Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)歌词 歌手WENBO-专辑Addiction(囚) - Single-单曲《Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)》LRC歌词下载

勾嘴笑2021-11-29  82

导读:《Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)》歌词 歌手WENBO的专辑Addiction(囚) - Single单曲《Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)》LRC歌词下载,《Addicti…

Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)歌词 歌手WENBO-专辑Addiction(囚) - Single-单曲《Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)》
专辑:Addiction(囚) - Single

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《Addiction(囚)( Raspobeats)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : WENBO [00:01.000] 作曲 : Raspobeats [00:15.948]I don’t see where I‘m going [00:20.201]or if I'm going anywhere at all [00:24.449]I wanna say I feel abandoned [00:28.451]as if my future is closing its doors [00:32.448]but I know [00:36.701]that I'm the only one holding the knob [00:40.951]and I'm turning it [00:45.199]locking myself up (I'm sorry) [00:48.449] [00:49.698]I was running alright [00:51.450]being the top of the class [00:52.698]I was sure about life [00:53.948]I thought and I write [00:55.698]It was so easy and happy [00:57.198]I rode on the tide [00:58.200]But that was all past tense [00:59.948]slowly but steadily I had all lost it (lost it) [01:01.948]whether it was the people around me the TV or destiny [01:04.697]now I’m confounded [01:06.450]It would be fine you know [01:07.448]I would be grateful to rest and check on the flowers on the side of the road [01:10.698]but it’s not like that truth is I crawled [01:12.698]saw another side of the world and I was appalled [01:14.949]the fascination too cunning [01:17.388]so furtive thus so stunning [01:18.888]so I played with it [01:19.639]hoping it will give me something new [01:21.138]you know ease the uneasiness [01:23.141]I would’ve taken that thought outta my heads [01:24.890]outta my hands [01:25.639]if I knew it was this addictive [01:27.391]if I knew that it would get out of control [01:29.139]make me a lier then turn me into a hypocrite [01:31.390]But the fault has been done [01:33.503]once the pleasure is gone I was pushed to the dump that I dug [01:35.502]hush hush my two devils they are getting too loud [01:37.752]was a push or was that a jump? [01:39.002] [01:39.752]I don’t know where I’m going [01:43.506]or if I'm going anywhere at all (going anywhere at all) [01:47.753]I wanna say I feel abandoned [01:52.003]as if my future is closing its doors (closing its door) [01:55.503]**** I closed those doors [01:56.251] [01:56.251]摁了关机 [01:57.253]疲倦才来得急吃我嗡嗡热的脑筋 [02:00.252]像木乃伊 [02:01.503]僵硬的身躯充满汗腻的床单我早已无心顾及 [02:05.002]12点半 还是一点 [02:06.752]大家都以为我早已睡去 [02:09.003]天上那些看着我的神灵 [02:11.003]是不是也像我一样失望呐 [02:13.253]诶 [02:13.756]怎么回事 [02:14.254]泪水 如此滚烫 [02:15.252]他们越是赞美我我越是心慌 [02:17.502]你们看看清楚 [02:18.501]我是多么懒惰小肚鸡肠和肮脏 [02:21.002]我最肮脏 [02:22.003]I rock and I roll [02:23.503]everything seems like so but I'm just rotting in my room [02:26.002]I miss the old me [02:27.256]I wish I could just call her and say [02:30.002]But I guess she’ll never come to the phone right now [02:32.503]cuz it’s not her fault [02:33.503]而是它 它周而复始 [02:35.751]挠着我心 让我跪地求饶 [02:37.755]就最后一次 (one last time) [02:40.502]然后我就会自己走出这囚牢 [02:42.753]lies [02:43.254]下次还是一模一样 [02:44.502]我在一旁看着自己时而呆滞 [02:47.503]时而发神经一样在地板上哭闹 [02:50.502]然后苦笑 [02:51.503]失去的灵气 [02:52.506]positivity 能量和自信 [02:55.252]paralysis [02:56.503]miraculously heal me [02:58.003]妄想 [02:58.752]P E R I O D [03:00.003]am I the sinner or the sin [03:01.255]I should feel sorry [03:03.527]but I'm just pitying myself [03:03.527] [03:04.026]Don’t see where I‘m going [03:08.029]Going anywhere at all [03:12.026]Say I feel abandoned [03:16.527]Future is closing its doors [03:18.276] [03:19.027]Will it take over me? [00:15.948]看不见前进的方向 [00:20.201]甚至不知道我是否还在前进 [00:24.449]我好似被抛弃似的 [00:28.451]我的未来就这样关上了门 [00:32.448]可是我清楚 [00:36.701]正是我自己握着门把 [00:40.951]我就这样轻轻地转 [00:45.199]把我锁起来 [00:48.449] [00:49.698]我本是奔跑的 [00:51.450]名列前茅 [00:52.698]对生活充满把握 [00:53.948]我思考 写作 [00:55.698]一切都理所应当的容易和快乐 [00:57.198]我乘风破浪 [00:58.200]可那都是过去式了 [00:59.948]缓慢的 但可以确定的我是退步了 [01:01.948]不知道是周围的人们 电视 还是受到命运的影响 [01:04.697]我混乱了 [01:06.450]如果只是稍微停下来 [01:07.448]看看路边的花朵 那也好 [01:10.698]可现实是 我开始爬行 [01:12.698]看到令我震惊的世界的另一侧 [01:14.949]那是无比狡猾的景象 [01:17.388]因为不堪所以迷人 [01:18.888]玩一玩吧 [01:19.639]我期盼着一些新鲜的事物 [01:21.138]以平息我的不安 [01:23.141]我一定在最初就放弃它 [01:24.890]放弃它 [01:25.639]若是我知道这会如此上瘾 [01:27.391]会这般不可控 [01:29.139]使我撒谎 变成十足的伪君子 [01:31.390]错已酿成 覆水难收 [01:33.503]欢愉后被推进自己筑的沼泽 [01:35.502]嘘 我头上的两个恶魔声音快要将我淹没 [01:37.752]或许是我自己跳入沼泽 [01:39.002] [01:39.752]不知道前进的方向 [01:43.506]假若我还在前进的话 [01:47.753]我好似被抛弃似的 [01:52.003]我的未来就这样关上了门 [01:55.503]md是我自己关上了门 [01:56.251] [01:56.251] [01:57.253] [02:00.252] [02:01.503] [02:05.002] [02:06.752] [02:09.003] [02:11.003] [02:13.253] [02:13.756] [02:14.254] [02:15.252] [02:17.502] [02:18.501] [02:21.002] [02:22.003]我又积极又向上 [02:23.503]或许吧 但我只是在房间里浑浑噩噩的死去 [02:26.002]我想念过去的我 [02:27.256]想给她打通电话 然后说 [02:30.002]她才不会接通电话! [02:32.503]这根本就不是她的错不是吗 [02:33.503] [02:35.751] [02:37.755] [02:40.502] [02:42.753] [02:43.254] [02:44.502] [02:47.503] [02:50.502] [02:51.503] [02:52.506] [02:55.252]麻痹 [02:56.503]请救活我 [02:58.003] [02:58.752] [03:00.003]我是罪人罪是我 [03:01.255]我应当感到抱歉 [03:03.527]但我只是为自己感到可悲 [03:03.527] [03:04.026]不知道前进的方向 [03:08.029]还在前进吗 [03:12.026]好似被抛弃似的 [03:16.527]未来就这样关上了门 [03:18.276] [03:19.027]我会被淹没吗?


