Everything Will Be Alright歌词 歌手Matt Wertz-专辑Weights & Wings-单曲《Everything Will Be Alright》LRC歌词下载

独醉是一只狗2022-05-13  102

导读:《Everything Will Be Alright》歌词 歌手Matt Wertz的专辑Weights & Wings单曲《Everything Will Be Alright》LRC歌词下载,《Everything Will…

歌曲:《Everything Will Be Alright》
歌手:Matt Wertz
专辑:Weights & Wings

点击试听 → 《Everything Will Be Alright

《Everything Will Be Alright》歌词:

[00:00.000] 制作人 : Jason Lehning [00:13.74]There's no need to worry baby [00:14.73] [00:18.30]We could leave it behind [00:19.80] [00:24.12]Most my troubles are self-created [00:25.33] [00:29.28]They just live in my mind [00:30.77] [00:35.02]Why do we try [00:36.08] [00:39.14]When it always ends up fine [00:40.21] [00:42.16]Everything will be alright [00:42.85]Everything will be alright [00:44.22] [00:46.41]Why do we try [00:47.22] [00:49.11]When it always ends up fine [00:50.55] [00:52.36]Everything will be alright [00:53.49] [00:57.86]Tired of spending my days here thinking [00:59.13] [01:03.75]Getting lost in my head' oh no but [01:05.56] [01:10.53]The sun is shining' oh yeah [01:11.60] [01:12.65]Right outside [01:13.00]Why don't we spend some time there instead [01:14.44] [01:20.08]Why do we try [01:20.89] [01:22.77]When it always ends up fine [01:23.96] [01:25.89]Everything will be alright [01:26.83] [01:27.46]Everything will be alright [01:28.33] [01:30.14]Why do we try [01:30.96] [01:35.73]When it always ends up fine [01:37.44]Everything will be alright [01:38.50]Everything will be alright [01:39.44] [01:40.69]Why do we try [01:41.25]When it always ends up fine [01:41.50]Everything will be alright [01:41.62]Everything will be alright [01:41.75]Why do we try [01:41.94]When it always ends up fine [01:43.00]Everything will be alright [01:43.56]Everything will be alright [01:43.69]Alright alright alright alright [01:43.87]Everything will be alright [01:44.00]Alright alright alright alright [01:44.13]Everything will be alright [by:Clearlovelong] [00:13.74]别担心了妞儿 [00:18.30]快把那些有的没的丢出脑袋 [00:24.12]那些烦心事啊都是你自己个瞎寻思的 [00:29.28]你要不想就嘛事都木了 [00:35.02]试试看,换个心情来想这些事 [00:39.14]所有事都会有个完满结局的 [00:42.16]一切都会好起来的 [00:42.85]一切事都不能叫事儿 [00:46.41]不信你就试试 [00:49.11]好运好事啊会接踵而至 [00:52.36]顺利的让你想跳小芭蕾 [00:57.86]我以前也天天想那些虚无缥缈的事情 [01:03.75]把自己烦的交不到女朋友,我便当机立断清空我滴脑袋 [01:10.53]推开窗,看看外面阳光多明媚 [01:12.65]外面的世界多美好啊 [01:13.00]我们为啥不多花些时间出去转转呢 [01:20.08]出去转转吧 [01:22.77]你会发现一切都很美好 [01:25.89]一切都很美好 [01:27.46]很美好哟 [01:30.14]出去逛逛吧 [01:35.73]阳光明媚的让你情不自禁的45度角自拍 [01:37.44]空气清新的让你毫不犹豫的在河边奔跑 [01:38.50]天空蓝的叫你不由自主的抬头挺胸走起正步 [01:40.69]出去看看吧 [01:41.25]孩子们的欢声笑语让你也变得更加开朗了 [01:41.50]姑娘的明亮的眼睛让你更加相信爱情与生活 [01:41.62]我这样的帅小伙会让你感到一切都很美好 [01:41.75]出去吧 [01:41.94]出门去吧 [01:43.00]穿上你漂亮的那套衣服 [01:43.56]挂上你自信的笑容 [01:43.69]出门去浪吧 [01:43.87]出门去吧 [01:44.00]出去吧 [01:44.13]去吧。。。。。。。。

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