Parkstone Drive歌词 歌手Russ-专辑ZOO-单曲《Parkstone Drive》LRC歌词下载

你不行啊没我菜2021-11-05  137

导读:《Parkstone Drive》歌词 歌手Russ的专辑ZOO单曲《Parkstone Drive》LRC歌词下载,《Parkstone Drive》歌词分享。…

Parkstone Drive歌词 歌手Russ-专辑ZOO-单曲《Parkstone Drive》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Parkstone Drive》

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《Parkstone Drive》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Russ/Sting [00:01.000] 作曲 : Russ/Dominic Miller [00:05.93]Yeah, it's crazy [00:12.62]Yeah, I need y'all to listen [00:18.62]Yeah, yeah [00:19.65]Yeah, it rains sometimes even when it shines [00:22.65]Don't give up, don't give up [00:25.05]Know it rains sometimes even when it shines [00:27.64]Don't give up, don't [00:29.66]Yeah [00:30.27]My parents' marriage in shambles [00:31.62]I won't lie, it hurts [00:32.72]I thought money would fix it, but it just made it get worse [00:35.24]See my dad was the man, 'til his job cut ties [00:37.93]He went broke, I got rich, that **** ****** with his pride [00:40.45]Yeah, I recognize it was disturbing to see [00:42.88]The family stopped turnin' to him and started turnin' to me [00:45.46]Going through it, I know he tried to hide the pain [00:47.95]If he gave up and got a job, his dad died in vain [00:50.63]'Cause his dad ran a business [00:52.34]So my dad tried to run one too but there's a difference [00:55.35]No income, my dad started loosin' his confidence [00:58.44]Meanwhile everyday I got brand new accomplishments [01:01.15]At the height of my career was his lowest [01:03.76]And that's a lie, 'cause we both still goin' [01:06.16]Me up, him down, it caused a lot of angst [01:09.12]Argument got out of hand, had to call Frank [01:11.56]All my efforts ignored, he threw it all in my face [01:14.18]There's not a song long enough where I can say what I gave [01:16.77]****'s crazy, mom couldn't believe it [01:18.69]I mean she's cried in the past, [01:20.02]You know, threatened to leave him [01:21.27]But she never had the money to, but I got it now [01:24.14]It's bittersweet that this is how I bought my mom a house [01:26.94]Oh well, guess I should have seen it comin' [01:29.13]All the tears, all the threats, [01:30.29]All the fightin' and fussin' [01:31.71]Hardly any lovin', way too much hate [01:34.00]Finally tried to change, mom said it's too late [01:36.75]Move out day came and went, still in shock, **** [01:39.60]Doesn't even know where my mom's new spot is [01:42.09]Wasn't the first time but this was the worst time [01:44.43]Curved by your own family is the worst kind [01:47.06]All this **** been happenin' while I was blowin' up [01:49.65]And it's still going on, now you know what's up [01:52.35]Yeah, it rains sometimes even when it shines [01:54.46]Don't give up, don't give up [01:56.96]Know it rains sometimes even when it shines [01:59.48]Don't give up, don't [02:01.80]Yeah [02:02.41]I got way too much stress for any more bad press [02:04.75]Especially another lie that they make up and stretch [02:07.29]Damn, I can't lie, **** is takin' a toll [02:09.70]So much hate sent to me, some stays in my soul [02:12.30]To the point that when I walk into the booth, [02:14.39]That's what I let out [02:15.13]Makes for good songs but mentally I'm tryna get out [02:17.66]Tryna focus on the good, not the evil [02:20.22]Can't complain, this how I always greet people [02:22.85]I'm exhausted, exasperated from the pain that [02:25.93]I'm facin' and masquerading [02:27.73]Don't get it twisted, I'm grateful for everything [02:30.44]But the devil's still asking for a wedding ring [02:33.32]I declined, tried to focus on love [02:35.40]Tried to focus on fans, tried to focus on Russ [02:38.05]Everyday another lie, sometimes it feels like a curse [02:40.39]Sometimes it feels like necessary preparation for first [02:43.11]Yeah, it rains sometimes even when it shines [02:45.42]Don't give up, don't give up [02:47.98]Know it rains sometimes even when it shines [02:50.56]Don't give up, don't [02:52.87]Yeah, it rains sometimes even when it shines [02:55.67]Don't give up, don't give up [02:58.19]I know it rains sometimes even when it shines [03:00.90]Don't give up, no [by:朝雨海晏] [00:05.93]或许听来疯狂 [00:12.62]但请听我说完 [00:18.62]听我说 [00:19.65]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [00:22.65]但是还不是放弃的时候 [00:25.05]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [00:27.64]但是不要在这里放弃 [00:29.66]不要放弃 [00:30.27]我父母的婚姻着实是一团乱麻 [00:31.62]实话实说 我总能感到那份痛楚 [00:32.72]本以为金钱可以改善这一切 事实却无异于火上浇油 [00:35.24]曾掌控着这个家的父亲如今却失了工作 [00:37.93]他破产了 我却冉冉升起 这似乎刺痛了他的尊严 [00:40.45]而我也意识到 [00:42.88]家庭不再唯他马首是瞻而听我号令时 多么困扰 [00:45.46]我能感觉到他在掩饰自己的沉痛 [00:47.95]若是他肯振作起来找一份工作 大概只会觉得他父亲的死是白费 [00:50.63]只因为他的父亲经营着一家企业 [00:52.34]他试图走他父亲的老路 然而终不如愿 [00:55.35]他的自信好像随着他的收入一同烟消云散 [00:58.44]而我却每天都在取得新的成就 [01:01.15]他职业生涯的最低谷 反而是我的人生巅峰 [01:03.76]也不全对 因为事态还在演变 [01:06.16]我会越来越耀眼 而他只会越来越黯淡且满腹焦虑 [01:09.12]争论得不可开交 无奈之下打给Frank [01:11.56]我的那些心血他视而不见 无形的恼怒劈头盖脸 [01:14.18]我甚至找不到一首足够长的歌来说清楚我到底付出过多少 [01:16.77]母亲不敢相信事态已如此严重 [01:18.69]我是说 她以前也哭过 [01:20.02]你明白 像是威胁他再这样下去便会离开他 [01:21.27]只是以前身无分文的她做不到 不过现在我有钱了 [01:24.14]我送给了她一套房子 却不知道该哭还是该笑 [01:26.94]好吧 我想我早该猜到了 [01:29.13]所有的泪水与威胁 [01:30.29]所有的争吵与忙乱 [01:31.71]爱已所剩无几 恨意取而代之 [01:34.00]现在再想挽回 对母亲来说已经于事无补 [01:36.75]我还记得每一次母亲搬出时我的震惊 [01:39.60]甚至对她栖身之处也一无所知 [01:42.09]这已经不是第一次了 但这毫无疑问是最严重的一次 [01:44.43]被自己的家庭否定的感觉不能更糟 [01:47.06]种种这些使我怒不可遏 [01:49.65]然而事态愈演愈烈 如今你也知道前因后果 [01:52.35]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [01:54.46]但还不是放弃的时候 [01:56.96]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [01:59.48]不要在这里放弃 [02:01.80]别放弃 [02:02.41]那些尖锐的报道使我不堪重负 [02:04.75]尤其是当他们恣意编造和歪曲事实 [02:07.29]该死 不可否认 这些真的很伤人 [02:09.70]如此多的恶意向我袭来 总有几分深入骨髓 [02:12.30]当我走进雅间 [02:14.39]故事就已经被编好 [02:15.13]努力带给世人更好的音乐 可心底已经有了放弃的念头 [02:17.66]努力专注于事物的美好而非人心的险恶 [02:20.22]没有资格抱怨 这就是我的问候方式 [02:22.85]面对这些痛苦时我的伪装 [02:25.93]使我疲惫不堪 恼怒不已 [02:27.73]别曲解了我的意思 我怀有一颗感恩之心 [02:30.44]只是人世的晦暗总能在心中留下阴影 [02:33.32]尝试释怀 尝试专注于爱 [02:35.40]尝试专心于我的粉丝 专注于做我自己 [02:38.05]如同诅咒一般 每天都面临着新的谎言 [02:40.39]有时做好准备似乎才是第一要务 [02:43.11]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [02:45.42]但是不要轻言放弃 [02:47.98]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [02:50.56]但是不要因此就放弃 [02:52.87]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [02:55.67]但现在放弃还为时尚早 [02:58.19]即便万里晴空或许也会忽然电闪雷鸣 [03:00.90]别就此放弃 别就此放弃

