Excursions歌词 歌手A Tribe Called Quest-专辑The Low End Theory-单曲《Excursions》LRC歌词下载

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导读:《Excursions》歌词 歌手A Tribe Called Quest的专辑The Low End Theory单曲《Excursions》LRC歌词下载,《Excursions》歌词分享。…

Excursions歌词 歌手A Tribe Called Quest-专辑The Low End Theory-单曲《Excursions》LRC歌词下载

歌手:A Tribe Called Quest
专辑:The Low End Theory

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[00:00.000] 作词 : Davis [00:09.940]Back in the days when I was a teenager [00:12.277]Before I had status and before I had a pager [00:14.929]You could find the Abstract listenin' to hip-hop [00:17.476]My pops used to say, it reminded him of Bebop [00:20.037]I said, "Well, Daddy, don't you know that things go in cycles? [00:22.516]Way that Bobby Brown is just amping like Michael" [00:24.980]It's all expected, things are for the lookin' [00:27.532]If you got the money, Quest is for the bookin' [00:30.037]Come on everybody, let's get with the fly mode [00:32.595]Still got room on the truckload of black boom [00:35.072]Listen to the rhymes, then get a mental picture [00:37.439]Of this black man, and black woman fixture [00:40.036]Why do I say that? 'Cause I gotta speak the truth, man [00:42.516]Doin' what we feel for the music is the proof, and [00:45.244]Planted on the ground, the act is so together [00:47.455]Bona fide strong, you need leverage to sever [00:50.111]The unit, yes, the unit, yes, the unit called the jazz is [00:52.501]Delivering each year an LP filled with street goods [00:55.130]You can find it on your rack in your record store [00:57.564]If you get the record, say your thoughts are adored [01:00.105]And appreciated, 'cause we're ever so glad we made it [01:03.016]We work hard, so we gotta thank God [01:04.982]Dishin' out the plastic, do the dance till you're spastic [01:07.680]If you diss it gets drastic [01:10.878]Listen to the rhyme, 'cause it's time to make gravy [01:12.680]If it moves your booty, then shake, shake it, baby [01:15.146]All the way to Africa, A.K.A. the Motherland [01:17.653]Stick out the left, then I'll ask for the other hand [01:20.363]That's the right hand, Black man [01:22.444]Only if you are noted as my man [01:24.956]If I get the credit, then I think I deserve it [01:27.799]If you fake moves, don't fix your mouth to word it [01:30.269]Get in the zone of positivity, not negativity [01:33.425]'Cause we gotta strive for longevity [01:35.447]If you botch up, what's in that (ass) [01:37.727](What?) A pair of Nikes, size ten-and-a-half [01:41.326]We gotta make moves (words) [01:43.350]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [01:46.126]We gotta make moves (words) [01:48.217]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [01:51.055]We gotta make moves [01:53.131]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [01:56.267]We gotta make moves [01:57.749]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [02:01.674]"Time, time is a ship on a merciless sea [02:05.037]Drifting toward an abyss of nothingness [02:07.239]Until it can be recharted for its own destiny [02:09.840]Time is an inanimate object paying and paying and paying for no justification for belief [02:15.892]Time is dancing, boogalooing-away all memories of past" [02:20.336]We gotta be a winner all the time [02:22.416]Can't fall prey to a hip-hop crime [02:24.736]With the **** raps and **** tracks we move blocks [02:27.343]From the fly girlies to the hardest of the rocks [02:29.671]Musically the Quest, is on the rise [02:32.072]We on these excursions so you must realize [02:34.664]That continually, I pop my Zulu (****) [02:37.392]If you don't like it, get off the Zulu tip [02:39.865]So what can you do in the times which exist [02:42.369]You can't fake moves on your brother or your sis [02:44.545]But if your sis is a (*****), brother is a jerk [02:47.353]Leave 'em both alone and continue with your work [02:49.771]Whatever it may be in today's society [02:52.254]Everything is fair, least that's how it seems to me [02:54.800]You must be honest and true to the next [02:57.627]Don't be phony and expect one not to flex [02:59.851]Especially if you rhyme, you have to live by the pen [03:02.315]Your man is your man, then treat him like your friend [03:05.515]All it is, is the code of the streets [03:07.562]So listen to the knowledge being dropped over beats [03:10.058]Beats that are hard, beats that are funky [03:12.359]They could get you hooked like a crackhead junkie [03:15.223]What you gotta do is know the Tribe is in the sphere [03:17.452]The Abstract Poet, prominent like Shakespeare [03:20.188](Or Edgar Allan Poe, or Langston Hughes, or...) [03:21.847]We gotta make moves [03:23.150]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [03:26.430]We gotta make moves [03:28.026]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [03:31.406]We gotta make moves [03:33.133]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [03:36.421]We gotta make moves [03:38.093]Never, ever, ever could we fake moves (come on, come on) [03:40.678]"time is running out on black power advocates in the day and white thighed supporters at night [03:45.124]Every time you see them, they're chasin' some white woman with their tongue hangin' out [03:48.312]Time is running and passing, passing and running, running and passing, passing and running" [by:maxed] [00:09.940]回到过去我十几岁的时候 [00:12.277]在我有地位和传呼机之前 [00:14.929]你可以看到我在听嘻哈乐 [00:17.476]我爸爸常说,这让他想起了波普爵士乐 [00:20.037]我说:“爸,你不知道万物都是循环往复的吗?” [00:22.516]鲍比·布朗就像迈克尔一样疯狂 [00:24.980]一切都在意料之中,一切都是为了寻找 [00:27.532]如果你有钱,Quest就愿意为你效劳 [00:30.037]来吧大家一起,让我们跟上这节奏 [00:32.595]卡车上的低音炮还留有位置 [00:35.072]听这些韵文,然后在脑海中形成一幅图画 [00:37.439]黑人的男人,黑人的女人 [00:40.036]我为什么这么说?因为我必须说实话,伙计 [00:42.516]表达真实的音乐感受就是证明 [00:45.244]扎根于地,行为是如此的团结 [00:47.455]联结如此紧密,你要用杠杆才能撬开 [00:50.111]团结,联合,这种连接单元就是爵士 [00:52.501]每年发表一个充满街头元素的黑胶 [00:55.130]你可以在唱片店里的架子上找到它 [00:57.564]如果明白了其中的道理,可以说你的想法是被认可的 [01:00.105]感谢,因为我们很高兴我们成功了 [01:03.016]我们努力工作,所以我们要感谢上帝 [01:04.982]购买塑料唱片,跟着跳舞直到你麻木 [01:07.680]如果你指责它,它就会变得极端 [01:10.878]听这节奏,因为是时候做肉汁了 [01:12.680]如果你感受到了这种节奏,那就摇摆,宝贝 [01:15.146]一路到非洲,又称祖国 [01:17.653]伸出左手,然后我要求另一边 [01:20.363]那是右手礼,黑人 [01:22.444]除非你被人认出是我的人 [01:24.956]如果我得到了荣誉,那么我认为这是我应得的 [01:27.799]如果你在弄虚作假,那就不要虚张声势 [01:30.269]进入积极的状态,而不是消极的状态 [01:33.425]因为我们要保持艺术的长寿 [01:35.447]如果你搞砸了,那你会得到什么? [01:37.727]什么?你会被狠狠的踢一脚 [01:41.326]我们必须做出改变 [01:43.350]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [01:46.126]我们必须做出改变 [01:48.217]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [01:51.055]我们必须做出改变 [01:53.131]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [01:56.267]我们必须做出改变 [01:57.749]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [02:01.674]时间,时间是一艘船在无情的大海上 [02:05.037]飘向虚无的深渊 [02:07.239]直到它能够重新规划自己的命运 [02:09.840]时间是无生命的东西,为信仰而付出 [02:15.892]时间在跳舞,甩开过去的所有记忆 [02:20.336]我们必须一直是赢家 [02:22.416]永远不能出卖自己或放弃 [02:24.736]我们的说唱和唱片传播到街区 [02:27.343]从追求潮流的女孩到硬核的匪帮 [02:29.671]Quest的音乐性,正在上升 [02:32.072]我们在探索的旅行中,所以你必须认识到 [02:34.664]我不断地坚持我的祖鲁风格 [02:37.392]如果你不喜欢,就别掺和进来 [02:39.865]那么,在这个存在的时代,你能做些什么呢 [02:42.369]你不能欺骗你的兄弟姐妹 [02:44.545]但如果你姐妹是个泼妇,兄弟是个笨蛋 [02:47.353]那就别管他们,继续你的工作 [02:49.771]不管当今社会是什么样子 [02:52.254]一切都是公平的,至少在我看来是这样 [02:54.800]你必须保持诚实、真诚 [02:57.627]不要虚伪,也不要指望别人屈尊 [02:59.851]尤其是如果你押韵,你就得靠笔来生活 [03:02.315]你要追随的那个人,把他当作你的朋友 [03:05.515]这就是街头的规则 [03:07.562]所以,请听一听这些知识是如何随着节拍而讲述的 [03:10.058]节奏很强劲,节奏很跳跃 [03:12.359]他们会让你上瘾,就像隐君子一样 [03:15.223]你要做的就是知道部落就在这个星球上 [03:17.452]抽象诗人,和莎士比亚一样杰出 [03:20.188](或者埃德加·爱伦·坡,或者兰斯顿·休斯,或者……) [03:21.847]我们必须做出改变 [03:23.150]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [03:26.430]我们必须做出改变 [03:28.026]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [03:31.406]我们必须做出改变 [03:33.133]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [03:36.421]我们必须做出改变 [03:38.093]我们永远,永远,永远不能假装 [03:40.678]时间在不断的流逝着,黑人权力倡导者在白天,白人的支持者在晚上 [03:45.124]每次你看到他们,他们都在追一些伸着舌头的白人女人 [03:48.312]时间在不断的流逝和变换着...

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