stressin’ [01:57.60]My father’s stone-faced [01:58.88]While you’re asking for his blessin’ [02:00.69]I’m dying inside, as [02:02.18]You wine and dine [02:03.35]And I’m tryin’ not to cry [02:04.91]‘cause there’s nothing that your mind can’t do [02:08.10]My father makes his way across the room [02:09.86]To you [02:11.22]I panic for a second, thinking [02:12.73]“we’re through” [02:14.23]But then he shakes your hand and says [02:15.74]“Be true” [02:17.15]And you turn back to me, smiling, and I’m [02:19.10]Helpless! [02:22.13](Look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit I’m) [02:25.09]Helpless! [02:28.21](Down for the count) [02:29.57]Hoo!(And I’m drownin’ in‘em I’m helpless) [02:32.70]That boy is mine [02:33.40]That boy is mine! [02:34.41](Look into your eyes and the sky’s the limit I’m) [02:37.40]Helpless! Helpless! [02:40.46]Down for the count [02:41.71]And I’m drownin’ in em [02:43.56]Eliza, I don’t have a dollar to my name [02:46.08]An acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame [02:49.44]All I have’s my honor, a tolerance for pain [02:52.09]A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain [02:55.40]Insane, your family brings out a different side of me [02:58.62]Peggy confides in me, Angelica tried to take a bite of me [03:01.62]No stress, my love for you is never in doubt [03:04.24]We’ll get a little place in Harlem and we’ll figure it out [03:07.29]I’ve been livin’ without a family since I was a child [03:10.42]My father left, my mother died, I grew up buckwild [03:13.33]But I’ll never forget my mother’s face, that was real [03:16.34]And long as I’m alive, Eliza, swear to God [03:18.60]You’ll never feel so… [03:19.81](Helpless!)I do I do I do I do! [03:22.60](Eliza…) I do I do I do I do! [03:25.06]I’ve never felt so— [03:26.15](Helpless!)Hey, yeah, yeah! [03:29.16](Down for the count)I’m down for the count [03:31.88](Helpless!)My life is gon’ be fine cuz Eliza’s in it. [03:35.11](Helpless!)I look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit [03:37.72]I’m(Helpless!) [03:41.12](Down for the count)…drownin’ in ‘em. [03:44.13](Wedding march plays) [03:50.16]In New York, you can be a new man… [03:53.13]In New York, you can be a new man… [03:56.29]In New York, you can be a new man… [04:02.93]Helpless [by:superanastasia] [00:00.00]哦,我愿意,我当然愿意! [00:04.34]嘿,我愿意,我一万个愿意! [00:10.36]亲爱的,你让我难以抗拒 [00:14.51]你那深邃眼眸中的咫尺天空 [00:17.24]令我无法自拔 [00:20.64]沉溺其中 [00:23.71]我从未如此想要引人注目 [00:26.71]狂欢之夜置身派对的我们 [00:29.73]笑看我的姐姐全场夺目 [00:32.63]你款款而至,我倾盖如故 [00:35.79]只希望另一端的你目光驻足 [00:38.80]酒饱饭足跟着节奏起步 [00:41.80]气氛正好人人起舞 [00:44.42]我抓住姐姐的手在她耳边私语 [00:46.24]看见那个男人了吗他是我的哟 [00:49.10]她穿过房间走到你的面前 [00:51.17]我惴惴不安不知道她打着什么算盘 [00:55.05]看到她握着你的手臂我想我完了 [00:58.13]然而你转头看向我,突然之间 [01:00.08]我难以自持 [01:02.10]看看那双眼睛 [01:03.19]咫尺天空是你那深邃眼眸 [01:05.58]哦,是的 [01:06.43]我知道我难以自拔 [01:08.95]深深被打败,沉沦于此 [01:12.26](难以自拔),我竟对你痴迷至此 [01:15.67]痴迷至此(你那深邃眼眸中的咫尺天空) [01:18.57]难以抗拒 [01:20.68]自知被你打败 [01:22.74]我要沉溺在此 [01:25.01]你要带我往哪儿去 [01:26.09]我要改变你的人生 [01:28.16]如果是这样的话,请带路吧 [01:30.12]伊丽莎白·斯凯勒,很高兴认识你 [01:32.57]斯凯勒? [01:33.28]这是我妹妹。 [01:34.42]感谢你为国家的付出 [01:36.44]如果一场战争换来与你相遇 [01:38.11]那都是值得的 [01:39.86]你们慢慢聊 [01:42.77]一周之后 [01:43.78]我夜夜写信 [01:45.57]你的回信让我的生活更加美好 [01:48.55]笑我姐姐痴说她也要嫁你 [01:51.57]我就随便说说,要是你真心爱我,你会愿意和我共享的 [01:54.17]想得美! [01:54.63]两周之后 [01:55.94]客厅气氛异常沉重 [01:57.60]当你上门求亲之时 [01:58.88]我父亲面若磐石 [02:00.69]你在外面好酒好菜 [02:02.18]我在里面心如死灰 [02:03.35]努力不让自己哭出来 [02:04.91]因为你无所不能 [02:08.10]父亲穿过房间 [02:09.86]走到你面前 [02:11.22]我惊慌失措 [02:12.73]想着我们即将结束 [02:14.23]但他握着你的手说 [02:15.74]要忠贞待我的女儿 [02:17.15]你转过头朝我微微一笑 [02:19.10]我已无法自拔 [02:22.13](深陷在你那深邃眼眸) [02:25.09]难以自持! [02:28.21](被你深深打败) [02:29.57]好险!(我已深陷泥潭) [02:32.70]他终于是我的了! [02:33.40]他终于是我的了! [02:34.41](你那深邃眼眸里的咫尺天空) [02:37.40]我情不自禁,难以自持! [02:40.46]被你深深打败 [02:41.71]我已越陷越深 [02:43.56]伊莉莎,我一文不值 [02:46.08]名下无产,麾下无士,无名小卒一个 [02:49.44]我唯有我的荣誉,耐力 [02:52.09]几个学分和智慧大脑 [02:55.40]太疯狂了,你的家人让我看到了别样的自己 [02:58.62]佩吉向我吐露心迹,安吉莉卡也想将我占有 [03:01.62]不过别担心,我的爱永属于你 [03:04.24]我会想方设法为我们在哈林找间小屋 [03:07.29]我从小形单影只无家可归 [03:10.42]父亲出走,母亲病故,无依无靠 [03:13.33]我从未忘记我母亲真切的脸, [03:16.34]伊莉莎我向上帝发誓 [03:18.60]只要我活着你将不会受半点委屈 [03:19.81](无法自拔)我愿意,我当然愿意! [03:22.60](伊莉莎)我一万个愿意! [03:25.06]我从未感到如此(难以自持) [03:26.15]难以自持 [03:29.16](被深深打败)我被深深打败 [03:31.88](情不自禁)我的生活因伊莉莎而完满 [03:35.11](无法自拔!)你眼中的咫尺天空 [03:37.72]让我(无法自拔!) [03:41.12](被你深深打败)我已然沉溺于此 [03:44.13](婚礼进行曲) [03:50.16]纽约能让你脱胎换骨 [03:53.13]纽约能让你焕然一新 [03:56.29]纽约能让你宛若重生 [04:02.93]情不自禁


