I2i歌词 歌手Bones-专辑NoRedeemingQualities-单曲《I2i》LRC歌词下载

勇敢去应对2021-11-08  141

导读:《I2i》歌词 歌手Bones的专辑NoRedeemingQualities单曲《I2i》LRC歌词下载,《I2i》歌词分享。…

I2i歌词 歌手Bones-专辑NoRedeemingQualities-单曲《I2i》LRC歌词下载


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[00:07.19]Eye to eye, power line live [00:09.35]I want to fly Lenny Kravitz never lied [00:12.38]I want to get away somewhere out of sight [00:15.36]Maybe just then everything will pan out alright [00:18.93]It's a hundred pack smoking blunt roller creepin' up behind you [00:21.66]Thought I'd knock you off on the off chance I despise you [00:24.87]Not one to be lied to, quick to press rewind, you [00:28.06]End up where you were before your birth, now don't you cry, you [00:31.18]Already on ten, ***** so don't aggravate [00:34.24]**** the hear's where I've had it: Great now thin ice what you skate [00:37.15]I will locate all my pain, corral it into my veins [00:40.43]Push that up into my brain, danger mode is now engaged [00:43.65] [00:43.90]Soulbound rare drop every time we drop s**t [00:46.88]We need props like garena talk to get your wits up out ya [00:49.90]Every single atom that is me will say: it bounced ya [00:53.22]Looking around at humans like: This place would be [00:56.10]Better without ya [00:57.10] [00:57.31]The whole scene is a disgrace, rather distaste [00:59.42]Florida say the least I do the most and get paid [01:02.70]I know money's needed, but what happened to the days [01:05.66]Of saying **** these labels to I hope they pick me? [01:08.94]I hate to see potential being flushed down the drain [01:12.06]The natural selection is beautiful when you wait [01:14.87]**** yourself out, *****, **** yourself out [01:18.09]SESH to the death of me bruh [by:lilpigEON] [00:07.19]四目相对,浮光掠影 [00:09.35]想飞到Lenny Kravitz不在的地方 [00:12.38]逃避所有视线 [00:15.36]是不是那个时候,一切就会好起来? [00:18.93]你身后燃起数百根香烟 [00:21.66]该把你赶走的,因为我看不起你 [00:24.87]摁下倒退键,看看谁骗过你 [00:28.06]有些事情在出生之前一切就已结束,眼泪于我们毫无用处 [00:31.18]已经十点了,别再暴躁了 [00:34.24]听说我在那儿玩过......嗯......现在你的身体感觉很好 [00:37.15]痛苦充斥体内每一处,将我的血管渐渐腐蚀 [00:40.43]蔓延到我的大脑,瞬间拉响危险警报 [00:43.90]液体滴落的声音 [00:46.88]将我们拉回显示 [00:49.90]体内的每个原子,弹跳震动 [00:53.22]周围的所有人,随波逐流 [00:56.10]若是能逃离这片是非之地,就再好不过了 [00:57.31]耻辱和厌恶充斥着每一寸土地 [00:59.42]付出和回报不成正比 [01:02.70]我缺钱,却不甘与之同流合污 [01:05.66]别tm给老子乱贴标签然后指指点点 [01:08.94]把潜力埋没,冲进下水道的感觉令人作呕 [01:12.06]学会等待,那时你自然能做出做更好的选择 [01:14.87]现在出去吧,你可以出去了 [01:18.09]因为我早就死了

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