skrait pokebarz!歌词 歌手negrosami-专辑skrait pokebarz!-单曲《skrait pokebarz!》LRC歌词下载

绝影如岚2021-11-29  77

导读:《skrait pokebarz!》歌词 歌手negrosami的专辑skrait pokebarz!单曲《skrait pokebarz!》LRC歌词下载,《skrait pokebarz!》歌词分享。…

skrait pokebarz!歌词 歌手negrosami-专辑skrait pokebarz!-单曲《skrait pokebarz!》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《skrait pokebarz!》
专辑:skrait pokebarz!

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《skrait pokebarz!》歌词:

[00:04.310]I hope you guys don't think Egrr [00:06.964]poorly of me after I release this [00:09.496]Or when this song is finished [00:11.766]I just felt like spitting some pokeballs [00:14.613]Cuz I'm a ****ing nerd and I love it [00:22.873]The throne is mine for the taking hate [00:25.437]To burst your bubble beam [00:26.655]But I'm answer like Jessie James [00:28.313]So make a double team [00:29.623]Killing cats can't you tell on my way spitting facts [00:31.977]I got insomnia so you know why I stay on the web like a spinarak [00:36.202]They can't touch me cuz they know I'm hot like cyndaquil [00:38.936]You way sick you feeling hot take some benadryl [00:41.794]Don't you know that nothing beat me [00:43.510]Or the reason why they call me Elite Four [00:46.711]Thinking you could beat me [00:48.280]It's like trying to ride a bike indoors [00:50.254]I'm certain not to steal the show like a magnemite [00:52.882]In competition don't exist like a mega dragonite [00:55.455]These niggas who by my style is over and you know that [00:58.360]Beat up these niggas more and no indicate for the Zubat [01:01.650]These niggas got it backwards [01:03.295]All they do is talk shit [01:04.567]But also better miss the way I'm spitting [01:06.620]Believe me these niggas toxic [01:09.969]Yeah I got a nasty club all these niggas like enough [01:13.276]Cuz you don't wanna fly you could say I'm blessed enough [01:15.924]Smoke until they coughing I come first like a click-clack [01:19.238]I'm this rod and niggas are no match for me [01:21.402]It's better that you would drunk cuz when I step on mic dawg [01:24.682]Y'all go feels like asylee you couldn't reach my level [01:27.557]even with some rare candies [01:29.455]He's packing more heat in charged of attack flows in Flannery [01:32.161]This flattering thinking that you can hit more top beat [01:36.147]kicking more flows and Hitmonlee [01:38.291]leaving a head spinning like rally [01:40.516]they tryna copy the flow likes ditto [01:42.512]But it's hardest diamond you would think [01:44.157]I was born in sin though [01:45.751]Cuz one hit and you're out cold and injured [01:48.012]The equivalence of man champ [01:49.646]Cuz all I do was likes nigga [01:55.649]Hupsuuuu * [by:普丑男青年] [00:04.310]我希望你们不要,额 [00:06.964]在我发了这首歌之后,觉得我很可怜 [00:09.496]这首歌结束之后也不行 [00:11.766]我就想丢精灵球! [00:14.613]我他么就是死宅,怎么了(震声) [00:22.873]我拿下宝座的时候 [00:25.437]最讨厌有人对着我射泡沫光线了 [00:26.655]但我每次都会念出武藏和小次郎的台词 [00:28.313]我也想有人和我一起组个火箭队 [00:29.623]喵喵你能不能不要在路上吐槽了 [00:31.977]我经常失眠,这也是为什么我像圆丝蛛一样经常在网上 [00:36.202]他们碰不得我,因为我和火球鼠一样烫手 [00:38.936]你病得厉害,浑身滚烫,顺手吃点过敏药 [00:41.794]但我就是不会被任何东西打败 [00:43.510]这就是他们叫我四天王的原因 [00:46.711]你觉得你打得过我? [00:48.280]这想法就像是在屋里骑单车一样难 [00:50.254]我肯定不会像小磁怪一样抢你的风头 [00:52.882]比赛中不可能出现究极形态的快龙 [00:55.455]这些跟风的小子完蛋了,懂的都懂 [00:58.360]用超音蝠把他们吓个半死 [01:01.650]这些家伙本末倒置了 [01:03.295]只知道满嘴喷粪 [01:04.567]但他们都想念我打嘴炮的时候 [01:06.620]相信我,这些小老弟真的有毒! [01:09.969]对,我已经受够了俱乐部里的这些人了 [01:13.276]燕雀安知鸿鹄之志 [01:15.924]闻到烟味儿我肯定是第一个咳嗽的 [01:19.238]我就是根耿直的木头,这些人也没打算给我留个位置 [01:21.402]你最好学会饮酒消愁,因为及我龙跃云津之日 [01:24.682]你们都要像丧家之犬一样仰望我 [01:27.557]就算手上有神奇糖果 [01:29.455]也会蓄积全力去冲击亚莎 [01:32.161]有点吹捧就觉得自己的beat天下无敌 [01:36.147]以为自己的flow可以像飞腿郎的踢技一样 [01:38.291]让人的头晃个不停 [01:40.516]他们妄图像百变怪一样抄袭我 [01:42.512]但我的flow就像就像钻石一般坚不可摧 [01:44.157]太强了真是罪过 [01:45.751]因为我一击就能把你打得灵魂发颤 [01:48.012]就如同人皇一般 [01:49.646]那是因为我做的都是我最爱的啊 [01:55.649]丢精灵球的声音(大概)


