Hard Drive歌词 歌手Cassandra Jenkins-专辑An Overview on Phenomenal Nature-单曲《Hard Drive》LRC歌词下载

酒精麻痹神经2021-12-09  119

导读:《Hard Drive》歌词 歌手Cassandra Jenkins的专辑An Overview on Phenomenal Nature单曲《Hard Drive》LRC歌词下载,《Hard Drive》歌词分享。…

Hard Drive歌词 歌手Cassandra Jenkins-专辑An Overview on Phenomenal Nature-单曲《Hard Drive》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Hard Drive》
歌手:Cassandra Jenkins
专辑:An Overview on Phenomenal Nature

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《Hard Drive》歌词:

[00:00.306] [00:06.743] So these are real things that happened [00:09.725] Where you can apply these these, um, important concepts [00:14.475] And understand that [00:15.888] When we lose our connection to nature [00:18.408] We lose our spirit, our humanity, our sense of self [00:28.979] A security guard stopped me to offer an overview on phenomenal nature [00:36.252] She said, "Sculpture is not just formed from penetration [00:41.332] You see, men have lost touch with the feminine" [00:46.565] And with her pink lipstick [00:48.305] And her Queens accent [00:51.826] She went on for a while about our president [01:05.297] I asked the bookkeeper [01:06.748] At the inn of the seventh ray [01:08.682] To tell me what he knew about Saint Germain [01:12.540] And he told me about chakras and karma and the purple flame [01:16.964] The birth of the cosmos [01:18.099] The ascended masters and the astral plane [01:21.201] He said, "You know the mind [01:25.617] The mind is just a hard drive [01:30.956] In this life [01:34.462] The mind is just a hard drive" [01:50.275] Darryl's been teaching me how to drive [01:53.880] I finally got my license when I was thirty-five [01:58.232] Speeding up the west side [02:00.701] Changing lanes [02:02.716] He reminds me [02:04.672] To leave room for grace [02:08.377] He said, "Have you been seeing your therapist? [02:11.277] You seem a little on edge [02:14.000] Are you always this nervous?" [02:15.609] I said, "Yeah [02:19.472] And this is a hard drive [02:25.327] Yes [02:28.571] This is just a hard drive [02:34.239] Yeah [02:37.487] A hard drive [02:43.213] Mmhmm" [02:52.893] I ran into Perry at Lowell's place [02:56.737] Her gemstone eyes caught my gaze [03:01.357] She said, "Oh, dear, I can see you've had a rough few months [03:06.595] But this year [03:08.448] It's gonna be a good one [03:11.145] I'll count to three and tap your shoulder [03:15.622] We're gonna put your heart back together [03:18.851] So all those little pieces they took from you [03:23.266] They're coming back now [03:25.850] They'll miss 'em too [03:28.054] So close your eyes [03:30.174] I'll count to three [03:32.581] Take a deep breath [03:35.364] Count with me" [03:44.738] She said, "One, two, three [03:53.595] Oh [03:55.151] One, two, three [04:03.921] One, two, three [04:11.174] Just breathe [04:12.973] One, two, three [04:20.116] Count with me [04:22.357] One, two, three [04:28.477] All those little pieces [04:30.920] One, two, three [04:36.030] We're gonna put 'em back together now [04:38.357] Are you ready?" [04:48.794] One, two, three [04:57.782] One, two, three [05:06.817] One, two, three [05:14.954] She said, "One, two, three" [05:22.520] [by:告诉海] [00:06.743]所以 这些事确实已经发生 [00:09.725]你可以去运用这些 重要的概念 [00:14.475]而且要记住 [00:15.888]当我们失去与自然万物的联系 [00:18.408]我们也失去了灵魂 人性以及自我的意识(开场念白部分来自作者在Met Breuer博物馆遇到的一位警卫) [00:28.979]一位警卫拦下了我 与我分享对于“现象自然”展览的想法(phenomenal nature指的是艺术家Mrinalini Mukherjee的展览) [00:36.252]她说 一件雕塑杰作不仅仅依靠于惊人的观察能力 [00:41.332]你看 男人不再与母性所联系 [00:46.565]她抹着粉红色的口红 [00:48.305]说话时她带有皇后区的口音 [00:51.826]她又继续谈论了一会我们的总统 [01:05.297]我请求来自 [01:06.748]第七道光旅馆的记账员 [01:08.682]向我说说他对于圣日耳曼的了解 [01:12.540]他和我讲了脉轮 业力 以及紫色火焰 [01:16.964]宇宙的诞生 [01:18.099]扬升大师以及灵界(以上人名以及这些名词应该都来自宗教神学/Theosophy 之所以谈到这些 或许是酒店名字the seventh ray本身就和宗教有一些渊源) [01:21.201]他说 你知道 [01:25.617]大脑其实不过如硬盘一样 [01:30.956]这漫长的一生中 [01:34.462]我们的大脑就像一个硬盘 [01:50.275]Darryl一直在教我开车(Darryl是Jenkins的练车教练) [01:53.880]终于在三十五岁时 我拿到了驾照 [01:58.232]我在西海岸肆意加速 [02:00.701]不断变道 [02:02.716]他告诉我 [02:04.672]要留有一些风度 [02:08.377]他问我 你是否有在看心理医生 [02:11.277]你看起来有些紧张 [02:14.000]你总是如此么 [02:15.609]我回答道 是啊 [02:19.472]开车对我而言如此艰难(这首歌中hard drive为双关语 上文指的是硬盘 在这里指的是令她紧张的开车这件事) [02:25.327]是啊 [02:28.571]每一次驾驶如此紧张 [02:34.239] [02:37.487]深感艰难的驾驶 [02:43.213] [02:52.893]我在Lowell的生日聚会上遇见了Perry(Perry为在生日聚会上遇到的一位psychic) [02:56.737]她那宝石般的双眼深深吸引了我 [03:01.357]她对我说道 亲爱的 我能明白这几个月你过得并不如意 [03:06.595]但今年 [03:08.448]将会是美好的一年 [03:11.145]我会数到三 轻拍你的肩膀 [03:15.622]我们一起让本属于你的美好事物得以重返 [03:18.851]所以 他们从你身上一点点偷走的美好事物 [03:23.266]都将奉还于你 [03:25.850]它们也会怀念的 [03:28.054]所以 闭上双眼吧 [03:30.174]我会数到三 [03:32.581]深呼吸 [03:35.364]亲爱的 和我一起数吧 [03:44.738]她说道 一 二 三 [03:53.595] [03:55.151]一 二 三 [04:03.921]一 二 三 [04:11.174]轻轻呼吸 [04:12.973]一 二 三 [04:20.116]和我一起数 [04:22.357]一 二 三 [04:28.477]这些所有的美好 [04:30.920]一 二 三 [04:36.030]我们现在就要见证一切的美好重返 [04:38.357]你准备好了吗 [04:48.794]一 二 三 [04:57.782]一 二 三 [05:06.817]一 二 三 [05:14.954]她数道 一 二 三

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