Colors of the Wind (End Title)歌词 歌手Vanessa Williams-专辑Pocahontas (An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack) - (风中奇缘 电影原声)-单曲《C

半面妆2022-05-15  71

导读:《Colors of the Wind (End Title)》歌词 歌手Vanessa Williams的专辑Pocahontas (An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack) - (风中奇缘…

歌曲:《Colors of the Wind (End Title)》
歌手:Vanessa Williams
专辑:Pocahontas (An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack) - (风中奇缘 电影原声)

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《Colors of the Wind (End Title)》歌词:

[00:26.000]You think you own whatever land you land on [00:30.890]The earth is just a dead thing you can claim [00:35.900]But I know every rock and tree and creature [00:41.870]Has a life, has a spirit, has a name [00:48.000]You think the only people who are people [00:53.600]Are the people who look and think like you [00:59.300]But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger [01:04.700]You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew [01:11.300]Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon [01:17.400]Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned [01:22.480]Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain [01:27.900]Can you paint with all the colors of the wind [01:33.630]Can you paint with all the colors of the wind [01:43.100]Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest [01:47.900]Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth [01:54.200]Come roll in all the riches all around you [01:59.300]And for once, never wonder, what they're worth [02:05.610]The rainstorm and the river are my brothers [02:10.390]The heron and the otter are my friends [02:16.960]And we are all connected to each other [02:22.890]In a circle, in a hoop that never ends [02:28.500]Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon [02:34.190]Or let the eagle tell you where he's been [02:39.250]Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain [02:45.550]Can you paint with all the colors of the wind [02:50.820]Can you paint with all the colors of the wind [02:57.350]How high does the sycamore grow [03:03.550]If you cut it down, then youll never know [03:11.690]And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon [03:17.700]For whether we are white or copper skinned [03:22.920]We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain [03:28.710]Need to paint with all the colors of the wind [03:34.250]You can own the earth and still [03:37.800]All you'll own is earth until [03:42.150]You can paint with all the colors of the wind [by:Simon-Lu] [00:26.000]你觉得你拥有你所驻足的每一方土地 [00:30.890]大地只不过是你能占有的死物 [00:35.900]但我知道每块石头、每棵树、每个生物 [00:41.870]都有生命,有灵性,有名字 [00:48.000]你以为外表与思考方式与你同出一辙的 [00:53.600]才称之为人类 [00:59.300]但假如你跟随陌生人的脚步 [01:04.700]你就会有意想不到的收获 [01:11.300]你可曾听到,野狼向着冷月哀嚎? [01:17.400]可曾询问,山猫为何咧嘴而笑? [01:22.480]你能否与大山的声音彼此唱和? [01:27.900]你能否绘尽风的万种颜色? [01:33.630]你能否绘尽风的万种颜色? [01:43.100]来吧,在隐秘的林间小路上尽情奔跑 [01:47.900]来吧,尝尝自然生长的浆果甘甜滋味 [01:54.200]看吧,丰腴的大自然簇拥在你周围 [01:59.300]但这一次请不要计算它们的价值 [02:05.610]暴雨河流是我的兄弟 [02:10.390]苍鹭水獭是我的朋友 [02:16.960]大千万物,皆彼此紧紧相连 [02:22.890]造物的链条往复循环,生生不息 [02:28.500]你可曾听到,野狼向着冷月哀嚎? [02:34.190]或者让雄鹰告诉你它到达过哪里 [02:39.250]你能否与大山的声音彼此唱和? [02:45.550]你能否绘尽风的万种颜色? [02:50.820]你能否绘尽风的万种颜色? [02:57.350]你可知道枫树能长多高? [03:03.350]过来尝尝地球的甘霖雨露 [03:03.550]如果你砍倒它,你将永远也不知道 [03:11.690]你也将听不到野狼向着冷月哀嚎 [03:17.700]无论我们的肤色是白还是黄 [03:22.920]我们需要用各种声音与大山歌唱 [03:28.710]需要绘出风的万种色彩 [03:34.250]你将拥有整个世界 [03:37.800]当你能绘出风的万种色彩的时候 [03:42.150]你将拥有整个世界


