Dear Diary : 2016.07.29歌词 歌手ATEEZ-专辑ZERO : FEVER Part.1-单曲《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》LRC歌词下载

一剑孤行2021-12-09  226

导读:《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》歌词 歌手ATEEZ的专辑ZERO : FEVER Part.1单曲《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》LRC歌词下载,《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》歌词分…

Dear Diary : 2016.07.29歌词 歌手ATEEZ-专辑ZERO : FEVER Part.1-单曲《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》
专辑:ZERO : FEVER Part.1

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《Dear Diary : 2016.07.29》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : EDEN/James.S [00:01.000] 作曲 : EDEN/LEEZ/Ollounder/BUDDY [00:09.651] 29th of July. Weather is clear. [00:15.628] One adult asked me. [00:17.697] “What is your dream?” [00:19.517] As if my dreams explained who I am… [00:22.915] When I said I had no dream, the look on the adult’s face was like to the child with no name. [00:30.221] The look was familiar to me. [00:32.888] Though studying wasn’t much of my taste, [00:36.246] I tried my best. Parents were fond of joy, when I brought good grades to them. [00:42.160] Walking on the same path at the same time, I continued my life with no expression. [00:49.207] Many books tell me, look at the stars in the night sky and become the person who shines bright like those stars. [00:58.152] But, the stars that I looked up in the sky did not shine at all. [01:03.179] So, I continue to walk, looking down on the floor. [01:07.752] Suddenly, a strange thing happened to me. [01:12.355] As I was walking, a child came up to me and started talking to me. [01:17.499] “There is nothing on the floor to look at, raise your head up.” [01:22.130] This child was a bit weird. [01:24.509] The child looked at me with a bright smile and had a pure glow from its face but, it seems like this child had the same expression on its eyes as me. [01:34.157] From that moment, we started to hang out a few times. [01:39.830] Turning up the music and dancing together was the most exciting part of our hangouts. [01:46.390] For the first time, I actually felt alive. [01:49.337] Hearts pounding like it is about to burst out and this tingling feelings coming up from my fingertips started to take over me. [01:57.720] Was there a moment when I wanted something this bad? [02:01.159] One by one, more children started to say my name. [02:06.304] The path that I only walked with one another person became a path to many. [02:12.100] Slowly, the word ‘I’ became ‘ours.’ [02:16.056] Wandering around with this unknown fever, as we looked above our heads, stars seem to shine bright. Today. [by:维尔日记] [00:09.651]7月29日 天气明朗 [00:15.628]有个大人问着我 [00:17.697]你的梦想是什么 [00:19.517]似乎我的梦想阐述着我究竟是谁 [00:22.915]当我答道 我没有梦想之时 成年人的脸上浮现的表情犹如我是个无名孩童 [00:30.221]这种感觉是那么得似曾相识 [00:32.888]即便学习并非我所好 [00:36.246]但我竭力尝试了 当我向父母显现我所取得的优异成绩 他们仍然为此欣慰 [00:42.160]同一时间走在同样的路途之上 我面无表情地继续着自己的生活 [00:49.207]曾在书中有所了解 仰望满天繁星 心里也许愿成为闪耀星斗之中的其中一个 [00:58.152]但是 这些我所仰望的繁星并未闪烁光芒 [01:03.179]所以 我继续垂着头走啊走 [01:07.752]偶然间 一个陌生的感觉袭来 [01:12.355]正当我走的时候 一个孩子走到我的跟前 告诉着我 [01:17.499]地上没有东西可看哦 还是抬头仰望天空吧 [01:22.130]孩子些许有些怪异 [01:24.509]但他却以灿烂的笑容望着我 脸上洋溢着纯净无暇的光辉 这眼神似乎和我一样 [01:34.157]那时起 我们便多次出去散步闲逛 [01:39.830]打开音乐 一同翩翩起舞便是我们外出游玩最佳美好的回忆 [01:46.390]那是我第一次感受到焕然生机 [01:49.337]心跳愈渐猛烈仿佛迸溅而出 我指尖所渗透的刺痛感开始笼罩着我 [01:57.720]曾有片刻我如此需要的感觉 [02:01.159]慢慢地更多的孩子呼唤着我的姓名 [02:06.304]曾与一人同行的道路终成为众人所踏遍的旅途 [02:12.100]逐渐地 "我“字变成了”我们“ [02:16.056]伴随着未知的温热徘徊着 当我们昂首仰望天空 繁星似乎闪耀着从未有过的亮光 今天


