Kilkelly歌词 歌手Matt Molloy-专辑Music at Matt Molloy's-单曲《Kilkelly》LRC歌词下载

人心隔肚皮2022-06-13  81

导读:《Kilkelly》歌词 歌手Matt Molloy的专辑Music at Matt Molloy's单曲《Kilkelly》LRC歌词下载,《Kilkelly》歌词分享。…

歌手:Matt Molloy
专辑:Music at Matt Molloy's

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[00:00.000] 作曲 : Traditional [00:12.43]Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and sixty, my dear and lovin' son John [00:21.03]Your good friend the Schoolmaster Pat McNamara [00:25.83]So good as to write these words down [00:29.78]Your brothers have all gone to find work in England [00:35.00]The house is so empty and sad [00:39.09]The crop of potatoes is sorely infected [00:43.33]A third to a half of them bad [00:47.74]And your sister Brigid and Patrick O'Donnell [00:52.50]Are going to be married in June [00:56.69]Your mother says not to work on the railroad [01:00.93]And be sure to come on home soon [01:05.86] [01:05.87]Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and sixty, my dear and lovin' son John [01:14.24]Hello to your missus and to your four children [01:18.68]May they grow healthy and strong [01:23.05]Michael has got in a wee bit of trouble [01:27.17]I suppose he never will learn [01:31.73]Because of the dampness there's no turf to speak of [01:36.36]And now we have nothing to burn [01:40.50]And Brigid is happy, you named a child for her [01:45.00]Although she's got six of her own [01:49.30]You say you've found work [01:51.51]But you don't say what kind [01:53.63]Or when you'll be comin' home [01:58.42] [01:58.43]Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and eighty, dear Michael and John my sons [02:06.66]I'm sorry to give you the very sad news [02:12.12]Your mother has gone [02:15.65]We buried her down at the church in Kilkelly [02:19.90]Your brothers and Bridget were there [02:24.02]You don't have to worry, she died very quickly [02:28.68]Remember her in your prayers [02:32.82]And it's so good to hear that Michael's returning with money he's sure to buy land [02:41.51]For the crop has been poor and the people are selling [02:46.64]For any price that they can [02:50.50] [02:50.51]Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and ninety, my dear and lovin' son John [02:59.09]I suppose that I must be close on eighty [03:03.50]It's thirty years since you've gone [03:07.47]Because of all of the money you sent me [03:12.12]I'm still living' out of my own [03:16.38]Michael has built himself a fine house [03:20.96]And Bridget's daughters have grown [03:25.35]And thank you for sendin' your family picture [03:29.92]They're lovely young women and men [03:34.12]You say you might even come for a visit [03:38.38]What a joy to see you again [03:44.43] [03:44.44]Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and ninety two, my dear brother John [03:51.60]I'm sorry I didn't write sooner to tell you that father has gone [04:00.60]He was living with Brigid, she said he was cheerful and healthy right down to the end [04:09.19]And you should have seen him play with the grandchildren [04:13.95]Of Pat McNamara your friend [04:17.96]And we buried him alongside of mother [04:22.34]Down at Kilkelly churchyard [04:26.68]He was a strong and a feisy old man [04:31.31]Considering that life is so hard [04:35.35]And it's funny the way he kept talkin' about you [04:40.25]He called for you at the end [04:44.75]And why don't you think about comin' to visit [04:49.79]We'd all love to see you again [by:铁轨西区] [00:12.43]爱尔兰基尔凯利镇,1860年,我亲爱的儿子约翰: [00:21.03]你的好友帕特·麦克纳马拉校长 [00:25.83]他好心帮我写了这封信 [00:29.78]你的兄弟们都去英格兰找工作了 [00:35.00]现在,屋子空荡荡的,让人神伤 [00:39.09]地里的土豆遭受很强的虫害袭击 [00:43.33]三分之一甚至一半都坏掉了 [00:47.74]你的妹妹布丽奇特和帕特里克·奥唐奈 [00:52.50]将于六月份结婚 [00:56.69]你的妈妈说不久就不再去铁路上上班了 [01:00.93]她确信这次真的是要待家里了 [01:05.86] [01:05.87]爱尔兰基尔凯利镇,1870年,我亲爱的儿子约翰: [01:14.24]向你的妻子和四个孩子问好 [01:18.68]祝愿他们健康,茁壮成长 [01:23.05]迈克尔(约翰的兄弟)有点小小的麻烦 [01:27.17]我想他没有从以前的经验中汲取教训 [01:31.73]因为气候太潮湿的缘故,这里没了干草 [01:36.36]现在我们没得可烧的东西了 [01:40.50]布丽奇特很高兴你给她的孩子取名 [01:45.00]尽管她已经有了六个孩子 [01:49.30]你说你刚找到一份工作 [01:51.51]但是没说是什么样的工作 [01:53.63]也没说你什么时候回家 [01:58.42] [01:58.43]爱尔兰基尔凯利镇,1880年,亲爱的迈克尔和儿子约翰: [02:06.66]我很抱歉要告诉你一个非常悲伤的消息 [02:12.12]你的妈妈逝世了 [02:15.65]我们把她葬在了基尔凯利镇的教堂边 [02:19.90]你的兄弟们和布丽奇特那天都在 [02:24.02]你不要太忧虑,她走得很快 [02:28.68]你做祷告的时候不要忘记妈妈 [02:32.82]还有一件想必你听了高兴的事,迈克尔挣了一些钱回来了,而且真的买了一块地 [02:41.51]因为地里的收成实在糟糕,人们都在卖地 [02:46.64]只要给点底钱,他们几乎都会卖 [02:50.50] [02:50.51]爱尔兰基尔凯利镇,1890年,我亲爱的儿子约翰: [02:59.09]我马上就要八十岁了 [03:03.50]而你已经走了整整三十年 [03:07.47]正是因为你寄来的所有的钱 [03:12.12]我才能活到这个年龄,几乎超出了我的命数 [03:16.38]迈克尔已经给自己盖了所很好的房子 [03:20.96]布丽奇特的小妮子们长得都很喜人 [03:25.35]谢谢吾儿你寄来的你的全家福 [03:29.92]他们是些非常可爱的年轻男女 [03:34.12]你说你甚至有可能回来看望我们 [03:38.38]能再次见到你,这是多么让人高兴的事 [03:44.43] [03:44.44]爱尔兰基尔凯利镇,1892年,我亲爱的兄弟约翰: [03:51.60]抱歉我没有及时写信给你,告诉你父亲去世的事 [04:00.60]他一直和Brigid生活在一起,她说,父亲愉快而健康,直到寿终正寝 [04:09.19]而且,你真应该看看他和你的朋友 [04:13.95]帕特·麦克纳马拉的孙辈们玩耍时的样子 [04:17.96]我们把他葬在了妈妈旁边 [04:22.34]就是在咱们基尔凯利镇教堂的墓地里 [04:26.68]他是个很坚强的倔老头 [04:31.31]因为生活是如此的艰辛 [04:35.35]他总是提起你,而他提起你的时候总是很有趣 [04:40.25]临走的时候还在叫你的名字 [04:44.75]为什么不考虑一下回来看看我们 [04:49.79]我们都真心盼着再见到你


