Once an Addict (Interlude)歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑KOD-单曲《Once an Addict (Interlude)》LRC歌词下载

屌丝飞车党2021-12-06  106

导读:《Once an Addict (Interlude)》歌词 歌手J. Cole的专辑KOD单曲《Once an Addict (Interlude)》LRC歌词下载,《Once an Addict (Interlude)》歌词分享。…

Once an Addict (Interlude)歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑KOD-单曲《Once an Addict (Interlude)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Once an Addict (Interlude)》
歌手:J. Cole

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《Once an Addict (Interlude)》歌词:

[00:01.21]Right, right, right, right [00:11.59]Something's got a hold on me (right) [00:15.77]Right, right, [00:19.91]Sometimes I think pain is just a lack of understanding [00:24.40]If we could only understand it all, [00:27.36]Would we feel no pain? (Would we feel no pain?) [00:30.49]Would we feel no pain? [00:31.77]God must feel no pain [00:33.62]Something's got a hold on me [00:38.29]Only joy [00:41.19]Does this mean even our suffering pleases him? [00:45.21]Lost in a cloud of ********* [00:47.03]Young Carolina *****, fish out of water [00:49.37]Step-daddy just had a daughter with another woman [00:52.23]Mama ain't recover yet [00:53.31]Callin' me at 12 at night [00:55.20]She drunk as **** and I'm upset [00:56.46]'Cause why she always using me for crutch? [00:58.32]Growin' up I used to always see her up [01:00.35]Late as ****, cigarette smoke [01:02.02]And greatest hits from Marvin Gaye [01:03.49]She kill a whole bottle of some cheap chardonnay [01:06.03]I gotta leave this house [01:07.18]'Cause part of me dies when I see her like this [01:09.42]Too young to deal with pain [01:10.66]I'd rather run the streets than see her kill herself [01:12.75]So 'Ville became my escape from a feelin' I hate [01:15.74]Mama cursing me out [01:16.92]Depression's such a villainous state [01:18.62]I used to stay out later on purpose [01:20.88]Subconsciously I was nervous that [01:22.38]If I came home early [01:23.44]Then what would surface was her inner demons [01:25.94]And then I'd have to end up seein' my hero on ground zero [01:29.12]Tears flow where Al Green blow [01:30.67]Love and happiness [01:31.78]I wish that I could say the right words to cheer her up [01:34.28]I wish her son's love was enough [01:36.02]I tell her, "Mama, go to sleep" [01:37.79]She tell me "Boy, hush. You better pray to God [01:40.40]You never get your heart crushed" [01:41.93]I shake my head in frustration [01:43.37]Head to my room [01:44.30]And I can still hear the tunes of my door shut [01:46.34]**** it though, a couple more months I'll be gone [01:49.03]Off to college and dorms [01:50.58]Foolin' myself, thinkin' problems are gone [01:52.78]But now it's 1 AM and my mama diallin' my phone [01:55.62]I know she intoxicated and soon this high [01:57.86]That I'm on comes crashin' down [01:59.90]She lit, talkin' drunk ****, I'm pissed [02:02.07]But I'm still all ears like "Pass the ounce" [02:04.17]Thinkin' to myself, "Maybe my mama need help [02:06.54]Don't she got work it the morning? [02:07.86]Why she do this to herself? [02:09.08]Hate how she slurrin' her words [02:10.70]Soundin' so ******' absurd [02:12.06]This ain't the woman I know [02:13.41]Why I just sit and observe? [02:15.04]Why don't I say how I feel? [02:16.41]When I do, she's defensive for real [02:18.18]Well maybe things get better with time, I heard it heals" [02:21.05]Little did I know how deep her sadness would go [02:23.98]Lookin' back, I wish I woulda did more instead of running [02:26.67]Something's got a hold on me [02:31.50]I can't let it go [02:34.35]Out of fear I won't be free [02:38.60]Something's got a hold on me [02:42.89]I can't let it go [02:45.63]Out of fear I won't be— [02:49.32]No! [02:49.86]Something's got a hold on me [02:54.26]I can't let it go [03:00.45]Right (right) [03:02.59]Life can bring much pain (right right) [03:06.57]There are many ways to deal with this pain (right) [03:11.28]Choose wisely (right) [by:冯咸鱼] [00:01.21]嗯 [00:11.59]一些事情萦绕着我的心 [00:15.77]对 [00:19.91]有时我认为 痛苦只是源于我们的不理解 [00:24.40]如果我们能互相理解 [00:27.36]那么会不再痛苦么 [00:30.49]不再痛苦么 [00:31.77]上帝一定不会有苦痛 [00:33.62]这些事情挥之不去啊 [00:38.29](上帝)只有快乐 [00:41.19]难道我们的痛苦能带给他快乐么 [00:45.21]迷失在叶子的烟雾里(飞叶后回忆往事的) [00:47.03]一个年轻的北卡罗纳州的黑哥,于周遭格格不入(指黑白混血的出身) [00:49.37]继父刚和另外一个女人生了个女儿 [00:52.23]妈妈的伤口还没好(父亲在他小时候就抛家弃子 在《Love Yourz》里有Does all the pain he brought still linger in your mind) [00:53.31]在凌晨12点打电话给我 [00:55.20]我很沮丧,因为她烂醉如泥 [00:56.46]因为她总是要我当她的拐杖(指扶她回去) [00:58.32]我成长,在每天看着她醒来的时光中 [01:00.35]在每天她彻夜难眠,吞云吐雾的时光中 [01:02.02]那是Marvin Gaye最火的时候(马文盖伊,美国70年代最有影响力的黑人巨星) [01:03.49]她终日酗酒 [01:06.03]我当时想要离家出走 [01:07.18]因为看着她这样,我心如死灰 [01:09.42]当时我太年轻,无法应对这些伤痛 [01:10.66]我宁愿在街上狂奔,也不愿意看着她这样摧残自己 [01:12.75]ville就成了我逃离这样痛苦的避所(vill 指Fayetteville,cole的家乡) [01:15.74]尽管妈妈整天咒骂我,把我赶出家门 [01:16.92]一直沉沦于这种状态 [01:18.62]我也曾故意地夜不归宿 [01:20.88]潜意识里 我怕回来得早 [01:22.38]我会变得焦躁不安 [01:23.44]会撞见她又变得那模样 [01:25.94]会眼睁睁看着我的英雄(妈妈)就这样死去 [01:29.12]AI Green唱着《love and happiness》 [01:30.67]我泪如雨下 [01:31.78]我希望我能用正确的言辞让她振作起来 [01:34.28]我希望她儿子对她爱能弥补的伤口 [01:36.02]我对她说,妈妈,早点睡吧 [01:37.79]她说,孩子,别烦我,你最好去祈求上帝吧 [01:40.40]别让你像我一样心如刀割 [01:41.93]我失落地摇摇头 [01:43.37]冲回我的房间 [01:44.30]我现在都还记得房门关上的回响 [01:46.34]去TMD的不管了 反正两三个月后 我就能离开这了 [01:49.03]上大学 住宿舍 [01:50.58]欺骗自己 告诉自己一切都会变好的 [01:52.78]但现在1点钟 我妈妈又拨通我的电话 [01:55.62]我知道她又喝个烂醉 [01:57.86]这令我的心情跌入谷底 [01:59.90]她点烟 烂醉 我极其恼火 [02:02.07]但我还是专心听她的酒后胡话 [02:04.17]我问自己 也许我妈妈也需要帮助吧 [02:06.54]她明天不用上班么 [02:07.86]为何她这样对待自己 [02:09.08]我讨厌她这样胡言乱语 [02:10.70]讨厌她瞎说 [02:12.06]这根本不是我认识的那个女人 [02:13.41]我为什么要冷眼旁观 [02:15.04]我为何不告诉她我的感受 [02:16.41]如果我说了 她又会逃避现实 [02:18.18]或许一切会变好 我听说时间能治愈一切 [02:21.05]我根本不懂她伤有多深 [02:23.98]回想过去 我真希望我能做得更多 而不是选择逃避 [02:26.67]这些事情一直萦绕着我 [02:31.50]挥之不去 [02:34.35]恐惧使我无法对之脱身 [02:38.60]我被这心魔困扰着 [02:42.89]挥之不去 [02:45.63]恐惧使我无法对之脱身 [02:49.32]不! [02:49.86]这些事情一直萦绕着我 [02:54.26]挥之不去 [03:00.45]嗯 [03:02.59]生活会带来更多痛苦 [03:06.57]但我们有很多方式去处理这些痛苦 [03:11.28]请理智选择(意思是劝大家别选香烟 酒精 du品)

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