what that means ?歌词 歌手鹿子野-专辑what that means ? - (什么意思?)-单曲《what that means ?》LRC歌词下载

过度的颓废2021-11-23  92

导读:《what that means ?》歌词 歌手鹿子野的专辑what that means ? - (什么意思?)单曲《what that means ?》LRC歌词下载,《what that means ?》歌词分享。…

what that means ?歌词 歌手鹿子野-专辑what that means ? - (什么意思?)-单曲《what that means ?》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《what that means ?》
专辑:what that means ? - (什么意思?)

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《what that means ?》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : 鹿子野 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 鹿子野 [00:02.000] 编曲 : Lillean [00:03.000] 制作人 : 鹿子野/周元 [00:19.870]im not u treasure [00:22.370]im most a trash [00:24.370]i cant be better [00:26.950]but think that im ok [00:37.480]hook: [00:37.730]like rnb girl we [00:39.980]so weak [00:40.540]please fondle my cheek [00:43.260]why dont leave [00:44.260]told me [00:44.760]LOVE what that means [00:48.010]like rnb girl we [00:49.510]so weak [00:50.260]please fondle my cheek [00:52.760]why dont leave [00:54.010]told me [00:54.490]LOVE what that means [00:57.240]verse: [00:57.740]i say [00:58.490]this time last one that i write song for u [01:02.990]this one last time that i sing song for u [01:07.740]this time last one [01:12.740]this one last time that i sing song for u [01:18.750]i write song for u [01:20.000]just for u [01:25.510]for my pretty girl [01:27.010]我希望每个值得的女孩活在歌里 [01:29.980]爱你恨你一拳打碎玻璃 [01:31.980]我知道爱 但已不在 [01:33.980]别人眼中的 般配 [01:35.230]却支离 破碎 [01:36.980]她肯定在心里默念 [01:38.240]他真的好烂 [01:38.980]路漫漫 [01:40.230]也都有别的打算 [01:41.480]临时抱佛脚的我敲了几段 爱情 [01:43.730]我讲的我眼中的爱情你从不爱听 [01:46.230]放心 [01:48.010]我不想对你好了 [01:49.010]你的恶语相向 [01:50.010]不是真的爱我 [01:51.010]现在你自找的 [01:51.760]好了 把我忘了吧 [01:52.510]忘了他 [01:53.510]最后一次对你深情 [01:54.760]但愿我们放得下 [01:57.760]hook: [01:58.010]like rnb girl we [02:00.010]so weak [02:00.510]please fondle my cheek [02:03.000]why dont leave [02:03.250]told me [02:04.750]LOVE what that means [02:07.750]like rnb girl we [02:09.690]so weak [02:10.190]please fondle my cheek [02:12.940]why dont leave [02:13.940]told me [02:14.440]LOVE what that means [02:18.440]verse: [02:18.690]so what that means [02:21.940]what that means [02:24.190]what that means [02:28.940]so what that means [02:31.440]what that means [02:33.940]what that means [02:37.500]爱你与分手的时候心都怦怦跳 [02:39.750]我想爱情的天使也会在空中闹 [02:42.000]不知道 梦软还是心软让我疯掉 [02:44.500]都这样闹了 再和好肯定会统统笑 [02:47.000]i say [02:47.500]this time last one that i write song for u [02:52.000]this one last time that i sing song for u [02:57.000]this time last one [03:01.750]this one last time that i sing song for u [03:02.909] 混音 : 杨秋儒 [03:04.068] 统筹 : 羊晃橙 [03:05.227] 发行 : 孙婷婷/孙悦 [03:06.386] 宣传推广 : 沈峻峻/羊晃橙 [03:07.545] 监制 : 刘群 [03:08.704] 出品人 : 雷彬艺/张浩 [03:09.863] 出品发行 : 无忧音乐 [by:别拦着我一夜暴富] [00:19.870]我不是你的宝藏 [00:22.370]我就是垃圾 [00:24.370]我无法改变 [00:26.950]我想我没事 [00:37.480]吸引人的副歌: [00:37.730]像是rnb的女孩一样 [00:39.980]我们的爱情走到了最低谷 [00:40.540]请抚摸我的脸颊 [00:43.260]为什么不离我而去 [00:44.260]告诉我 [00:44.760]爱是什么意思 [00:48.010]像是rnb的歌一样 [00:49.510]我们的爱情走到了最低谷 [00:50.260]请抚摸我的脸颊 [00:52.760]为什么不离我而去 [00:54.010]告诉我 [00:54.490]爱是什么意思 [00:57.240]段落: [00:57.740]我说 [00:58.490]这是我最后一次写歌给你 [01:02.990]这是我最后一次唱歌予你 [01:07.740]这次是最后一次 [01:12.740]这是最后一次我在你耳边吟唱 [01:18.750]写的歌都是给你的 [01:20.000]仅仅是你的歌 [01:25.510]我的宝贝女孩 [01:27.010] [01:29.980] [01:31.980] [01:33.980] [01:35.230] [01:36.980] [01:38.240] [01:38.980] [01:40.230] [01:41.480] [01:43.730] [01:46.230] [01:48.010] [01:49.010] [01:50.010] [01:51.010] [01:51.760] [01:52.510] [01:53.510] [01:54.760] [01:57.760]吸引人的副歌: [01:58.010]像是rnb的歌一样 [02:00.010]我们的爱情走到了最低谷 [02:00.510]请抚摸我的脸颊 [02:03.000]告诉我 [02:03.250]为什么不离我而去 [02:04.750]爱是什么意思 [02:07.750]像是rnb的歌一样 [02:09.690]我们的爱情走到了最低谷 [02:10.190]请抚摸我的脸颊 [02:12.940]为什么不离我而去 [02:13.940]告诉我 [02:14.440]爱是什么意思 [02:18.440]段落: [02:18.690]所以那是什么意思 [02:21.940]我思考了很久 [02:24.190]却依旧不明白 [02:28.940]那会是什么意思 [02:31.440]会是我想的那样吗 [02:33.940]请你告诉我 [02:37.500] [02:39.750] [02:42.000] [02:44.500] [02:47.000]我说 [02:47.500]这是我最后一次为你写歌 [02:52.000]也是我最后一次在你耳边浅唱 [02:57.000]就这最后一次 [03:01.750]在你耳边唱这首为你而作的歌

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