It's De-Lovely歌词 歌手Robbie Williams-专辑De-Lovely (Music From the Motion Picture) - (摇摆情事-爵士大师柯尔波特传)-单曲《It's De-Lovely》LR

迎蕾2021-12-01  100

导读:《It's De-Lovely》歌词 歌手Robbie Williams的专辑De-Lovely (Music From the Motion Picture) - (摇摆情事-爵士大师柯尔波特传)单曲《It's De-…

It's De-Lovely歌词 歌手Robbie Williams-专辑De-Lovely (Music From the Motion Picture) - (摇摆情事-爵士大师柯尔波特传)-单曲《It's De-Lovely》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《It's De-Lovely》
歌手:Robbie Williams
专辑:De-Lovely (Music From the Motion Picture) - (摇摆情事-爵士大师柯尔波特传)

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《It's De-Lovely》歌词:

[00:03.67]I feel a sudden urge to sing [00:08.96]The kind of ditty that invokes the spring [00:14.43]So, control your desire to curse while I crucify the verse [00:26.45]This verse you've started seems to me the tin pan-tithesis of melody [00:37.44]So to spare you all the pain, I'll skip the darn thing and sing the refrain [00:49.99]Mi mi mi mi, re re re re, do so mi, do la si [01:09.78]The night is young, the skies are clear [01:12.89]So if you wanna go walkin', dear [01:15.49]It's delightful [01:16.84]It's delicious [01:18.34]It's de-lovely [01:22.15]I understand the reason why [01:25.12]You're sentimental, 'cause so am I [01:27.98]It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely [01:34.61]You can tell at a glance what a swell night this is for romance [01:40.85]You can hear, dear mother nature murmuring low let yourself go [01:47.34]So please be sweet, my chickadee [01:50.28]And when I kiss ya, just say to me [01:53.47]It's delightful, it's delicious, it's delectable, it's delirious [01:59.98]It's dilemma, it's de limit, it's deluxe, it's de-lovely [02:06.55]Time marches on and soon it's plain [02:09.49]You've won my heart and I lost my brain [02:12.57]It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely [02:19.24]Life seems so sweet that we decide [02:22.48]It's in the bag to get unified [02:25.36]It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely [02:37.18]See the crowd in that church [02:37.31]See the proud parson plopped on his perch [02:42.16]Get the sweet beat of that organ sealing our doom [02:50.21]Here goes the groom, boom [02:52.57]How they cheer and how they smile [02:55.28]As we go galopping down the aisle [02:58.24]It's divine, dear, it's de-vene, dear, it's de-wunderbar, it's de-victory [03:04.83]It's de-velop, it's de-vinner, it's de-voix, it's de-lovely [03:11.60]The night is tired and so we take [03:14.55]The few hours off to eat wedding cake [03:17.72]It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely [03:24.33]It feels so fine to be a bride [03:27.30]And how's the groom while he's slightly fried [03:30.48]It's divineful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely [03:36.71]To the pop of champagne off we hop in our plush little plane [03:43.15]Till a bright light through the darkness cosily calls Niagara Falls [03:49.58]Well, my love, our day's complete [03:53.01]What a beautiful bridal suite [03:55.69]It's de-reamy, it's de-rousy, it's de-reverie, it's de-rhapsodie [04:02.06]It's de-regal, it's de-royal, it's de-ritz, it's de-lovely [04:10.94]We settle down as man and wife [04:15.94]To solve the riddle called married life [04:22.75]It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely [by:舅公和玛丹娜] [00:03.67]我突然有一种想唱歌的冲动 [00:08.96]想唱那种能唤起春天的小调 [00:14.43]所以当我吐槽曲子的押韵时,你别骂人啊 [00:26.45]你唱的那小节在我听起来完全不成旋律 [00:37.44]为了不让你们感到痛苦,我跳过这段坑爹的部分,直接唱副歌 [00:49.99] [01:09.78]夜幕低垂,天空如水 [01:12.89]亲爱的,如果你想出去走走 [01:15.49]这夜晚是令人愉快的 [01:16.84]也是可口的 [01:18.34]它是小可爱 [01:22.15]我明白这是为什么 [01:25.12]因为我也和你一样多愁善感 [01:27.98]这夜晚是愉快的,可口的,可爱的 [01:34.61]你一眼就能看出这是个多么美妙的浪漫之夜 [01:40.85]你也能听到,亲爱的大自然母亲低声呢喃着说,“尽情放纵吧” [01:47.34]请温柔点吧,我调皮的小山雀 [01:50.28]当我吻你时,你就这样对我说 [01:53.47]这是让人感到愉悦、可口、诱人、且头脑发懵的吻 [01:59.98]它是两难、是界限、是奢侈、也是小可爱 [02:06.55]我们继续前进,很快就会明白 [02:09.49]你俘获了我的心,我也因你而失去理智 [02:12.57]这感情是愉快的,可口的,可爱的 [02:19.24]日子看起来这样甜蜜,所以我们决定 [02:22.48]是时候喜结连理了 [02:25.36]这是让人愉悦的、可口的、可爱的事 [02:37.18]看那教堂里的人群 [02:37.31]看那扑通一声坐在栖木上的傲慢牧师 [02:42.16]就让那发出甜蜜节奏的风琴宣告我们的末日 [02:50.21]新郎来啦 [02:52.57]他们是这样的欢呼、大笑 [02:55.28]当我们走在去往圣坛的路上 [02:58.24]亲爱的,这是神圣的,不可思议的,这是胜利 [03:04.83]这是让人实在翻不出的,这是可爱的 [03:11.60]晚上很累 [03:14.55]所以我们休息了几个小时去吃结婚蛋糕 [03:17.72]蛋糕很好吃,很可爱 [03:24.33]做新娘的感觉真好 [03:27.30]新郎怎么样了,他看起来很热 [03:30.48]这是美妙的、美味的、可爱的 [03:36.71]我们跳上豪华私人飞机,开着香槟 [03:43.15]直到尼亚加拉瀑布的光亮从黑暗中透出 [03:49.58]亲爱的,我们的一天结束了 [03:53.01]多么漂亮的婚房啊 [03:55.69]房子是梦幻的、玫瑰色的、梦幻的、是一首狂想曲 [04:02.06]房子是豪华的、皇室范的、奢华酒店式的、可爱的 [04:10.94]我们以夫妻的身份安居于此 [04:15.94]共同解开这个叫做婚姻的谜题 [04:22.75]这一切都是让人愉悦的、可口的、可爱的


