Wild Roses歌词 歌手Of Monsters And Men-专辑FEVER DREAM-单曲《Wild Roses》LRC歌词下载

落日骑士2021-12-01  91

导读:《Wild Roses》歌词 歌手Of Monsters And Men的专辑FEVER DREAM单曲《Wild Roses》LRC歌词下载,《Wild Roses》歌词分享。…

Wild Roses歌词 歌手Of Monsters And Men-专辑FEVER DREAM-单曲《Wild Roses》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Wild Roses》
歌手:Of Monsters And Men

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《Wild Roses》歌词:

[00:00.99]Wild roses on a bed of leaves in the month of May [00:08.23]I think I wrote my own pain [00:11.76]Oh, don't you? [00:33.65]Down by the creek, I couldn't sleep so I followed a feelin' [00:41.28]Sounds like the vines, they are breathing [00:44.73](Oh it sounds like, it sounds like, it sounds like, it sounds, oh) [00:49.93]And I've seen the way the seasons change when I just give it time [00:57.37]But I feel out of my mind all the time [01:06.45]In the night I am wild-eyed, and you got me now [01:14.44]Oh, roses, they don't mean a thing, you don't understand [01:22.00]But why don't we full on pretend? [01:25.96]Oh, won't you? [01:30.50]Before I closed my eyes I saw a moth in the sky [01:38.34]And I wish I could fly that high [01:42.64]Oh, don't you? [01:49.84]A serpent on a bed of leaves in the month of May [01:56.75]What do you want me to say? [02:00.90](Oh it sounds like, it sounds like, it sounds like, it sounds, oh) [02:06.37]You keep me still when all I feel is an aimless direction [02:13.71]When I think I'm losin' connection [02:17.57]I see you [02:22.05]In the night I am wild-eyed, and you got me now [02:30.95]Dim the lights, we are wild-eyed, and you got me now [02:38.88]Oh, roses, they don't mean a thing, you don't understand [02:46.54]But why don't we full on pretend? [02:51.19]Oh, won't you? [02:55.55]Before I closed my eyes I saw a moth in the sky [03:02.96]And I wish I could fly that high [03:07.81]Oh, don't you? [03:11.68]Oh, don't you? [03:20.01]Oh, don't you? [03:28.18]In the night, we are wild-eyed, and you got me now [03:36.83]Dim the lights, we are wild-eyed, and you got me now [03:47.16]In the night, I am wild-eyed, and you got me now [by:赤赤繁峦] [00:00.99]五月的野玫瑰安逸地躺在叶子上 [00:08.23]我认为我已抒写了我的伤痛 [00:11.76]啊,难道你没经历过吗? [00:33.65]彻夜难眠,索性我就跟着某种感觉沿着小溪一直走着 [00:41.28]听起来像是藤蔓在呼吸 [00:44.73](哦,我聆听着,聆听着,聆听着,这听起来就像是藤蔓在呼吸着啊) [00:49.93]当我足够闲暇时,我会花时间看着四季轮换的方式 [00:57.37]但我总是无法触及自己的思想深处 [01:06.45]深夜之时我怒目圆睁,与此之时你俘获了我 [01:14.44]哦,玫瑰啊,他们并不意味着什么,你们不会明白 [01:22.00]但我们为何不假装着理解呢? [01:25.96]啊,难道你不会这么去做吗? [01:30.50]在我即将紧闭双眼的那一刹那,我看见了一只飞舞在空中的蛾子 [01:38.34]那一刻我竟希望自己也能像它那样飞着 [01:42.64]啊,难道你不曾幻想过吗? [01:49.84]五月,一条大蛇蜷缩在叶丛之中 [01:56.75]你到底想让我对你说些什么呢? [02:00.90](哦,我聆听着,聆听着,聆听着,这听起来就像是你想让我说给你的那些啊,) [02:06.37]当我感受到的只是一个漫无目的的方向时 [02:13.71]当我觉得我正慢慢地失去与外界的联系时,你让我平静下来 [02:17.57]我看见了你 [02:22.05]黑夜来袭,我总会面目狰狞,而你却捕获了我的心 [02:30.95]让灯光黯淡,我们都会面露狰狞,然而你已将我俘获 [02:38.88]哦,玫瑰啊,它们本身并不意味着任何一种东西,你们是不会明白的 [02:46.54]但是我们为什么不故意装作明白了呢? [02:51.19]啊,难道你们没这么去做过吗? [02:55.55]在我闭合双眼之前,我望见空中有一只飞蛾 [03:02.96]我多么渴望也能像它一样飞得如此之高 [03:07.81]啊,难道你不曾有过这种错觉吗 [03:11.68]啊,难道你不曾如此希望着吗 [03:20.01]啊,难道你们不曾向往过那种感受吗 [03:28.18]夜幕降临,我们都怒目而视,而你却抓住了我 [03:36.83]光线微弱,我们都会怒目圆睁,我的心已为你所捕获 [03:47.16]夜息来袭,我狂暴至极,但只有你将我捉住,俘获了我的心

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