Thieves In The Night歌词 歌手Black Star-专辑Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black Star-单曲《Thieves In The Night》LRC歌词下载

爱恨随心2022-05-19  109

导读:《Thieves In The Night》歌词 歌手Black Star的专辑Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black Star单曲《Thieves In The Night》LRC歌词下载,《Thieves…

歌曲:《Thieves In The Night》
歌手:Black Star
专辑:Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black Star

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《Thieves In The Night》歌词:

[00:00.622]Yo D, what? Come on (Yeah) [00:03.628]What? What? Come on (Yeah) [00:05.543]"Give me the fortune, keep the fame," said my man Louis [00:07.768]I agreed, know what he mean because we live the truest lie [00:10.297]I asked him why we follow the law of the bluest eye [00:12.947]He looked at me, he thought about it, was like, "I'm clueless, why?" [00:15.748]The question was rhetorical, the answer is horrible [00:18.225]Our morals are out of place and got our lives full of sorrow [00:20.794]And so tomorrow coming later than usual [00:22.458]Waiting on someone to pity us while we finding beauty in the hideous [00:26.156]They say money's the root of all evil but I can't tell [00:28.553]You know what I mean, pesos, francs, yens, cowrie shells, dollar bills [00:31.890]Or is it the mindstate that's ill? [00:33.864]Creating crime rates to fill the new prisons they build [00:36.203]Over money and religion there's more blood to spill [00:38.834]The wounds of slaves in cotton fields that never heal, what's the deal? [00:41.646]A lot of cats who buy records are straight broke [00:44.204]But my language universal they be reciting my quotes [00:46.925]While R&B singers hit bad notes, we rock the boat of thought [00:50.030]That my man Louis' statements just provoked [00:52.194]Caught up, in conversations of our personal worth [00:54.565]Brought up, through endangered species status on the planet Earth [00:57.246]Survival tactics means, busting gats to prove you hard [01:00.246]Your firearms are too short to box with God [01:02.632]Without faith, all of that is illusionary [01:05.174]Raise my son, no vindication of manhood necessary [01:07.946]Not strong (Only aggressive) [01:09.162]Not free (We only licensed) [01:10.344]Not compassionate, only polite (Now who the nicest?) [01:13.164]Not good but well behaved [01:14.149](Chasing after death, so we can call ourselves brave?) [01:16.837]Still living like mental slaves [01:18.177]Hiding like thieves in the night from life [01:20.645]Illusions of oasis making you look twice [01:23.084]Hiding like thieves in the night from life [01:25.894]Illusions of oasis making you look twice [01:28.351]Yo, I'm sure that everybody out listening agree [01:30.894]That everything you see ain't really how it be [01:33.730]A lot of jokers out running in place, chasing the style [01:36.293]Be a lot going on beneath the empty smile [01:38.987]Most cats in my area be loving the hysteria [01:41.572]Synthesized surface conceals the interior [01:44.337]America, land of opportunity, mirages and camouflages [01:47.639]More than usually, speaking loudly [01:49.519]Saying nothing, you confusing me, you losing me [01:51.489]Your game is twisted, want me enlisted in your usury [01:54.411]Foolishly, most men join the ranks cluelessly [01:56.710]Buffoonishly accept the deception, believe the perception [01:59.850]Reflection rarely seen across the surface of the looking glass [02:02.746]Walking the street, wondering who they be looking past [02:05.278]Looking gassed with them imported designer shades on [02:07.737]Stars shine bright, but the light rarely stays on [02:10.339]Same song, just remixed, different arrangement [02:13.241]Put you on a yacht but they won't call it a slave ship [02:15.505]Strangeness, you don't control this, you barely hold this [02:18.308]Screaming "brand new", when they just sanitized the old **** [02:20.992]Suppose it's, just another clever Jedi mind trick [02:23.571]That they been running across stars through all the time with [02:26.133]I find it's distressing, there's never no in-between [02:28.625]We either ****** or Kings, we either *****es or Queens [02:31.116]The deadly ritual seems immersed in the perverse [02:33.884]Full of short attention spans, short tempers, and short skirts [02:36.686]Long barrel automatics released in short bursts [02:39.018]The length of black life is treated with short worth [02:41.498]Get yours first, them other ****** secondary [02:44.210]That type of illing that be filling up the cemetery [02:46.749]This life is temporary but the soul is eternal [02:49.779]Separate the real from the lie, let me learn you [02:52.126]Not strong, only aggressive cause the power ain't directed [02:54.798]That's why we are subjected to the will of the oppressive [02:57.530]Not free, we only licensed, not live, we just exciting [02:59.898]Cause the captors own the masters to what we writing [03:02.710]Not compassionate, only polite, we well trained [03:05.215]Our sincerity's rehearsed in stage, it's just a game [03:07.660]Not good, but well behaved cause the camera survey [03:10.157]Most of the things that we think, do or say [03:12.923]We chasing after death just to call ourselves brave [03:15.578]But everyday, next man meet with the grave [03:18.161]I give a damn if any fan recall my legacy [03:20.913]I'm trying to live life in the sight of God's memory like that y'all [03:25.778]A lot of people don't understand the true criteria of things [03:28.901]Can't just accept the appearance, have to get the true essence [03:34.015](They ain't looking around) [03:34.538]Not strong (Only aggressive) [03:35.311]Not free (We only licensed) [03:36.428]Not compassionate, only polite (Now who the nicest?) [03:39.147]Not good but well behaved [03:40.437](Chasing after death, so we can call ourselves brave?) [03:43.050]Still living like mental slaves [03:44.565]Hiding like thieves in the night from life [03:46.755]Illusions of oasis making you look twice [03:49.312]Hiding like thieves in the night from life [03:52.005]Illusions of oasis making you look twice(x2) [04:05.090]Stop hiding, stop hiding, stop hiding yo' face [04:10.034]Stop hiding, stop hiding, cause ain't no hiding place [04:19.481](Ad libs to fade) [by:treaclyfloater] [00:00.622]哟 Def 什么?来吧 耶【Black Star组合由Mos Def和Talib Kwell组成】 [00:03.628]什么?什么? 来吧 耶 [00:05.543]“把财富给我 名声你留下”我哥们路易这么说 [00:07.768]我也同意 因为懂他 因为我们都活在最真实的谎言当中 [00:10.297]我问他为何要遵守《最蓝的眼睛》条例【《最蓝的眼睛》是美国黑人文学经典之作】 [00:12.947]他看着我 他想了想 好像在说“我完全不懂 为什么?” [00:15.748]反问的句子 糟糕的答案 [00:18.225]我们的道德失去准则 我们的情绪陷入沼泽 [00:20.794]因此明天比以往来的更晚 [00:22.458]等着人来怜悯我们 在丑恶中找寻美丽 [00:26.156]他们说金钱是万恶之首 但我不知是对是错 [00:28.553]你懂我的意思 比索,法郎,日元,贝壳,美钞 [00:31.890]或者说是精神出了问题? [00:33.864]提升犯罪率去填满他们新建的监狱 [00:36.203]关于金钱和宗教还有更多流血事件要发生 [00:38.834]奴隶们在棉花田里留下的伤口从未愈合,怎么了?【美国南方种植园压迫黑奴种植棉花】 [00:41.646]很多买唱片的跟风狗们快要破产 [00:44.204]而我的语言遍地开花 他们在背诵我的语录 [00:46.925]R&B歌手们写下糟糕的音符 我们撞击着思想之船 [00:50.030]路易的观点刺激了我 [00:52.194]纠缠 在讨论个人价值的对话中 [00:54.565]长大 在地球濒临灭绝的物种中 [00:57.246]生存战术就是 拿起枪武装自己 [01:00.246]你的枪支太短 无法和上帝对决 [01:02.632]没有信仰 一切都是幻觉 [01:05.174]抚养我的儿子 男子气概无需辩护 [01:07.946]并不强壮(只是好斗) [01:09.162]并不免费(只是被许可) [01:10.344]没有同情 只有礼貌(现在谁是最棒的?) [01:13.164]不是很好 只是表现得很好 [01:14.149]追逐死亡 我们这样做才叫勇敢吗? [01:16.837]依旧活的像个精神奴隶 [01:18.177]像小偷一样藏在黑夜里躲避生活 [01:20.645]绿洲的假象让你多看了一眼 [01:23.084]像小偷一样藏在黑夜里躲避生活 [01:25.894]绿洲的假象让你多看了一眼 [01:28.351]哟 我相信所有在听的人都有同感 [01:30.894]眼见不一定为实 [01:33.730]蜂拥而至的小丑们各就各位 追赶潮流 [01:36.293]空洞的微笑之下隐藏着过往 [01:38.987]我地盘的那些家伙都爱歇斯底里 [01:41.572]糅合的表面隐藏着本质 [01:44.337]美国 机遇之地 海市蜃楼与各色伪装 [01:47.639]比平时更大声地 喊出来 [01:49.519]什么都不说 你让我困惑 你正在失去我 [01:51.489]你的游戏已经扭曲 还想让我加入你的高利贷 [01:54.411]愚蠢 大多数人加入愚蠢的行列 [01:56.710]可笑 接受欺骗 相信知觉 [01:59.850]镜子的表面很难看见的反射 [02:02.746]走在街上 想知道他们如何看待过往行人 [02:05.278]他们戴着进口设计师墨镜牛气哄哄 [02:07.737]星星亮晶晶 可光芒却不会在它们身上停留 [02:10.339]同一首歌 只是混音 不同编排 [02:13.241]把你放上游艇 但他们不会把它叫做奴隶船【黑奴贸易用船运送奴隶】 [02:15.505]奇怪 你控制不了 只能堪堪抓着 [02:18.308]当他们仅仅净化了陈词滥调却高喊着“崭新的” [02:20.992]假装 又是一记 聪明的绝地控心术【电影《星球大战》中迷惑敌人的招式】 [02:23.571]他们一直这样穿越时空 [02:26.133]我感到痛苦 从不存在中间地带 [02:28.625]我们不是黑鬼就是王 不是碧池就是后 [02:31.116]致命的仪式似乎深陷于堕落之中 [02:33.884]全都是狭窄的关注范围 急性子 和短裙 [02:36.686]长管枪瞬间击发 [02:39.018]黑人的命不值钱 [02:41.498]先送走你 其他黑鬼等着 [02:44.210]那种会填满坟墓的病 [02:46.749]生命短暂 但灵魂永恒 [02:49.779]从谎言中分辨真实 让我来教你 [02:52.126]并不强壮 只是好斗 因为权力没有导向 [02:54.798]所以我们屈从于压迫的意志 [02:57.530]不是免费 只是被许可 不是活着 只是很兴奋 [02:59.898]因为我们叙写的对象被捕手们所拥有 [03:02.710]没有同情 只有礼貌 我们训练有素 [03:05.215]我们的诚意在舞台上被排练 它仅仅是个游戏 [03:07.660]不是很好 但表现得很好 因为有相机调查 [03:10.157]大多数我们所想 所做 所说 [03:12.923]我们追逐死亡 就为了表达勇气 [03:15.578]然而每天 都有个人与死亡相遇 [03:18.161]我不在乎还有没有粉丝记得我的传奇 [03:20.913]我正努力活在上帝记忆的视角 就像你们所有人那样 [03:25.778]很多人不懂衡量事物的真正标准 [03:28.901]不能只接受外表 要找寻真实的本质 [03:34.015]他们不再四处张望 [03:34.538]并不强壮 (只是好斗) [03:35.311]并不自由 (只是被许可) [03:36.428]没有同情 只有礼貌(现在谁是最棒的?) [03:39.147]不是很好 只是表现得很好 [03:40.437]追逐死亡 我们这样做才叫勇敢吗? [03:43.050]依旧活的还像个精神奴隶 [03:44.565]像小偷一样藏在黑夜里躲避生活 [03:46.755]绿洲的假象让你多看了一眼 [03:49.312]像小偷一样藏在黑夜里躲避生活 [03:52.005]绿洲的假象让你多看了一眼 [04:05.090]别再躲藏 别再躲藏 别再遮住你的脸 [04:10.034]停止躲藏 停止躲藏 因为没有藏身之地 [04:19.481](即兴说唱结尾)


