Fire Drill歌词 歌手Melanie Martinez-专辑Fire Drill-单曲《Fire Drill》LRC歌词下载

雨与鱼2021-11-29  87

导读:《Fire Drill》歌词 歌手Melanie Martinez的专辑Fire Drill单曲《Fire Drill》LRC歌词下载,《Fire Drill》歌词分享。…

Fire Drill歌词 歌手Melanie Martinez-专辑Fire Drill-单曲《Fire Drill》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Fire Drill》
歌手:Melanie Martinez
专辑:Fire Drill

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《Fire Drill》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Melanie Martinez/Michael Keenan [00:01.000] 作曲 : Melanie Martinez/Michael Keenan [00:07.590]Uh, mm, mm, mm, [00:12.850]Uh, uh, mm, mm, uh, uh [00:16.140]I've never fit into any category,always deemed an outcast [00:24.340]Since I was in Sunday School and all the cool kids said I was weird [00:32.380]It's exactly the same, they say: [00:34.200]"Why do you dress that way? Why do you act that way? “ [00:37.380]Why aren't you just like me?" “ [00:39.980]So is that what you really wanna say to me? [00:42.290]You playin' games with me [00:43.600]Tellin' me you're for my kind, still you abandon me [00:45.950]Calling me words I'm not, paintin' a picture that's false [00:49.130]You must not know my heart, but I know it isn't your fault [00:52.840]You live in a world in your clutch, you don't get out very much [00:57.050]Livin' in the fake world, filled with facades and chaotic behavior [01:01.969]You pull the lever for fun, yell, "fire," then you just run [01:06.900]Fire drill,what would happen if a nuke just hit? [01:10.989]Would you say bye to your family? Would you post about it? [01:14.930]Fire drill, if it all went up in flames one day [01:19.370]Would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away? [01:23.209]It kills, I wish the best for you [01:27.540]And you think I ignore you too, but [01:32.438]Really, I'm tryna live my own life [01:36.239]And be present more, and so should you, it's alright to [01:40.218]Cryin' inside [01:43.780]'Cause nothin' I say ever comes out right [01:48.218]We're on the same side [01:52.010]If I'm honest with you, you just run and hide [01:56.200]I'm bad at public speaking [01:59.680]But I'm speaking now so hear me out (Shut up) [02:04.778]I personally believe that everyone is fully capable [02:12.569]Of more than what they're doing, all of the bullying [02:14.560]All of the screwing around with people they don't even really know, oh (Blah, blah, blah) [02:21.079]Eatin' a hate soufflé, and an angry bitter sorbet [02:25.009]All 'cause you were bored one day [02:28.239]Losing your wits and your grace [02:29.699]Fire drill,what would happen if a nuke just hit? [02:33.599]Would you say bye to your family? Would you post about it? [02:37.739]Fire drill, if it all went up in flames one day [02:41.989]Would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away? [02:45.869]It kills, I wish the best for you [02:49.919]And you think I ignore you too, but [02:55.199]Really, I'm tryna live my own life [02:58.889]And be present more, and so should you, it's alright to [03:03.129]I am not the government [03:04.838]I am not the ****ed up men [03:06.989]I am not a part of anything that is hateful [03:10.899]Love is seeping out my pores, I don't hold anger anymore [03:15.129]Even for people who hurt and betray me (Okay) [03:19.439]I am not the government [03:21.509]I am not the ****ed up men (Gross) [03:23.659]I am not a part of anything that is hateful [03:27.489]Love is seeping out my pores, I don't hold anger anymore [03:31.470]Even for people who hurt and betray me [03:35.239]Fire drill,what would happen if a nuke just hit? [03:39.379]Would you say bye to your family? Would you post about it? [03:43.419]Fire drill, if it all went up in flames one day [03:47.910]Would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away? [03:51.489]It kills, I wish the best for you [03:56.110]And you think I ignore you too, but [04:00.838]Really, I'm tryna live my own life [04:05.039]And be present more, and so should you, it's alright to [04:11.489](I'm getting out of here) [00:07.590] [00:12.850] [00:16.140]我总是不合群的那个 被其他孩子视为异类 [00:24.340]自从来到了主日学校(英美诸国在周日为工厂做工的青少年进行宗教和识字教育的免费学校)所有受欢迎的孩子都称我为怪胎 [00:32.380]他们一成不变地嘲讽着: [00:34.200]你为什么穿成这样?为什么表现的这么不自然?” [00:37.380]为何不与我一样呢?” [00:39.980]所以这就是你真正想对我说的话吗? [00:42.290]对我玩弄你的小把戏 [00:43.600]说这是为我好 却依然疏远我 [00:45.950]给我编造子虚乌有的谣言 扭曲我的形象 [00:49.130]你一定不懂我的内心 但我知道但这不是你的错 [00:52.840]你在自己狭隘的世界里固步自封 不愿外出看看真实的世界 [00:57.050]住在这虚伪无比 满是所谓正面形象和可笑作为的世界里 [01:01.969]你为了作乐拉下控制杆 大喊“着火了”便仓皇而逃 [01:06.900]消防演习 当核弹轰然落下时会发生些什么? [01:10.989]你会与家人告别还是在社交媒体上大肆发帖宣扬? [01:14.930]消防演习 倘若某天一切都置身火海 [01:19.370]你会在自己的房屋化为乌有前为你妈妈献上一个拥抱吗? [01:23.209]它毫无疑问是致命的 我对你送去最诚挚的祝福 [01:27.540]而你却认为我忽略了你 但 [01:32.438]说真的 我只是在试着过好自己的生活 [01:36.239]活在当下 你也该如此 [01:40.218]在内心底深深哭泣 [01:43.780]因为我从未说过一句合时宜的话 [01:48.218]我们站在同一立场 [01:52.010]但如果我坦诚相待 你只是跑走并藏匿起来 [01:56.200]我不擅长在公共场合发言 [01:59.680]但请你认真聆听我当下正在说的(闭嘴) [02:04.778]我自认为每个人都富有能力 [02:12.569]相比于他们现在做的这些无意义的事 所有的欺辱 [02:14.560]与他们并不熟识的人暧昧于床塌间 [02:21.079]咀嚼着夹杂着厌恨的蛋奶酥与苦涩愤怒的果汁冰糕 [02:25.009]这一切只因你整日游手好闲 [02:28.239]失去了应有的智慧与优雅 [02:29.699]消防演习 当核弹轰然落下时会发生些什么? [02:33.599]你会与家人告别还是在社交媒体上大肆发帖宣扬? [02:37.739]消防演习 倘若某天一切都置身火海 [02:41.989]你会在自己的房屋化为乌有前为你妈妈献上一个拥抱吗? [02:45.869]它毫无疑问是致命的 我对你送去最诚挚的祝福 [02:49.919]而你却认为我忽略了你 但 [02:55.199]说真的 我只是在试着过好自己的生活 [02:58.889]活在当下 你也该如此 [03:03.129]我不是无能的政府 [03:04.838]也不是盲目的执政者 [03:06.989]不属于任何一部分令人厌恶的事物 [03:10.899]爱从我的毛孔中溢出 我不再抱有愤恨 [03:15.129]即使对那些曾伤害与背叛我的人 [03:19.439]我不是无能的政府 [03:21.509]也不是盲目的执政者 [03:23.659]不属于任何一部分令人厌恶的事物 [03:27.489]爱从我的毛孔中溢出 我不再抱有愤恨 [03:31.470]即使对那些曾伤害与背叛我的人 [03:35.239]消防演习 当核弹轰然落下时会发生些什么? [03:39.379]你会与家人告别还是在社交媒体上大肆发帖宣扬? [03:43.419]消防演习 倘若某天一切都置身火海 [03:47.910]你会在自己的房屋化为乌有前为你妈妈献上一个拥抱吗? [03:51.489]它毫无疑问是致命的 我对你送去最诚挚的祝福 [03:56.110]而你却认为我忽略了你 但 [04:00.838]说真的 我只是在试着过好自己的生活 [04:05.039]活在当下 你也该如此 [04:11.489]我终于逃出了这里


