Time (Official)歌词 歌手MKJ-专辑Time After Time-单曲《Time (Official)》LRC歌词下载

想念你的味道2021-11-22  137

导读:《Time (Official)》歌词 歌手MKJ的专辑Time After Time单曲《Time (Official)》LRC歌词下载,《Time (Official)》歌词分享。…

Time (Official)歌词 歌手MKJ-专辑Time After Time-单曲《Time (Official)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Time (Official)》
专辑:Time After Time

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《Time (Official)》歌词:

[00:16.592]Time is the currency of your life, spend it wisely [00:20.576]Don’t let others no matter how well intentioned spend it for you, it’s all you’ve got [00:25.842]In the end, you may falter, but rest assured, time will not [00:30.875] [00:32.859]Time is an endless, relentless stream, moving in one direction, while your memories move in another [00:39.425]It is not something you choose, but rather, it is something that chooses you [00:44.476]Ironically, it’s the timeless part of you that understands full well the true value of time [00:50.859]Time, more than treasure, is the greatest gift you can give [00:54.942] [01:27.976]It’s about time [01:28.843] [02:01.608]It’s about time you do what you were put on earth to do [02:05.043]It’s about time you let go of negative people and habits and move to higher ground [02:09.959]It’s okay to waste time, but only on things you truly love and enjoy [02:14.658]It’s much too precious to waste on anger and fear [02:17.593]Remember time doesn’t change anything, it’s you that changes, everything [02:23.175]We are all traveling through life at the same speed, sixty minutes per hour [02:27.977]And if this is not the hour, when will be? [02:31.308]When will you realize that this is the time of your life? [02:35.259]The past is merely a dream and the future merely a prayer [02:39.626]Your future starts right here, right now, not tomorrow [02:44.259]The most important moment of your life is this one [02:48.443]It’s about time [02:50.008] [00:16.592]时间就像是生命的金钱,要学会合理支配 [00:20.576]不要让别人为你花掉它,不管他有多么好心,你该自己去处理你应做的 [00:25.842]你最后也许会消逝,但时间不会 [00:30.875] [00:32.859]时间是条无尽的河流,向前奔流不停。而你的记忆,则向后远去。 [00:39.425]这不是你选择了事物(时间),而是事物(时间)选择了你 [00:44.476]讽刺的是,当你没有时间时,你才会理解时间的价值。 [00:50.859]时间(的意义)并不仅仅是宝藏,更是你能给予(他人)最好的礼物 [00:54.942] [01:27.976]是时候了 [01:28.843] [02:01.608]是时候去做你真正想做的事了 [02:05.043]是时候放弃那些消极的人和习惯,去重新出发 [02:09.959]浪费时间也可以,但也要浪费在你喜爱并且享受的事情上 [02:14.658]把时间用在恐惧和愤怒上才是最浪费的 [02:17.593]要记住,时间的流逝改变不了什么,只有你能改变一切 [02:23.175]我们所有人度过的时间都一样,一小时都有60分 [02:27.977](这个道理)你现在(这一小时不明白),那什么时候(你才懂) [02:31.308]什么时候你才能明白时间对于你生命(的意义) [02:35.259]过去只是一场梦,未来只是一场祈祷 [02:39.626]你的未来应该在当下,是现在,而不是明天! [02:44.259]你人生中最重要的时刻是现在(活在当下) [02:48.443]是时候了 [02:50.008]

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