第五期(14)歌词 歌手英语听力-专辑专八interview系列-单曲《第五期(14)》LRC歌词下载

海之角2022-04-07  66

导读:《第五期(14)》歌词 歌手英语听力的专辑专八interview系列单曲《第五期(14)》LRC歌词下载,《第五期(14)》歌词分享。…


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Welcome everybody. And today I'd like to introduce you to my guest, Steven Slater, who is going to talk to us something about cycling tours. Steven, welcome. Thank you. And welcome everybody. So Steven, as a coach at the Sunshine Cycling Club,can you tell us something about preparing for a cycling tour? Well, for anyone who is considering going on a tour,the first thing to consider is safety. Because with the correct equipment,and good riding habits, cycling tours can be so much fun ,and indeed, very rewarding. So what should people consider first? It's very important indeed to consider what you wear. Naturally, this is largely determined by the time of year and where it is you actually plan to travel to. So what I propose to give is a general guide. But whatever the weather, time of year or destination,a good quality helmet is essential. They are not expensive but have, in the past, saved many lives. But don't try to cut corners by buying a secondhand helmet. They may look to be in perfect condition but you can never tell. Always invest in a new one. Any good bicycle shop can advise you on one that will suit your needs. So get advice from the shop. Tell them where you are going and why. 欢迎各位来到今天的节目现场。 今天,我将向大家隆重介绍我们的嘉宾-Steven Slater。他将和我们谈一谈骑自行车旅行。Steven,欢迎来到我们节目现场。 谢谢。观众朋友们,你们好。 Steven,作为阳光自行车俱乐部的教练,可以跟我们谈一谈自行车旅行的一些准备工作吗? 嗯,对任何一个想要旅行的人来说,首先要考虑的是安全问题。 因为拥有正确的装备和良好的骑车习惯后,骑车旅行就别有一番风味。实际上,骑车旅行是非常有意义的。 那么,要骑车旅行首先需要考虑的是什么呢? 实际上,穿什么是非常重要的。一般情况下,这取决于旅行的时间和旅游目的地。因此,我只能给一些一般的建议。但是,无论天气如何、什么时间、什么地点,一顶质量优良的头盔是必需的。他们其实并不贵,但是在过去,曾挽救过许多人的生命。但是,不要图便宜,买个二手的头盔。二手头盔可能看起来还行,但是粗看是看不出质量问题的。记得一定要买新的头盔。所有的自行车店都会给你相关的建议,满足你的特定需求。因此,向自行车店的人咨询,告诉他们你的旅行目的地和目的。

本文地址: https://gexing800.com/read-154474.html

