halcyon歌词 歌手BLÜ EYES-专辑halcyon-单曲《halcyon》LRC歌词下载

轻熟杀无赦2021-11-05  123

导读:《halcyon》歌词 歌手BLÜ EYES的专辑halcyon单曲《halcyon》LRC歌词下载,《halcyon》歌词分享。…

halcyon歌词 歌手BLÜ EYES-专辑halcyon-单曲《halcyon》LRC歌词下载


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[00:00.143] There’s a house just off of halcyon road [00:05.283] On a mesa overlooking the central coast [00:10.338] It’s where my grandma and my grandpa both grew old [00:15.411] And it’s always been my home away from home [00:19.210] [00:20.405] I grew up playing in the backyard [00:23.637] Swinging on the swingset [00:25.762] No idea what the real world was [00:28.309] Or how crazy it gets [00:31.383] Playin hide and seek [00:33.348] With my cousins in the trees [00:35.751] No clue then how much it all would mean to me [00:39.751] [00:41.320] I owe it all [00:45.105] I owe it all [00:47.667] To the memories in those four walls [00:51.204] I owe it all [00:55.244] I owe it all [00:58.634] To the ones that taught me to love big and strong [01:02.964] [01:11.575] On Sunday mornings we would drive down to the beach [01:16.614] All of us kids piled into the backseat [01:21.694] Run up and down the dunes and jump over the creeks [01:26.955] Since then, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so free [01:31.108] [01:31.827] Come home and hang out in the parlor [01:34.809] After the sun went down [01:37.262] That old beanbag from the 60s was [01:40.109] The best seat in the house [01:42.612] Every night by 9:00 [01:44.675] We’d end up singing Beatles songs [01:47.437] 3 part harmonies I swear still linger on [01:51.243] [01:52.771] I owe it all [01:56.594] I owe it all [01:59.154] To the memories in those four walls [02:02.858] I owe it all [02:06.690] I owe it all [02:10.020] To the ones that taught me to love big and strong [02:14.564] [02:23.368] When grandpa finally said goodbye [02:26.040] We sat in the living room and cried [02:28.785] And I knew it would never be the same [02:33.118] We took a walk, watched the sunset, [02:35.878] and I knew it all would be ok [02:40.142] [02:48.880] I owe it all [02:52.650] I owe it all [02:55.266] To the memories in those four walls [02:59.121] I owe it all [03:02.874] I owe it all [03:06.270] To the ones that taught me to love big and strong [by:吵吵吵ccc] [00:00.143]名为halcyon的路边有幢房子 [00:05.283]矗立山丘之上,俯瞰中央海滩 [00:10.338]我外婆和外公就是在这白头偕老 [00:15.411]而它永远是我的离家后的港湾 [00:20.405]我从小就在后院嬉戏玩耍 [00:23.637]荡着秋千长大 [00:25.762]还不知道真实的世界到底长什么样子 [00:28.309]换而言之,它变得会多么疯狂 [00:31.383]也曾在树林里玩躲猫猫 [00:33.348]与我的兄弟姐妹们 [00:35.751]当时的我还不知道这对我有多宝贵 [00:41.320]无以为报 [00:45.105]我全都无以为报 [00:47.667]敬那四面墙的记忆 [00:51.204]我无以为报 [00:55.244]我真的无以为报 [00:58.634]敬那些教会我博大而强烈的爱的人 [01:11.575]每周日早上,我们会开车去海边 [01:16.614]所有的孩子都挤在后座 [01:21.694]在沙丘上肆意奔跑,在小溪上欢呼雀跃 [01:26.955]从那以后,我觉得我从来没有那么自由过 [01:31.827]回家后在客厅闲逛 [01:34.809]正是夕阳西下 [01:37.262]那个60年代的老豆袋坐垫 [01:40.109]是全屋最棒的座位 [01:42.612]每天晚上九点 [01:44.675]我们就会以披头士的歌结束这一天 [01:47.437]三声部和声,我发誓还在我脑中萦绕 [01:52.771]无以为报 [01:56.594]我全都无以为报 [01:59.154]敬那四面墙的记忆 [02:02.858]我无以为报 [02:06.690]我真的无以为报 [02:10.020]敬那些教会我博大而强烈的爱的人 [02:23.368]当爷爷最终还是离开时候 [02:26.040]我们坐在客厅,悲恸欲绝 [02:28.785]我知道一切不再与以往一样 [02:33.118]我们起身散步,眺望远方余晖 [02:35.878]我知道这一切都会好起来的 [02:48.880]无以为报 [02:52.650]我全都无以为报 [02:55.266]敬那四面墙的记忆 [02:59.121]我无以为报 [03:02.874]我真的无以为报 [03:06.270]敬那些教会我博大而强烈的爱的人

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