Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)歌词 歌手BLACKPINKSelena Gomez-专辑Ice Cream-单曲《Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)》LRC歌词下载

久而旧之2021-11-23  134

导读:《Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)》歌词 歌手BLACKPINKSelena Gomez的专辑Ice Cream单曲《Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)》LRC歌词下载,《Ice Cr…

Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)歌词 歌手BLACKPINK / Selena Gomez-专辑Ice Cream-单曲《Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)》
歌手:BLACKPINK / Selena Gomez
专辑:Ice Cream

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《Ice Cream (with Selena Gomez)》歌词:

[00:10.216]Selena Gomez: [00:11.100]Come a little closer [00:13.000]Cause you looking thirsty [00:14.800]Imma make it better sip it like a Slurpee [00:17.798]Lisa: [00:18.189]Snow cone chilly [00:19.000]Get it free like Willy [00:20.400]In the jeans like Billie [00:21.900]You be poppin' like a wheelie [00:23.267]Jennie: [00:23.696]Even in the sun you know I keep it icy [00:26.900]You could take a lick [00:28.000]But it's too cold to bite me [00:29.767]Lisa: [00:29.900]Brrr brrr frozen [00:30.900]You're the one been chosen [00:32.900]Play the part like Moses [00:33.900]Keep it fresh like roses [00:35.769]Rosé: [00:36.138]Look so good yeah look so sweet [00:38.700]Looking good enough to eat [00:41.208]Selena Gomez: [00:41.589]Coldest with this kiss [00:43.000]So he call me ice cream [00:44.600]Catch me in the fridge right [00:46.470]Where the ice be [00:48.035]Jennie: [00:48.394]Look so good yeah look so sweet [00:50.800]Baby you deserve a treat [00:53.705]Selena Gomez: [00:53.800]Diamonds on my wrist [00:55.100]So he call me ice cream [00:56.800]You can double dip [00:57.800]Cause I know you like me [00:59.117]Jennie: [00:59.494]Ice cream chillin' chillin' [01:01.400]Ice cream chillin' [01:02.700]Ice cream chillin' chillin' [01:04.200]Ice cream chillin' [01:05.359]Selena Gomez: [01:06.000]I know that my heart could be so cold [01:08.400]But I'm sweet for you [01:09.861]Come put me in a cone [01:11.575]Rosé: [01:12.124]You're the only touch yeah [01:13.141]They get me melting [01:14.600]He's my favorite flavor [01:16.000]Always gonna pick him [01:17.101]Jisoo: [01:17.500]You're the cherry piece [01:18.900]Just stay on top of me so [01:20.900]I can't see nobody else for me no [01:24.229]Jennie: [01:24.622]Get it flip it scoop it [01:25.700]Do it like that ah yeah ah yeah [01:27.200]Like it love it lick it [01:28.300]Do it like lalala oh yeah [01:29.668]Rosé: [01:29.967]Look so good yeah look so sweet [01:32.800]Looking good enough to eat [01:35.502]Selena Gomez: [01:35.800]Coldest with this kiss [01:36.900]So he call me ice cream [01:38.800]Catch me in the fridge right [01:40.300]Where the ice be [01:41.435]Jennie: [01:41.800]Look so good yeah look so sweet [01:44.700]Baby you deserve a treat [01:47.534]Selena Gomez: [01:47.700]Diamonds on my wrist [01:49.200]So he call me ice cream [01:50.700]You can double dip [01:52.200]Cause I know you like me [01:53.550]Jisoo: [01:53.700]Ice cream chillin' chillin' [01:55.400]Ice cream chillin' [01:56.700]Ice cream chillin' chillin' [01:58.300]Ice cream chillin' [02:00.000]Ice cream chillin' chillin' [02:01.400]Ice cream chillin' [02:02.900]Ice cream chillin' chillin' [02:04.400]Ice cream [02:05.388]Lisa: [02:05.604]Chillin' like a villain yeah ra ra ra [02:08.300]미친 미친듯한 속도 in my La Fera [02:11.611]너무 빨러 너는 삐끗 원한다면 그냥 지름 [02:14.600]Millis Billis 매일 벌음 한여름 손목에 얼음 [02:17.300]Keep it movin' like my lease up [02:19.000]Think you fly boy where ya visa [02:20.800]Mona Lisa kinda Lisa [02:21.600]Needs an ice cream man that treats her [02:23.400]Keep it movin' like my lease up [02:24.800]Think you fly boy where ya visa [02:26.300]Mona Lisa kinda Lisa [02:27.800]Needs an ice cream man that treats her [02:29.782]All: [02:30.193]Na na na na na [02:31.500]Na na na na na na na [02:32.900]Ice on my wrist yeah I like it like this [02:35.900]Get the bag with the cream [02:37.200]If you know what I mean [02:38.600]Ice cream [02:39.700]Ice cream [02:40.284]Ice cream chillin' [02:41.600]Na na na na na [02:43.500]Na na na na na na na [02:44.900]Ice on my wrist yeah I like it like this [02:47.300]And I'm nice with the cream [02:49.000]If you know what I mean [02:50.900]Ice cream [02:51.700]Ice cream [02:52.361]Jennie: [02:52.400]Ice cream [by:derAugensternx] [00:10.216] [00:11.100]再靠近一些吧 [00:13.000]只因你看起来口渴难耐 [00:14.800]我会缓解你的渴意 小啜一口仿佛品味思乐冰 [00:17.798] [00:18.189]凉爽的刨冰 (注: 同时意指冰冷的宝石) [00:19.000]如蓝鲸威利般 最终获得自由 (注:指90年代电影, 中译名威鲸闯天关/人鱼童话) [00:20.400]在的旋律之下 (注:指Michael Jackson歌曲, 对应下文poppin'机械舞以此致敬) [00:21.900]你舞动的技巧和身姿 都令人惊叹不已 [00:23.267] [00:23.696]即使身处烈阳之下 你也知我能保持冰凉 [00:26.900]你可以浅尝一口 稍作舔舐 [00:28.000]但想要试图咬下我 未免太过冰冷 [00:29.767] [00:29.900]仿佛快要冰冻凝固 [00:30.900]你便是我的万里挑一 最终选择 [00:32.900]如摩西领袖般 英明神武 (注: 圣经传说中, 摩西带领以色列人穿过红海 意指对自己心爱之人必须无比优秀的基准) [00:33.900]如娇艳玫瑰般 永葆鲜活靓丽 (注: 一语双关, 玫瑰新鲜, 爱意和关系也要始终维持新鲜和惊喜) [00:35.769] [00:36.138]看上去这般美好 这般香甜 [00:38.700]美好得足够令人大快朵颐 [00:41.208] [00:41.589]冰凉的一吻 [00:43.000]于是他将我唤作冰淇淋 [00:44.600]在置满冰块的冰箱里 [00:46.470]将我一下逮住 无从躲藏 [00:48.035] [00:48.394]看上去这般美好 这般香甜 [00:50.800]宝贝 你值得最好的款待 [00:53.705] [00:53.800]手腕上戴有璀璨钻石 [00:55.100]因此他将我唤作冰淇淋 [00:56.800]你可以再度品味 [00:57.800]只因我知晓你心属于我 [00:59.117] [00:59.494]如冰淇淋般清凉 [01:01.400]如冰淇淋般冰爽 [01:02.700]如冰淇淋般清凉 [01:04.200]如冰淇淋般冰爽 [01:05.359] [01:06.000]我深知自己内心冷冽 无人能轻易靠近 [01:08.400]但倘若是为你 我会变得甜蜜无比 [01:09.861]来将我装入甜筒中吧 [01:11.575] [01:12.124]你独一无二的轻柔触碰 [01:13.141]就能够令我缓缓融化 [01:14.600]他便是我最为喜爱的口味 [01:16.000]是我永远的不二选择 [01:17.101] [01:17.500]你是那颗鲜红樱桃 [01:18.900]只要缀于我的顶端便好 [01:20.900]让我除你之外 全然无法看到他人 [01:24.229] [01:24.622]得到它 翻搅它 舀起它 [01:25.700]就这样去做吧 [01:27.200]喜欢它 爱上它 浅尝它 [01:28.300]就这样去做吧 [01:29.668] [01:29.967]看上去这般美好 这般香甜 [01:32.800]美好得足够令人大快朵颐 [01:35.502] [01:35.800]冰凉的一吻 [01:36.900]于是他将我唤作冰淇淋 [01:38.800]在置满冰块的冰箱里 [01:40.300]将我一下逮住 无从躲藏 [01:41.435] [01:41.800]看上去这般美好 这般香甜 [01:44.700]宝贝 你值得最好的款待 [01:47.534] [01:47.700]手腕上戴有璀璨钻石 [01:49.200]因此他将我唤作冰淇淋 [01:50.700]你可以再度品味 [01:52.200]只因我知道你心属于我 [01:53.550] [01:53.700]如冰淇淋般清凉 [01:55.400]如冰淇淋般冰爽 [01:56.700]如冰淇淋般清凉 [01:58.300]如冰淇淋般冰爽 [02:00.000]如冰淇淋般清凉 [02:01.400]如冰淇淋般冰爽 [02:02.900]如冰淇淋般清凉 [02:04.400]冰淇淋 [02:05.388] [02:05.604]一举一动 都如同反派角色冷酷无情 (注: 一语双关, 指蝙蝠侠的敌人冰冻人Mr.Freeze, 同样指代迪士尼电影<后裔2>原声带) [02:08.300]向前狂飙般的速度 in my La Fera [02:11.611]过分快速令你不断颠簸 倘若你希望如此 就大声呼喊吧 [02:14.600]Millis Billis 日复一日赚取金钱 盛夏季节 也将冰冷钻石戴于腕间 [02:17.300]持续运转 不要停歇 仿佛我的租赁条约 [02:19.000]我想你是得意忘形了吧 男孩 你的通行证呢 [02:20.800]蒙娜丽莎 一样的Lisa [02:21.600]需要一个甜蜜体贴之人 来好好待她 [02:23.400]持续运转 不要停歇 仿佛我的租赁条约 [02:24.800]我想你是得意忘形了吧 男孩 你的银行卡呢 [02:26.300]蒙娜丽莎 一样的Lisa [02:27.800]需要一个甜蜜体贴之人 来好好待她 [02:29.782] [02:30.193] [02:31.500] [02:32.900]我的手腕冰凉无比 我就喜欢这种感受 [02:35.900]包中满满装上宝石和钞票 [02:37.200]倘若你了然我话中含义 [02:38.600]冰淇淋 [02:39.700]冰淇淋 [02:40.284]如冰淇淋般冰爽 [02:41.600] [02:43.500] [02:44.900]我的腕间缀满钻石 我就喜爱这份感觉 [02:47.300]我有这甜蜜冰淇淋 便已足矣 [02:49.000]倘若你懂得我话中深意 [02:50.900]冰淇淋 [02:51.700]冰淇淋 [02:52.361] [02:52.400]冰淇淋


