There Is a Glace over My Eyes歌词 歌手Virgin Suicide-专辑Virgin Suicide-单曲《There Is a Glace over My Eyes》LRC歌词下载

放飞遐想2021-12-09  108

导读:《There Is a Glace over My Eyes》歌词 歌手Virgin Suicide的专辑Virgin Suicide单曲《There Is a Glace over My Eyes》LRC歌词下载,《There Is a…

There Is a Glace over My Eyes歌词 歌手Virgin Suicide-专辑Virgin Suicide-单曲《There Is a Glace over My Eyes》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《There Is a Glace over My Eyes》
歌手:Virgin Suicide
专辑:Virgin Suicide

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《There Is a Glace over My Eyes》歌词:

[00:31.490]Don’t hold me down baby [00:34.490]I’m not myself [00:36.490]When I’m with you girl [00:39.490]I’m dreaming [00:44.490]And every time you think I’ll [00:47.490]Run away [00:50.490]I’ll run away my girl [00:52.490]When my head’s over my eyes [00:55.490]You try the same old story [01:01.490]About me leaving you and I’m [01:05.490]Committing suicide [01:08.490]You try to trick me [01:12.490]I don’t dare to say a word [01:15.490]I close my eyes [01:18.490]Feeling guilty and shy [01:22.490]It’s like a fantasy [01:26.490]My eyes are blind [01:28.000]And I’m with you girl I’m not [01:30.490]Feeling parted out [01:35.490]Every time you speak to me [01:38.490]There’s a glace over my eyes [01:42.490]So I’m not guilty anymore [01:46.490]You try the same old story [01:51.490]About me leaving you and I'm [01:56.490]Committing suicide [01:59.490]You try to trick me [02:03.490]I don’t dare to say a word [02:06.490]I close my eyes [02:08.490]Feeling guilty and shy [02:12.490]So I run away [02:14.490]With my mask under my arms [02:19.490]I run away [02:22.490]Come to the way of your eyes [02:24.490]And I'm alone [02:27.490]After I’m gone [02:32.490]You try the same old story [02:37.490]About me leaving you and I’m [02:40.490]Committing suicide [02:44.490]You try to trick me [02:48.490]But all I care for is my feminine side [02:53.490]Feeling guilty and shy [03:01.000]There’s a glace over my eyes [by:别管了你] [00:31.490]请不要阻止我 [00:34.490]我已经不是我了 [00:36.490]当我与你一起时 [00:39.490]我还是会妄想 [00:44.490]每次你觉得我会 [00:47.490]离你而去时 [00:50.490]其实你的直觉是对的 [00:52.490]当我的理智战胜我的情感之时 [00:55.490]你又会故技重施 [01:01.490]控诉着我的离开 [01:05.490]恨我自我毁灭 [01:08.490]你跟我耍花招 [01:12.490]但我还是不敢多言半句 [01:15.490]我只想闭起双眼 [01:18.490]内心还是会感到惭愧羞耻 [01:22.490]一切都好像幻象 [01:26.490]我变得如此盲目 [01:28.000]好像跟你在一起的时候 [01:30.490]我不再感觉失魂落魄 [01:35.490]每次你跟我讲话的时候 [01:38.490]两行泪痕仍未干 [01:42.490]我好像不再愧疚了 [01:46.490]虽然你又故技重施 [01:51.490]控诉着我的离开 [01:56.490]恨我自我毁灭 [01:59.490]我知道你想耍我 [02:03.490]但我还是不敢多言半句 [02:06.490]我紧闭双目 [02:08.490]同样的惭愧 同样的羞耻 [02:12.490]于是我选择离开 [02:14.490]带着我的伪装 [02:19.490]于是我选择离开 [02:22.490]希望某天还能出现在你眼中 [02:24.490]只身一人 [02:27.490]在我离去之后 [02:32.490]我知道你还是会谈起往事 [02:37.490]责怪我不辞而别 [02:40.490]怨恨我的自寻短见 [02:44.490]你还是想耍我 [02:48.490]但我只在乎我内心柔软的那一角 [02:53.490]我会感到惭愧的 [03:01.000]你看看我的两行泪痕吧


