i n t e r l u d e歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑i n t e r l u d e-单曲《i n t e r l u d e》LRC歌词下载

前世的深蓝色2022-04-28  123

导读:《i n t e r l u d e》歌词 歌手J. Cole的专辑i n t e r l u d e单曲《i n t e r l u d e》LRC歌词下载,《i n t e r l u d e》歌词分享。…

i n t e r l u d e歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑i n t e r l u d e-单曲《i n t e r l u d e》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《i n t e r l u d e》
歌手:J. Cole
专辑:i n t e r l u d e

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《i n t e r l u d e》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : J. Cole [00:00.953] 作曲 : J. Cole [00:01.907] I'm a livin' little good thing [00:05.200] It's like you never lived for me [00:08.843] Mama said you was a good thing, uh [00:13.173] Good, good, good [00:16.991] Yeah [00:20.798] We came a long way, man, we done came a long way [00:25.978] And we sittin' on top of this shit [00:30.110] This shit can go one or two ways [00:34.428] This shit can go up, it can go down [00:39.090] Either way, nigga, I'm prepared [00:41.482] Feel me? Yeah [00:44.197] [00:44.541] I be comin' in peace, but **** me [00:46.125] Best beware of the others [00:47.289] This shit deep, undercovers creep [00:49.365] This Southern heat make unbearable summers [00:50.954] Just last week, seen your mama weep [00:52.749] Crying 'cause she don't wan' bury your brother [00:54.370] The blood leaks while the EMTs [00:56.139] Gotta carry her baby like surrogate mothers [00:58.662] Woah, thank God we survived around where the terrorists hovered [01:01.973] Though traumatized, wouldn't trade it for nothin' [01:03.798] Through hard times, it was there I discovered a hustle [01:05.544] And makin' the best out the struggle [01:06.961] I kept grindin' 'til this day, up a level [01:09.049] Respect mine, gotta stay out of trouble [01:10.917] 'Cause TEC-9's like the AR rebuttals [01:12.882] Cole World, niggas knowin' what it is [01:14.681] Just in case they don't, I show 'em what it is [01:16.591] Then in summer, I do real numbers [01:17.969] Couldn't dare touch it if they sold the double disc [01:20.094] Block hot, niggas burnin' up the street [01:21.656] Shots poppin' and we heard it up the street [01:23.824] It's a war, niggas runnin' up the score [01:25.613] Jesus said that you should turn the other cheek [01:27.442] Voiceless niggas gettin' murdered every week [01:29.171] Dead bodies, smell the odor in the street [01:31.065] My homie' homie got out on parole [01:32.565] He sold more Coca-Cola than the soda industry [01:34.405] Summertime bring the coldest winter breeze [01:36.606] Hella blues like the Rollin' 60's [01:38.383] Christ went to Heaven aged thirty-three [01:40.110] And so did Pimp C and so did Nipsey [01:45.730] [01:46.808] I told you, I told you [01:51.759] This shit can go up, it can go down, I don't give a **** [01:54.845] Nigga, I done seen the highest heights [01:57.864] I done seen it twice [02:00.264] And I've seen them lowest of the lows [02:03.322] And still I rose [02:07.469] Now I'm at your neck, nigga, yeah [by:Molixxes] [00:01.907]我活脱一介自在美好的小生灵 [00:05.200]为自己而活 因为好像未曾有人为我而活 [00:08.843]妈妈曾说 你也是心地善良的家伙 [00:13.173] [00:16.991] [00:20.798]“回望过去 我们一路走来” [00:25.978]“我们悠然坐在这行业的顶峰” [00:30.110]“干这行会有两条走向” [00:34.428]“要么蒸蒸日上 要么一落千丈” [00:39.090]“不论怎样 我已做好万全准备” [00:41.482]“懂?” [00:44.541]抱以沉着平和的心态返场 但别触怒我 [00:46.125]最好留意旁人 [00:47.289]这水太深 卧底伺机而动 [00:49.365]南部的高温招致了一场炙热难忍的盛夏 [00:50.954]就在上周 眼看着你的母亲落泪 [00:52.749]泪流不止 因为她不愿葬下你冤死的兄弟 [00:54.370]当急救车带走她血如泉涌的孩子时 [00:56.139]急救人员像代孕母亲那样担走她心爱的孩子 [00:58.662]感激上帝 我们能在恐怖分子的枪口下幸存 [01:01.973]尽管满身伤疤 但哪怕煎熬也并非毫无收获 [01:03.798]历经磨难 我自那时奋发谋生 [01:05.544]在泥沼险境中创造佳作 [01:06.961]卖力拼搏 升至如今的高度 [01:09.049]我自重自爱 谨言慎行 [01:10.917]因为每次扣响AR都会引来TEC-9的回击 [01:12.882]步入我的世界 这般造诣无人不知 [01:14.681]以防有人并不了解 这次我再向世人展示 [01:16.591]接下来的夏季 我将揽获绝佳数据 [01:17.969]他们用双碟销量堆成绩 那我可不敢比 [01:20.094]热浪席卷街区 灼人枪火在四处绽放 [01:21.656]街头巷尾每天都有枪响 [01:23.824]好似战争 有人丧命 有人“得分” [01:25.613]耶稣曾说 被打了一边脸 就要坚毅地亮出另一边脸 [01:27.442]每周都有无力发声的底层同胞罹难街头 [01:29.171]尸横遍地 腐臭和腥味弥散在街道 [01:31.065]兄弟终于迎来假释 [01:32.565]那时他贩售的狠货比可口可乐还畅销 [01:34.405]炎炎盛夏 却深感寒意刺骨 [01:36.606]冰蓝冬日 蓝得好似瘸帮六十年代的扮相 [01:38.383]耶稣基督享年三十三 [01:40.110]而传奇的PimpC和Nipsey亦是如此 [01:46.808]“早就说了 我早就说过” [01:51.759]“这条道有人起 有人落 但我毫不在乎” [01:54.845]“我见惯了高处的景致” [01:57.864]“不止一次” [02:00.264]“我也见过最深的谷底” [02:03.322]“依然崛起” [02:07.469]“现在我已经扼住你的咽喉”

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