Kevin’s Heart歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑KOD-单曲《Kevin’s Heart》LRC歌词下载

污可救药2021-12-06  100

导读:《Kevin’s Heart》歌词 歌手J. Cole的专辑KOD单曲《Kevin’s Heart》LRC歌词下载,《Kevin’s Heart》歌词分享。…

Kevin’s Heart歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑KOD-单曲《Kevin’s Heart》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Kevin’s Heart》
歌手:J. Cole

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《Kevin’s Heart》歌词:

[00:00.23]She my number one I don't need nothing on the side [00:03.80]Said that I was done for good and don't want no more lies [00:08.02]But my phone be blowing up, temptations on my line [00:12.18]I stare at the screen a while before I press decline [00:16.27]But she plants the seed and it still lingers in my mind [00:20.29]Told myself I'm strong enough to shake it and I'm trying [00:24.66]But I'm only human, I know loving you's a crime [00:28.65]If I take this cookie now one day I'll do the time [00:32.80]Slip me a xanny at once (somebody) [00:34.53]I got the herb from the blunt (smoke) [00:36.81]I get the skirt when I want (skrr) [00:39.00]I get the skirt when I want (skrr) [00:40.97]Due to the money aroma (somebody) [00:43.00]My girl she got a diploma (smoke) [00:45.13]She got wife written all over [00:47.10]She got wife written all over [00:49.19]All a ***** know is how to **** a good thing up [00:51.55]Run from the pain, sip lean, smoke tree up [00:53.51]When I'm in your town press pound hit me up [00:55.43]When I'm in your town press pound hit me up [00:57.70]Only if you down and you slurp good D up [00:59.72]If the work good I'll be back for the re-up [01:01.83]Hate when I creep and the phone wake me up [01:03.84]Fake like I'm sleep knowing damn well I be up [01:05.97]Monkey on my back and I walk a hundred miles [01:07.96]Guilt make a ***** feel fake when he smile [01:10.08]Love can confuse the mind of a child [01:12.16]Cause love wouldn't lie like I lie in this well [01:14.28]Wanna have my cake and another cake too [01:16.26]Even if the baker don't bake like you [01:18.40]Even when the flavor don't taste like you [01:20.51]So I'm back mobbing with the late night crew [01:22.55]All in your mind with fears that would come true [01:26.64]The back of my mind, the back of my mind was you [01:31.22]Wishing that I could blind myself from view [01:35.20]The only advice, the only advice for you [01:39.13]Slip me a xanny at once (somebody) [01:41.26]I got the herb from the blunt (smoke) [01:43.15]I get the skirt when I want (skrr) [01:45.25]I get the skirt when I want (skrr) [01:47.41]Due to the money aroma (somebody) [01:49.19]My girl she got a diploma (smoke) [01:51.49]She got wife written all over [01:53.41]She got wife written all over [01:55.42]I'm a fake ***** and it's never been clearer [01:57.77]Can't see myself when I look in the mirror [01:59.67]Can't see myself when I look in the mirror [02:01.74]Can't see myself when I look in the mirror [02:03.87]I'm a fake ***** and it's never been clearer [02:06.00]Can't see myself when I look in the mirror [02:07.93]Can't see myself when I look in the mirror [02:09.94]Can't see myself when I look in the mirror [02:12.16]She my number one I don't need nothing on the side [02:16.18]Said that I was done for good and don't want no more lies [02:20.32]But my phone be blowing up, temptations on my line [02:24.46]I stare at the screen a while before I press decline [02:28.65]But she plants the seed and it still lingers in my mind [02:32.67]Told myself I'm strong enough to shake it and I'm trying [02:36.94]But I'm only human, I know loving you's a crime [02:40.99]If I take this cookie now one day I'll do the time [02:45.23]I love her, I don't want to lose you [02:47.08]I'm selfish, I know that I use you [02:49.18]My ego get stroke and I bruise her [02:51.19]My ego get stroke and I bruise her [02:53.25]My actions I know they confusin' [02:55.30]At home I look happy as usual [02:57.39]On the road I'm a mac, I'm a chooser [02:59.46]I'm a addict, I'm maskin' that [03:00.85]Kevin's Heart [03:01.76]They tell me what's done in the dark [03:03.94]We'll find a way to shine [03:05.84]I done did so much that when you see you might go blind [03:10.01]What's done in the dark will always find a way to shine [03:13.98]I done did so much that when you see you might go blind [by:Wangyifeng72] [00:00.23]她就是我的命中注定 独一无二 [00:03.80]她说受够了我做的一切 不想再听我的谎言 [00:08.02]但是她不断的打着我的电话 这诱惑让我不能自已 [00:12.18]我盯着手机屏幕 最初还是挂掉了电话 [00:16.27]只是当初她在我心头种下的种子 从没停止成长 [00:20.29]我告诉我自己 我有能力尝试摆脱这一切 [00:24.66]但我生而为人 知道爱你如同犯罪一般 [00:28.65]如果今天我服下这禁果 迟早有一天我会受到报应 [00:32.80]给我来一片xanax (xanax阿普唑仑,用于治疗焦虑症、抑郁症、失眠,服下会让人暂时忘记痛苦。当红的很多trap歌手都沉迷食用xanax,其中lil peep因为过度食用xanax而过世) [00:34.53]烟纸里也塞满了叶子 [00:36.81]老子想嗨就嗨 [00:39.00]老子想嗨就嗨 [00:40.97]闻闻这新鲜钞票的香味 [00:43.00]我的女人也“毕业”了 [00:45.13]“毕业证书”上说她是个合格的妻子 [00:47.10]多么贤惠的老婆呀 [00:49.19]我只会搞砸美好的一切 [00:51.55]为了逃避痛苦选择喝大力 飞叶子 [00:53.51]当我来到你的城市 最好乖乖打电话给我 [00:55.43]当我来到你的城市 最好送上门来 [00:57.70]只要你也愿意 而且你 “口技” 不赖 [00:59.72]如果让老子爽了 那我下次来还找你 [01:01.83]很讨厌当我偷腥的时候 我老婆打来电话 [01:03.84]我假装还在睡觉 但心里清楚我早醒了 [01:05.97]这种感觉已经成瘾 而且伴我已久 [01:07.96]内疚让我微笑时于心不安 [01:10.08]爱能让我这个孩子心烦意乱 [01:12.16]因为爱从不会撒谎 但我很擅长 [01:14.28]想同时吃着碗里的 盯着锅里的 [01:16.26]即使知道她跟你天壤之别 [01:18.40]即使知道她和你感觉完全不一样 [01:20.51]所以我回到我的兄弟之中 夜夜寻欢作乐 [01:22.55]你也能预见这一切 担心它们真正发生 [01:26.64]其实我也和你想的一样 [01:31.22]真希望我也能拒绝这花花世界 [01:35.20]我给你的建议 就这一条 [01:39.13]给我来一片xanax [01:41.26]烟纸里也卷满了叶子 [01:43.15]老子想嗨就嗨 [01:45.25]老子想嗨就嗨 [01:47.41]闻闻这新鲜钞票的香味 [01:49.19]我的女人也“毕业”了 [01:51.49]“毕业证书”上说她是个合格的妻子 [01:53.41]多么贤惠的老婆呀 [01:55.42]我是个虚伪的人 这点我心知肚明 [01:57.77]我甚至在镜子中看不见真正的自己 [01:59.67]我甚至在镜子中看不见真正的自己 [02:01.74]我甚至在镜子中看不见真正的自己 [02:03.87]我是个虚伪的人 这点我心知肚明 [02:06.00]我甚至在镜子中看不见真正的自己 [02:07.93]我甚至在镜子中看不见真正的自己 [02:09.94]我甚至在镜子中看不见真正的自己 [02:12.16]她就是我的命中注定 独一无二 [02:16.18]她说受够了我做的一切 不想再听我的谎言 [02:20.32]但是她不断的打着我的电话 这诱惑让我不能自已 [02:24.46]我盯着手机屏幕 最初还是挂掉了电话 [02:28.65]只是当初她在我心头种下的种子 从没停止成长 [02:32.67]我告诉我自己 我有能力尝试摆脱这一切 [02:36.94]但我生而为人 知道爱你如同犯罪一般 [02:40.99]如果今天我服下这禁果 迟早有一天我会受到报应 [02:45.23]我爱你 不愿失去你 [02:47.08]我也很自私 知道我只是在利用你 [02:49.18]我的自大作孽 伤害了你 [02:51.19]我的自大作孽 伤害了你 [02:53.25]我知道我的所作所为很让人不解 [02:55.30]在家里我和平日一样开心 [02:57.39]但当我上路的时候 我又变成了花花公子 寻花问柳 [02:59.46]我已经上瘾了 但我伪装的很好 [03:00.85]凯文的心事 (这首歌里Cole以美国谐星Kevin Hart的视角讲述了自己的心路历程,Kevin曾在自己妻子怀孕时出轨) [03:01.76]他们告诉我那些背地里干的勾当 [03:03.94]早晚会昭然若揭 [03:05.84]我干的坏事太多了 让你知道了都可能会吓掉了眼 [03:10.01]他们告诉我那些背地里干的勾当 早晚都会昭然若揭 [03:13.98]我任性妄为已久 让你知道了都可能会吓掉了眼


