Dear God歌词 歌手Logic-专辑Undeniable-单曲《Dear God》LRC歌词下载

晚风太急2021-11-22  94

导读:《Dear God》歌词 歌手Logic的专辑Undeniable单曲《Dear God》LRC歌词下载,《Dear God》歌词分享。…

Dear God歌词 歌手Logic-专辑Undeniable-单曲《Dear God》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Dear God》

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《Dear God》歌词:

[00:46.28]Dear God, I think it's time we had a conversation [00:49.52]These lonely nights is getting to me so my mind is racing [00:51.92]I think about this life I live and all the **** I'm facing [00:54.99]More secrets in my mind then a free mason [00:57.34]I get lonely at times, and then I write these rhymes [01:00.12]I'm only human, I want to hit the club and **** a dime [01:03.02]But I know that's not the answer to my problems [01:05.04]Lord help me solve them [01:06.44]Disintegrate and dissolve them [01:07.81]Laying in bed [01:08.76]With a girl I'm pretty sure is my next [01:10.51]Contemplating the *** [01:11.64]While I think about my ex [01:13.45]Am I wrong, Dear God, am I wrong [01:18.74]Dear God tell me am I wrong [01:21.41]For living the life of a king surrounded by these pawns [01:24.22]Fans telling me I'm the greatest but I never hear them [01:27.03]Cause I ain't hit the pinnacle yeah I'm still persevering [01:29.59]Demons whispering in my ear but no I never fear them [01:32.30]People thinking they on his level they ain't even near him [01:34.97]I just want to spread positivity [01:36.83]Through lyrical ability [01:38.11]They call it selling out but I just call it versatility [01:40.87]Yeah, its my life [01:42.29]My wrongs,and My rights [01:44.08]My battle, My songs, and My fights [01:46.70]Now everybody want to come around [01:48.66]Tell me where was you last year when a brother was down [01:51.40]Not a single one of you mother ******s believed in the brand [01:53.90]Extended a hand [01:55.48]And now you want to be my man [01:56.99]I think not [01:57.93]You quick to shape shift like ink blots [01:59.85]The real dealer we cut classic no fitters [02:02.44]What about the time [02:03.34]I was nine [02:03.89]And my mama almost murdered me [02:05.81]Don't think I forgot that **** it still burdens me [02:08.69]Her bare hands tight around my throat I can't breath I screamed I can't breath mama [02:11.02]Don't you want me mama [02:14.56]Don't you love me mama [02:15.75]What the **** [02:16.61]Where was you here god tell me now [02:18.53]Hows a brother supposed to stay sane tell me how [02:21.26]Why you let me live but let another die [02:24.08]Why you dry my tears but let another cry [02:26.62]Gotta know [02:27.71]Set to detonate I gotta blow [02:29.22]That **** for show [02:30.33]I used to wonder why in the hell you would make me suffer [02:32.98]But now in the end I understand that it made me tougher [02:36.27]I get up when im down [02:36.69]Had enough almost drowned [02:37.65]When **** rough [02:38.41]I get tough [02:38.97]And when im beaten to the ground I get up [02:59.83] [by:blairjiaqi-] [00:46.28]亲爱的上帝 我想是时候我们该交心长谈了 [00:49.52]孤独的夜晚让我思绪游离 [00:51.92]思考着自己过着怎样的生活 面临着怎样的琐事 [00:54.99]心里的秘密日渐增多 [00:57.34]而我也时常感到孤独 所以我才写下了这些歌词 [01:00.12]我也只是一个平庸之人 我也想过红灯酒绿的生活 [01:03.02]但我知道这并不是我问题的答案 [01:05.04]上帝啊帮帮我吧 [01:06.44]让这些恼人的琐事粉碎成灰吧 [01:07.81]我躺在床上 [01:08.76]确信身旁躺着的是我的下一任 [01:10.51]感受着与她身体的交融 [01:11.64]可我脑海里全是我的前女友 [01:13.45]是我错了吗 亲爱的上帝 是我做错了吗 [01:18.74]亲爱的上帝 告诉我吧 [01:21.41]过着如皇帝一般的生活 被追随者拥簇 [01:24.22]粉丝们总告诉我说我已无人能及 但我却从来没有听信 [01:27.03]因为我知道我还没有攀到最高峰 我还在努力着 [01:29.59]恶魔在我耳边细语 可我却未曾畏惧 [01:32.30]人们总认为自己完成了自己的人生目标 而事实他们还与此相隔千里 [01:34.97]我只是想用力自己的歌词 [01:36.83]去传播一点正能量 [01:38.11]他们说我在追逐名利 但我知道我在用着自己的天赋 [01:40.87]是啊 这就是我的生活 [01:42.29]我的错与对 [01:44.08]我的战争 我的歌曲 我的纠纷 [01:46.70]而现在所有人都开始靠近我 [01:48.66]诉说着他们在我低谷时期如何帮助了我 [01:51.40]而事实当初没有任何一个人看好过我 [01:53.90]没有任何一个人伸手帮我 [01:55.48]而现在你们想要成为我的兄弟 [01:56.99]而我的答案只能为不可能了 [01:57.93]我的名声如墨渍一般扩散 你们却看到了不同的东西 抱着不同的态度 [01:59.85](此处dealer出错 应为Dilla) 此处Logic提到了这位年仅32岁就已去世的传奇制作人J Dilla,以此缅怀 [02:02.44]我想起当初 [02:03.34]那年我只有九岁 [02:03.89]我妈妈在那年差点杀害了我 [02:05.81]我从不曾忘记 因为它永远压在我心口使我难以喘息 [02:08.69]她的双手紧紧掐住我的脖子 “我喘不过气了妈妈!” 我对她尖叫着 “我不能呼吸了妈妈!” [02:11.02]妈妈你真的不要我了吗 [02:14.56]妈妈你真的不爱我了吗 [02:15.75]我不敢相信这眼前的一切 [02:16.61]上帝 告诉我当时的你为何没有在我身边 [02:18.53]我一人究竟要如何生存 [02:21.26]为什么你最终选着让我存活 却让其他人死去 [02:24.08]为什么你替我拭去眼泪 却让别人泣不成声 [02:26.62]我很想知道 [02:27.71]而我现在知道了 因为我终如雷鸣一般引爆世界 [02:29.22]这痛苦的一切都只为了我在舞台上最终能炽热发光 [02:30.33]我以前总不明白为何你(上帝)让我受尽折磨 [02:32.98]但最终我明白了这一切只是让我更加坚强 [02:36.27]尽管摔倒 我会爬起 [02:36.69]尽管曾今我近乎在痛苦中溺亡 [02:37.65]但当世事艰辛 [02:38.41]我会变的更加强大 [02:38.97]当我被打倒 我定会重新站起


