HiiiPower歌词 歌手Kendrick Lamar-专辑Section.80-单曲《HiiiPower》LRC歌词下载

官方小可爱2022-04-28  170

导读:《HiiiPower》歌词 歌手Kendrick Lamar的专辑Section.80单曲《HiiiPower》LRC歌词下载,《HiiiPower》歌词分享。…

HiiiPower歌词 歌手Kendrick Lamar-专辑Section.80-单曲《HiiiPower》LRC歌词下载

歌手:Kendrick Lamar

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[00:00.000] 作词 : Lamar, Kendrick [00:00.425] 作曲 : Lamar, Kendrick [00:00.850]Everybody put three fingers in the air [00:04.660]The sky is falling, the wind is calling [00:06.340]Stand for something or die in the morning [00:08.780]Section 80, HiiiPoWeR [00:10.690] [00:35.800]Visions of Martin Luther staring at me [00:37.350]Malcolm X put a hex on my future, someone catch me [00:40.160]I'm falling victim to a revolutionary song [00:42.720]The Serengeti's clone [00:44.220]Back to put you backstabbers back on your spinal bone [00:47.410]You slid your disc when I slid you my disc [00:49.840]You wanted to diss, but jumped on my **** [00:51.530]Grown men never should bite their tongue [00:54.340]unless you eating ***** that smell like it's a stale plum [00:57.400]I got my finger on the mother******g pistol [00:59.660]aiming it at a pig, Charlotte's Web is gonna miss you [01:02.600]My issue wasn't televised, and you ain't gotta tell the wise [01:05.660]how to stay on beat, because our life's an instrumental [01:08.530]This is physical and mental, I won't sugar-coat it [01:11.289]You'd die from diabetes if these other *****s wrote it [01:14.300]And everything on TV just a figment of imagination [01:17.390]I don't want a plastic nation, dread that like a Haitian [01:20.350]While you mother*******s waiting, I be off the slave ship [01:23.850]Building pyramids, writing my own hieroglyphs [01:27.300]Just call the ***t HiiiPoWeR [01:30.970]*****, nothing less than HiiiPoWeR [01:33.539]Five-star dishes, food for thought ***** [01:36.390]I mean the ***t is, Huey Newton going stupid [01:39.479]You can't resist his, HiiiPoWeR [01:42.220]Throw your hands up for HiiiPoWeR [01:46.910]Visions of Martin Luther staring at me [01:48.280]If I see it how he seen it, that would make my parents happy [01:51.220]Sorry mama, I can't turn the other cheek [01:53.479]They wanna knock me off the edge like a ******g widow's peak, uhh [01:57.100]And she always told me pray for the weak, uhh [02:00.100]Them demons got me, I ain't prayed in some weeks, uhh [02:02.980]Dear Lord come save me, the Devil's working hard [02:05.910]He probably clocking double shifts on all of his jobs [02:09.538]Frightening, so ******g frightening [02:11.660]Enough to drive a man insane, I need a license [02:14.540]to kill, I'm standing on a field full of land mines [02:17.970]Doing the moonwalk, hoping I blow up in time [02:21.220]Cause 2012 might not be a ******g legend [02:23.730]Try and be a ******g legend, the man of mankind [02:26.730]Who said a black man in the Illuminati? [02:29.350]Last time I checked that was the biggest racist party [02:32.720]So get up off that slave ship [02:35.170]Build your own pyramids, write your own hieroglyphs [02:39.480]Just call the ***t HiiiPoWeR [02:41.980]*****, nothing less than HiiiPoWeR [02:45.200]Five-star dishes, food for thought ******* [02:47.770]I mean the ***t is, Bobby Seale making meals [02:50.650]You can't resist his, HiiiPoWeR [02:53.460]Throw your hands up for HiiiPoWeR [02:56.900]Every day we fight the system [03:00.590]just to make our way, we been down for too long [03:03.330]But that's alright, we was built to be strong [03:06.380]cause it's our life, na-na-nah [03:09.710]Every day we fight the system [03:12.270]We fight the system [03:13.770]We fight the system [03:15.200]Never like the system [03:16.590]We been down for too long [03:18.150]But that's alright, na-na-nah [03:20.210] [03:21.200]Who said a black man in Illuminati? [03:22.960]Last time I checked that was the biggest racist party [03:26.200]Last time I checked, we was racing with Marcus Garvey [03:28.900]on the freeway to Africa till I wreck my Audi [03:32.200]And I want everybody to view my autopsy [03:34.840]So you can see exactly where the government had shot me [03:37.900]No conspiracy, my fate is inevitable [03:40.400]They play musical chairs once I'm on that pedestal [03:44.270]Frightening, so ******g frightening [03:46.460]Enough to drive a man insane, a woman insane [03:49.590]The reason Lauryn Hill don't sing, or Kurt Cobain [03:52.280]loaded that clip and then said "Bang!", the drama it bring [03:55.650]is crazy, product of the late 80s [03:57.520]Trying to stay above water, that's why we shun the Navy [04:00.400]Pull your guns and play me, let's set it off [04:03.210]Cause a riot, throw a Molotov [04:04.900]Somebody told me them pirates had got lost [04:07.960]cause we been off them slave *************ps [04:09.960]Got our own pyramids, write our own hieroglyphs [04:14.150]Just call the *************t HiiiPoWeR [04:16.700]Yeah, nothing less than HiiiPoWeR [04:19.450]Five-star dishes, food for thought ******* [04:22.320]I mean the *************t is, Fred Hampton on your campus [04:25.570]You can't resist his, HiiiPoWeR [04:28.890]Throw your hands up for HiiiPoWeR [04:33.670]Thug life [04:36.240]Thug LIFE! [00:00.850]所有人都把你们中间三根手指举起来(三根手指象征着“HiiiPower”运动,分别代表着 心智Heart,荣誉Honor和尊敬Respect) [00:04.660]白驹过隙 日月如流 生命一点点消逝 [00:06.340]申明你的立场或者死在明天清晨 [00:08.780]生在80年代的我们 不该满足现状 [00:35.800]Martin Luther的视线注视着我 [00:37.350]Malcolm X感染了我并对我的未来施下妖法 [00:40.160]我正沉陷于这首旋律 沦为这次运动的牺牲者 [00:42.720]潮流逆袭 犹如坦桑尼亚般的再次克隆(The Serengeti's 坦桑尼亚是人类历史上移民规模最大的地区) [00:44.220]重新规划叛逆者的人生与思维方式 就像医治你那错位的脊椎 [00:47.410]当我为你播放这张碟片 [00:49.840]你脑海中所有不满立刻释然 反倒追随于我 [00:51.530]成年人永远不该保持缄默 [00:54.340]除非你有像烂梅子般酸苦的难言之隐 [00:57.400]我把我的手指放到手枪上 [00:59.660]瞄准一只猪,夏洛特的网将会怀念你 [01:02.600]我引来的争议没有在电视上播放,智者不会被媒体所蒙蔽 [01:05.660]如何去与鼓点契合,因为我们的生活就是一首器乐曲 [01:08.530]它是肉体与精神双重的,我没有在给它加糖衣,没有美化它 [01:11.289]而其他歌手过于绚丽的语言 只会让听者犹如糖尿病般死去 [01:14.300]电视上的东西仅仅是想象力的虚构 [01:17.390]我不要一个纸糊的国家,想海地人般生活在恐惧里(Haitian 在美剧“英雄”里有个叫Haitian的角色可以任意删改受害者的记忆) [01:20.350]当你这些混蛋还在等待的时候 我已经逃离这艘奴隶船 [01:23.850]筹划另一项金字塔工程,书写我自己的象形文字 [01:27.300]就把这次维权运动称作Hiiipower [01:30.970]是的,没有更贴切的名字 就叫HiiiPower [01:33.539]正在教授你的见解像五星级大餐馆般高档 [01:36.390]我意思是,就像Huey Newton疯狂的倡导着人权运动(Huey Newton美国黑人创始的民权组织黑豹党的创始人) [01:39.479]你不能抗拒它的HiiiPower [01:42.220]高举你的手,为了HiiiPower [01:46.910]Martin Luther的目光注视着我 [01:48.280]如果我能知道他怎么会有那么深远的眼光,我的父母将会非常高兴 [01:51.220]对不起妈妈,如果有人打了我的脸,我定会以牙还牙 [01:53.479]他们处心积虑地预谋着把我击落到万丈深渊中 [01:57.100]她经常告诉我去为那些不幸的人祈祷 [02:00.100]那些恶魔抓住了我,我却已经几星期没有祷告过(prayed in some weeks,双关语也可以理解为,恶魔试图让他折磨那些不幸的人) [02:02.980]亲爱的上帝来救救我,这些恶魔拼命地试图夺走我地灵魂 [02:05.910]为了完成任务他付出双倍的努力 [02:09.538]甚至能在空气中嗅到那一丝恐惧 [02:11.660]足够把一个人逼疯,我需要考一个执照才能杀了他 [02:14.540]我站在一块全是地雷的土地上 [02:17.970]跳着蹩脚的太空舞步,希望这一次能一炮而红 [02:21.220]但愿能在世界末日前让世人了解我想表达的信息 [02:23.730]试着去作一个传奇,成为世界末日后唯一的幸存者(Kendrick把自己比喻成电影“我是传奇”中的主人公 唯一存活的地球人) [02:26.730]是谁说的有一个黑人在光明会里(Jay-Z和Kanye West都被谣传是光明会的成员) [02:29.350]上次据我了解,光明会是最大的种族歧视的组织 [02:32.720]所以逃离这艘奴隶船 [02:35.170]筹划另一项金字塔工程,书写你自己的象形文字 [02:39.480]就把这次维权运动称作Hiiipower [02:41.980]是的,没有更贴切的名字 就叫HiiiPower [02:45.200]正在教授你的见解像五星级大餐馆般高档 [02:47.770]我的意思是说,就像Bobby Seale把自己的见解和世人分享(Bobby Seale黑豹党创始人) [02:50.650]你不能抗拒他的HiiiPower [02:53.460]高举你的手,为了HiiiPower [02:56.900]我们每天都在对抗这个体制 [03:00.590]只是为了走出自己的道路,我们被压制得太久 [03:03.330]但那也都还好,人类天生就是不断变强 [03:06.380]因为那就是我们的生活 [03:09.710]我们每天都在对抗这个体制 [03:12.270] [03:13.770] [03:15.200]从未喜欢这个体制 [03:16.590]我们被压制得太久 [03:18.150]但那也都还好 [03:21.200]谁说过光明会里会有一个黑人 [03:22.960]上次据我了解,光明会还是最大的种族歧视的组织 [03:26.200]上次我去看时,我们在和Marcus Garvey赛跑(Marcus Garvey牙买加的政治领袖) [03:28.900]在通往非洲的高速路上,直到我撞坏了我的奥迪 [03:32.200]而我想邀请所有人去参观我的尸检 [03:34.840]所以你们可以清楚地看到政府击中了我的哪里 [03:37.900]这不是阴谋,我的命运是不可改变的 [03:40.400]一旦我的言语遭到了政府的反对 他们就会铲除我(musical chairs像抢椅子游戏中被淘汰的选手) [03:44.270]我又在空气里闻到了恐怖的气息 [03:46.460]足以使一个男人疯狂,使一个女人失去理智 [03:49.590]这就是Lauryn Hill不再唱歌的原因 [03:52.280]Kurt Cobain扣动扳机结束了自己的生命,带来一个疯狂的剧情 [03:55.650]这是80年代晚期的产物 [03:57.520]试着在着混乱的社会中生存,那也是我们逃避海军的原因 [04:00.400]拔出你的枪让我们面对面地战斗,局面一触即发 [04:03.210]制造一次暴动,点燃手中地酒瓶 [04:04.900]有些人告诉我海盗已经消失了 [04:07.960]因为我们已经逃离了奴隶船 [04:09.960]策划另一项金字塔工程,写出了我们自己的象形文字 [04:14.150]就把这场维权运动称作HiiiPower [04:16.700]是的,没有更贴切的名字 就叫HiiiPower [04:19.450]正在教授你的见解像五星级大餐馆般高档 [04:22.320]我的意思是,Fred Hampton就在你的校园里(Fred Hampton另一位黑豹党成员 在1969年被FBI残忍的谋杀) [04:25.570]你不能抗拒他的HiiiPower [04:28.890]高举你的手,为了Hiiipower [04:33.670]Thug life [04:36.240]Thug LIFE!

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