I Am The Walrus歌词 歌手The Beatles-专辑Love-单曲《I Am The Walrus》LRC歌词下载

血染紫禁城2021-11-29  127

导读:《I Am The Walrus》歌词 歌手The Beatles的专辑Love单曲《I Am The Walrus》LRC歌词下载,《I Am The Walrus》歌词分享。…

I Am The Walrus歌词 歌手The Beatles-专辑Love-单曲《I Am The Walrus》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《I Am The Walrus》
歌手:The Beatles

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《I Am The Walrus》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Lennon,McCartney [00:01.000] 作曲 : Lennon,McCartney [00:21.581]I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. [00:30.139]See how they run like pigs from a gun,see how they fly. [00:35.485]I'm crying. [00:38.758]Sitting on a cornflake, [00:42.913]waiting for the van to come. [00:47.369]Corporation tee-shirt,stupid bloody Tuesday. [00:49.950]Man,you been a naughty boy,you let your face grow long. [00:54.920]I am the eggman,we are the eggmen. [01:00.562]I am the walrus,goo goo g'joob. [01:04.86]Mister City Policeman sitting [01:06.919]Pretty little policemen in a row. [01:12.520]See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, [01:15.38]see how they run. [01:17.868]I'm crying, [01:20.638]I'm cry.I'm crying. [01:29.131]I'm cry... [01:35.425]Yellow matter custard, [01:39.328]dripping from a dead dog's eye. [01:43.543]Crabalocker fishwife,pornographic priestess, [01:46.334]Boy,you been a naughty girl [01:47.846]you let your knickers down. [01:51.52]I am the eggman,we are the eggmen. [01:56.716]I am the walrus,goo goo g'joob. [02:11.385]Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun [02:18.621]If the sun don't come,you get a tan [02:20.696]From standing in the English rain. [02:24.471]I am the eggman,we are the eggmen. [02:29.893]I am the walrus,goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob. [02:35.994]Expert textpert choking smokers, [02:38.702]Don't you thing the joker laughs at you? [02:44.240]See how they smile like pigs in a sty, [02:46.882]See how they snied. [02:49.462]I'm crying. [02:52.671]Semolina pilchard, [02:56.698]climbing up the Eiffel Tower. [03:00.757]Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna. [03:03.464]Man,you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe. [03:08.247]I am the eggman,we are the eggmen. [03:13.720]I am the walrus,goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob. [03:19.637]Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo. [by:城小巷] [00:21.581]我就是他,你就是他,你也是我,我们就是一体 [00:30.139]看他们如何像猪逃离枪杀一样飞走,看他们怎么飞走 [00:35.485]我哭了 [00:38.758]坐在玉米片上 [00:42.913]等待着救护车的来临 [00:47.369]T恤被染红了,那是愚蠢的星期二的血光 [00:49.950]你这个淘气的小子为什么把脸拉得这么长? [00:54.920]我是蛋形人,我们是蛋形人 [01:00.562]我是海象,咕咕咕咕叫 [01:04.86]城市里漂亮的小警察 [01:06.919]他们在那里坐成了一排 [01:12.520]看他们如何像天上的露西一样飞翔 [01:15.38]看他们怎么逃走 [01:17.868]我哭了 [01:20.638]我哭了,我哭了 [01:29.131]我哭了 [01:35.425]黄色的奶油蛋羹 [01:39.328]从一只死狗的眼睛里滴出 [01:43.543]海边神秘的渔妇,女祭司摆出风骚模样 [01:46.334]小伙子,你这个淘气的姑娘 [01:47.846]你居然把你的灯笼裤脱下来 [01:51.52]我是蛋形人,我们是蛋形人 [01:56.716]我是海象,咕咕咕咕叫 [02:11.385]坐在英格兰式的花园里,等待着日出 [02:18.621]如果太阳不出来,你站在 [02:20.696]英格兰的雨里也会被晒得全身棕褐 [02:24.471]我是蛋形人,我们是蛋形人 [02:29.893]我是海象,咕咕咕咕叫,咕咕咕咕叫 [02:35.994]令人窒息的烟客,还有那些文豪和专家 [02:38.702]难道你不觉得小丑在嘲笑你吗 [02:44.240]看看他们笑得像猪一样 [02:46.882]看看他们如何冷笑和讥耍 [02:49.462]我哭了 [02:52.671]布丁甜点和沙丁鱼 [02:56.698]努力地在攀登艾菲尔铁塔 [03:00.757]稚嫩的企鹅虔诚地吟诵着曼陀咒语的精华 [03:03.464]你那时真应该看看它们是怎样把爱伦坡踩在脚下 [03:08.247]我是蛋形人,我们是蛋形人 [03:13.720]我是海象,咕咕咕咕叫,咕咕咕咕叫 [03:19.637]咕咕咕咕叫,咕咕咕咕叫

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