Face Reality歌词 歌手Victor McKnightSwibletSimulSquigglyDigg-专辑Face Reality-单曲《Face Reality》LRC歌词下载

迷迷糊糊2021-12-05  103

导读:《Face Reality》歌词 歌手Victor McKnightSwibletSimulSquigglyDigg的专辑Face Reality单曲《Face Reality》LRC歌词下载,《Face Reality》…

Face Reality歌词 歌手Victor McKnight / Swiblet / Simul / SquigglyDigg-专辑Face Reality-单曲《Face Reality》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Face Reality》
歌手:Victor McKnight / Swiblet / Simul / SquigglyDigg
专辑:Face Reality

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《Face Reality》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作曲 : Victor McKnight [00:00.534] Original Composition: Victor McKnight [00:04.800] Main Vocalists: Simul, SquigglyDigg, Swiblet & Victor McKnight [00:13.446] [00:17.840] SAMMY: Listen to the radio [00:19.420] The safety's lost and we will show [00:21.640] Our preperations and what you know [00:24.260] Will surely help you flow [00:26.500] You know you'll never swing [00:28.120] When the colors gone and everything [00:30.360] Has signed their way as my offspring [00:32.800] And now you'll hear them sing [00:35.260] Calling out, you're in danger [00:37.660] A stranger, HE'S angered, [00:40.060] Your life's on the line, running out of time [00:43.880] All through these halls I would wager, [00:46.380] You're braver, a savior [00:48.760] Determined to find, and crawl through HIS mind [00:52.572] [00:53.212] Seeking for answers, [00:55.360] With darkened thoughts [00:58.133] Blind, yet you clearly see us [01:01.960] Praying that you will rise up [01:06.409] Wake up and face reality [01:10.891] [01:27.460] ALICE: Deep down you leave your cage, [01:29.400] It's a twisted world, but I'm on the stage [01:31.540] In 30 years, we stay of age [01:34.080] You think it's time for change [01:36.320] This is the rise and fall [01:38.160] Rooms full of dolls, Two separate calls, [01:40.220] BENDY: Inks on my walls ALICE: Not in my halls ! [01:42.820] ALICE: You're bound to hear them all go [01:45.639] Chanting out, you're believing [01:47.540] Deceiving, no screaming, [01:49.980] Our faith's in our skin, and our life is built-in, [01:53.720] And in the course of this contest [01:56.200] I've been blessed, it's my nest [01:58.680] Determined to win, wandering's a terrible sin [02:02.416] [02:02.580] Seeking for answers, [02:05.260] With darkened thoughts [02:07.799] Blind, yet you clearly see us [02:11.679] Praying that you will rise up [02:16.011] Wake up and face reality [02:20.365] [02:20.509] In between the breakdowns you can always find the keys Find the Keys [02:22.720] It's time to believe in what you can't see You Will Believe [02:26.280] Of the devil's tide The Devil's Tide [02:29.520] Welcome to my horror show Horror Show [02:31.160] Can I get an Amen ? Can I Get an Amen [02:32.820] All eyes on me All Eyes on Me [02:35.000] Here you are only my toy Alice's Tango [02:37.220] I witness it all right before my eyes. Liar ! Liar ! The Creator Lied to Us [02:41.780] I've been away for the longest time Instruments of Cyanide [02:43.800] Build up our machine you die tonight Build Our Machine [02:46.540] We flow together Beware the Ink Demon [02:48.880] So devilish, so devilish, so devilish So Devilish [02:51.700] You've been away for far too long Welcome Home [02:54.960] JOEY: You think it's laughable [02:56.540] We'll appease the gods, but you're just frightened [02:59.300] More dreaming dreaming dreaming [03:00.960] Have faith and soon you'll be enlightened [03:03.640] Wishing for the impossible [03:05.280] Well thats just crazy, wouldn't you think [03:07.700] Why don't you just calm down [03:09.520] Pick up that Bacon soup, take a drink [03:11.920] Just a pencil and a dream [03:13.560] Success, fortune, power, that's all it takes [03:16.600] Any short of my vision ? Ha! No! [03:19.460] I'll raise the stakes! [03:21.060] Your credence of suffering, [03:22.620] And you feel I'm on the brink ? [03:24.820] Well Boris, Alice, and Bendy [03:27.300] THEY'LL ALL RISE IN THE INK ! [03:29.432] [03:29.760] INK DEMON: Seeking for answers, [03:32.420] with darkened thoughts [03:35.171] Blind, yet you clearly see us [03:39.201] Praying that you will rise up [03:43.332] Wake up and face reality [03:47.658] [03:47.814] Begging for mercy [03:49.680] In your workplace [03:52.300] Bold, but you are a disgrace [03:55.740] Dreams come true, [03:57.840] No blood to erase [04:00.640] Wake up and face reality [04:05.789] [04:13.494] - [04:22.493] [by:维团子] [00:00.534]作曲:Victor McKnight [00:04.800]主唱:Simul、Squigglydigg、Swiblett & Victor McKnight [00:17.840]萨米:聆听录音吧~ [00:19.420]当保险褪去之时,我们必将登场. [00:21.640]并且万全准备着你所知的一切. [00:24.260]定会如流水般助你推舟. [00:26.500]您深知自己不善歌舞. [00:28.120]当缤纷色彩散尽之时. [00:30.360]一切都继承了那契约. [00:32.800]如今你可否听见他们的绝唱? [00:35.260]何不喊出你身处绝境的真相? [00:37.660]"他"早已迁怒于你这个陌生者. [00:40.060]生命即将化为墨线,时日已不多. [00:43.880]集聚一厅的人都愿在此下注. [00:46.380]你是位勇者,更胜任于救世者. [00:48.760]于"他"的思绪中坚定信念去搜寻. [00:53.212]于暗黑笼罩之中. [00:55.360]搜寻重要的答案. [00:58.133]目不能视,却又清楚观见. [01:01.960]祈祷着你终将崛起. [01:06.409]醒醒!适时面对事实! [01:27.460]爱丽丝:离开心灵深处的牢笼. [01:29.400]我正万众瞩目于扭曲的世界. [01:31.540]三十年来,却始终如一. [01:34.080]一场巨变,正如你欲求. [01:36.320]这至关于兴盛衰败. [01:38.160]玩偶遍布房间,回荡两种不同之声: [01:40.220]班迪:墨迹将吞并墙壁~ 爱丽丝:请不要滴入我的正厅! [01:42.820]爱丽丝:你定会听闻他们的离去. [01:45.639]唱响你的深信之物. [01:47.540]不要因骗局而惊呼. [01:49.980]信仰深植我心,生命化身内在. [01:53.720]于这场荣誉的对决中. [01:56.200]在自己的优境可真是荣幸之至. [01:58.680]既下定决心获胜,可不要死于流浪之旅. [02:02.580]伴随暗影的念想. [02:05.260]探求未知的答案. [02:07.799]目不能视,却又万物皆知. [02:11.679]祝愿你终将觉醒. [02:16.011]脱离虚幻离奇梦境. [02:20.509]在故障(帧)之间,你总能找到关键 《寻找关键》 [02:22.720]适时相信不可视之物了《你终将信服》 [02:26.280]于恶魔的骇浪之中 《恶魔之潮》 [02:29.520]欢迎观赏恐惧上演 《恐怖之秀》 [02:31.160]我能否得到保佑?《我能否得到庇护》 [02:32.820]受万众瞩目! 《万众瞩目》 [02:35.000]你便是我的私人玩物~ 《爱丽丝探戈》 [02:37.220]我亲眼目睹了这一切。欺骗者!万恶之源!《造物主背弃吾等》 [02:41.780]我已在此处腐化千年!《毒物之曲》 [02:43.800]建立我们的机器,否则你将当晚去世!《建立我们的机器》 [02:46.540]我们将一起畅游~《当心墨水恶魔》 [02:48.880]如此邪恶!恶意满盈!罪大恶极!《恶意满盈》 [02:51.700]你已离开太久了~ 《欢迎回家》 [02:54.960]乔伊:你觉得这很可笑? [02:56.540]我们会安抚众神,但你只是害怕. [02:59.300]沉迷在自己永无止境的梦魇. [03:00.960]坚信你很快就会开悟. [03:03.640]又在祈求啥不可能的呢? [03:05.280]好吧,那太疯狂了,你感觉如何? [03:07.700]你为什么不冷静下来呢? [03:09.520]捡起咸肉汤,吔一口? [03:11.920]只需一只铅笔与塑梦的幻想. [03:13.560]成功,财富,权力,这就是你欲求的一切? [03:16.600]我未能远谋?切!真是短见! [03:19.460]我会提高赌注的! [03:21.060]你对苦难的信念. [03:22.620]你觉得我快崩溃了? [03:24.820]好吧,鲍里斯、爱丽丝和班迪. [03:27.300]它们都将于墨水中涅槃! [03:29.760]墨水恶魔:寻找答案吧. [03:32.420]在这暗黑幻想之中. [03:35.171]双目朦胧?那为何明确了解. [03:39.201]来吧,你定会崛起. [03:43.332]苏醒过来!看着这一切! [03:47.814]祈求产物的宽恕. [03:49.680]于你的工作室中. [03:52.300]如此大胆,却又十分耻辱. [03:55.740]现如今木已成舟. [03:57.840]墨迹无以血洗净. [04:00.640]醒来吧,你应该更努力一点啊! [04:13.494]

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