Hollywood Whore歌词 歌手Machine Gun Kelly-专辑Hotel Diablo-单曲《Hollywood Whore》LRC歌词下载

神明也会哭泣2021-12-06  137

导读:《Hollywood Whore》歌词 歌手Machine Gun Kelly的专辑Hotel Diablo单曲《Hollywood Whore》LRC歌词下载,《Hollywood Whore》歌词分享。…

Hollywood Whore歌词 歌手Machine Gun Kelly-专辑Hotel Diablo-单曲《Hollywood Whore》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Hollywood Whore》
歌手:Machine Gun Kelly
专辑:Hotel Diablo

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《Hollywood Whore》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Colson Baker/Brandon Allen/Stephen Basil/Rami Eadeh/John Cappelletty [00:00.000] 作曲 : Colson Baker/Brandon Allen/Stephen Basil/Rami Eadeh/John Cappelletty [00:00.000] [00:18.000]Am I wrong for being lost? [00:20.300]The pressures of being boss exhausted every bone [00:22.830]In my body I can't walk [00:24.130]I don’t talk, I scream [00:25.390]I don't stop to think [00:26.540]I'm so close to the dream [00:27.710]That I can’t go to sleep [00:28.930]But ironic I know [00:29.940]So I need more chronic to roll [00:31.160]Tryna find what's more important the money or my soul [00:33.480]It's cold, I'm low [00:34.760]I'm caught between the roads [00:36.020]Under the Hollywood sign you get blinded by the glow [00:38.300]Yo, how could you look me in the face? [00:40.850]You sat at the table with my daughter promising [00:43.820]You got us right after you finished saying grace [00:45.870]Why don't you tell her what your hidin' in the bank? [00:48.040]It's time to cut my lawn and see the snakes [00:50.460]It’s time to tell the truth to every fan [00:52.930]Who doesn’t understand that its [00:54.080]Because of you they had to wait [00:55.530]While you left me here to deal with all the hate [00:57.640]I still smile but feel so fake [01:00.098]It's no sun the clouds are opaque [01:02.529]So much shade I read on one page [01:04.828]I can’t even look at your name without getting the shakes [01:07.209]What a mistake [01:08.519]Look how you take what doesn't belong to you this was a rape [01:12.138]And if fate send us both to heaven [01:14.340]I'ma keep a blade in my leather [01:15.629]So I can kill you at the gate [01:16.968]First place, isn't worth it [01:18.879]When you see its all two faced [01:20.450]Trying to fit into a world with no new space [01:22.920]Commit third degree murder [01:24.129]“what for?” [01:24.819]Tryna play me like a Hollywood Whore [01:26.608]First place, isn’t worth it [01:28.450]When you see its all two faced [01:30.078]Trying to fit into a world with no new space [01:32.390]Commit third degree murder [01:33.670]“what for?” [01:34.420]Tryna play me like a Hollywood Whore [01:36.250]I woke up sweatin' tryna forget I'm in a mansion [01:39.040]Because fans are mad at my expansion [01:40.849]And my friend I thought was family [01:42.310]Who'd always understand me got offended [01:43.840]Cuz he jealous we're supposed to be at the Grammy's [01:45.849]I'm askin' when did pride and passion get mistaken [01:48.519]For handouts and ass-kissing? [01:50.019]The fact is I made it from trailer trash to Saks 5th [01:52.560]Took it from underground to massive [01:54.078]And the come up was classic [01:55.328]Back when white boys rapped they gettin' their ass kicked [01:57.840]I was battlin' putting these rappers in caskets [02:00.159]I was walking home getting jumped after classes [02:02.468]Tell me why don't my haters mention that ****? [02:04.510]Now my rent is due and I'm a tenant [02:06.138]Getting by with no credit [02:07.230]Got residue from sedative I ain't get from the medic [02:09.379]My schedule is so ****** hectic but still I'm in debt [02:11.919]I'd be better off dead [02:12.759]So life insurance keeps my family fed [02:14.280]Its because of y'all I couldn't separate from my career [02:16.780]Because of y'all I hated myself for so many years [02:19.129]Because of you, you ain't never gonna see me trust [02:21.729]Even if I got a wife she's just somebody I **** [02:24.199]First place, isn't worth it when you see its all two faced [02:27.720]Trying to fit into a world with no new space [02:30.060]Commit third degree murder [02:31.250]“what for?” [02:31.959]Tryna play me like a Hollywood Whore [02:33.709]First place, isn't worth it when you see its all two faced [02:37.220]Trying to fit into a world with no new space [02:39.589]Commit third degree murder [02:40.899]“what for?” [02:41.599]Tryna play me like a Hollywood Whore [02:43.729]City of Angels (danger) [02:52.310]City of Angels (danger) [02:57.679] [00:00.000] [00:18.000]我迷失了吗 错得一塌糊涂 [00:20.300]主导的压力使我筋疲力尽 [00:22.830]我的身体无法行走于世 [00:24.130]不想正常说话 只想疯狂尖叫 [00:25.390]我无法停下来思考片刻 [00:26.540]离梦想如此之近 [00:27.710]我无法安然入睡 [00:28.930]更讽刺的是 我都心知肚明 [00:29.940]因此我需要时间去接受 [00:31.160]渴望弄清金钱与灵魂孰轻孰重 [00:33.480]寒风刺骨 郁郁寡欢 [00:34.760]我深困于死胡同中 [00:36.020]在好莱坞的光鲜招牌下 你会被其束缚手脚 [00:38.300]你为何能毫不畏惧地盯着我 [00:40.850]你与我女儿坐在桌旁 向她许诺 [00:43.820]做完谢饭祷告后 你便对我们继续隐瞒 [00:45.870]你为何不告诉她 你背后都藏了些见不得人的东西 [00:48.040]是该让众人眼见这繁华背后的真实了 [00:50.460]是该将真相揭露于世了 [00:52.930]还有谁不清楚 [00:54.080]都是因为你我们才不得不经历漫长等待 [00:55.530]当你抛下我 去将舆论一再往下压 [00:57.640]我保持微笑却只觉你惺惺作态 [01:00.098]白云愈渐浑浊 只因日光褪尽 [01:02.529]这一页报刊上 我已眼见了诸多的阴暗面了 [01:04.828]一看到你名字 我便颤栗起来 [01:07.209]踌错啊 [01:08.519]这算是强暴啊 将我的一切据为己有 [01:12.138]如果是造化弄人 就都上天堂吧 [01:14.340]我会在皮夹里藏把刀 [01:15.629]这样 我就能在天堂门口将你了结 [01:16.968]首先 这并不值得 [01:18.879]凡事既有正反两面 [01:20.450]试图融入一个陌生却又熟悉的世界吧 [01:22.920]三级谋杀的罪证 [01:24.129]为何 [01:24.819]将我当成好莱坞的艺人玩弄于股掌之中 [01:26.608]首先 这并不值得 [01:28.450]凡事既有正反两面 [01:30.078]试图融入一个陌生却又熟悉的世界吧 [01:32.390]三级谋杀的罪证 [01:33.670]为何 [01:34.420]将我当成好莱坞的艺人玩弄于股掌之中 [01:36.250]大梦清醒后 大汗淋漓的我试着忘记自己是睡在豪宅里 [01:39.040]因为粉丝都觉得我膨胀而暴怒失控 [01:40.849]我以为朋友如同家人一般 [01:42.310]在他人因妒忌而怼我的时 为我两肋插刀 [01:43.840]我们本该赢得格莱美奖 [01:45.849]试问 何时的骄傲和激情 [01:48.519]亦会被误以为是在乞求施舍和拍打马屁 [01:50.019]事实上 我个白人一路打拼至第五大道 [01:52.560]从地下乐队上到光荣登台 [01:54.078]这一切都可经典到记入史册 [01:55.328]过去白人男孩玩嘻哈就是在欠扁 [01:57.840]我的争斗只为将这些瞧不起我的rapper们送进棺材 [02:00.159]放学路上被人打 [02:02.468]你告诉我 为什么我的同行们不提及这些 [02:04.510]如今我就一房客 而房租还已到期 [02:06.138]没有信贷 勉强撑着 [02:07.230]我体内还有残留的镇定剂 医生也没告诉过我 [02:09.379]我日程排得那么满满当当 但我依旧没钱还债 [02:11.919]我宁愿就这样离世算了 [02:12.759]或许保险还能让我的家人吃饱饭 [02:14.280]因为你们我才没有放弃我的事业 [02:16.780]因为你们我才恨我自己这么多年 [02:19.129]因为你 我才没法再相信任何人 [02:21.729]就算我现在结了婚 她也只不过是我的枕边人罢了 [02:24.199]首先 在你亲眼所见凡事的两面时 你会发现一切并不值得 [02:27.720]试图融入一个陌生却又熟悉的世界吧 [02:30.060]三级谋杀的罪证 [02:31.250]为何 [02:31.959]将我当成好莱坞的艺人玩弄于股掌之中 [02:33.709]首先 在你亲眼所见凡事的两面时 你会发现一切并不值得 [02:37.220]试图融入一个陌生却又熟悉的世界吧 [02:39.589]三级谋杀的罪证 [02:40.899]为何 [02:41.599]将我当成好莱坞的艺人玩弄于股掌之中 [02:43.729]天使之城(危险境地) [02:52.310]天使之城(危险境地) [02:57.679]

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