Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Version)歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑Cole World: The Sideline Story-单曲《Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Versi

血染紫禁城2021-12-10  85

导读:《Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Version)》歌词 歌手J. Cole的专辑Cole World: The Sideline Story单曲《Dollar and a Dream III (Expli…

Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Version)歌词 歌手J. Cole-专辑Cole World: The Sideline Story-单曲《Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Version)》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Version)》
歌手:J. Cole
专辑:Cole World: The Sideline Story

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《Dollar and a Dream III (Explicit Version)》歌词:

[00:00.000] 作词 : Jermaine Cole [00:00.019] 作曲 : Jermaine Cole [00:00.039][Intro] [00:07.536]Yeah, hey, Cole world [00:14.380][Hook] [00:21.930]Hey, I gotta dollar and a dream, that's all a ***** got [00:27.233]So if it's 'bout that cream, then I'm all up in the spot [00:30.472]I got a dollar and a dream, just a dollar and a dream [00:35.670][Verse 1] [00:37.629]Cole, walk with a *****, I give you my pain [00:40.712]So much on my mind, I wonder how it fit in my brain [00:43.925]Scattered thoughts, dark secrets lead me to a blacker heart [00:47.112]Life can't get any worse, Stevie with his glasses off [00:50.273]'Cause I still don't see hope, lookin' for a quick fix [00:53.251]When everyone I see is broke, get lost in **** smoke [00:56.620]Knowin' it make it worse, thoughts roam uncontrollably [00:59.990]Barely trustin' ******, over a decade they been knowin' me [01:03.647]S**t, life at the bottom, nobody but God got em' [01:06.312]They say he wouldn't leave me, yet I'm fallin' like it's Autumn [01:09.211]Tell me, what do you do just when you're on your last dollar [01:12.163]And the stress of this mess you in can make your ass holla? [01:16.343]Do you fold, grow bitter and grow cold? [01:18.981]No longer fightin', now the only thing you grow is old [01:22.534]Or do you flip that ******' dollar to a dream? [01:25.015]Whether a scholar or a fiend, watch a pawn become a king [01:28.098]Cole! [01:28.620][Bridge] [01:29.717]Young ***** with his jeans low [01:32.539]Nice guy, just got a mean flow [01:35.647]Never seen rich but he's seen poor [01:38.416]Mr. Dollar and a Dream in case she know [01:40.689][Hook] [01:41.969]That's all a ***** got [01:43.223]So if it's 'bout that cream, then I'm all up in the spot [01:46.148]I got a dollar and a dream, just a dollar and a dream [01:51.765][Verse 2] [01:52.757]Yeah, armed and ready, you ****** strung out, you spaghetti [01:56.415]Ya paper, confetti, small time, ya'll on one, I'm on mine [01:59.837]You logged off 'cause I'm online, small talk from small minds [02:03.102]I wanna buy the mall but there ain't s**t in this small town [02:06.759]This where I get my dough [02:08.300]My ****** make sure the money right and then I rip the show [02:11.461]I run the town they tried to call me underground [02:13.786]I spun around like, you wish [02:15.327]Homie my backpack Louis, now watch just how I do this [02:18.488]I got the nerds rappin' hard s**t, dummies rappin' smart s**t [02:22.041]Mozart meets Humphrey Bogart with this from the heart s**t [02:25.384]Play your part, life is but a dream for me [02:28.101]I get a flash of nightmares when ****** scheme on me [02:31.366]It's hard to see my enemies, who infiltrated my team [02:34.318]I take a step back and notice that things ain't what they seem [02:37.610]That's when a ***** refocus, yeah I turn on them high beams [02:40.666]I got that red dot waitin', I'm wastin' your whole regime [02:44.036]I wish a ***** would, boy you can't out-smart me [02:46.935]I let you feel like you the s**t, but boy you can't out-fart me [02:49.966]Ya never have it, I know you want what I got [02:53.440]But ***** you ain't me, but you are what I'm not [02:56.627]And that's a phony ass, lonely ass, Cole is what you know me as [02:59.866]But we far from homies, if you know my mama, you know me [03:03.001]If ya don't then well I'm sorry, you should get to know Kay [03:05.926]Man she been workin' too hard, I should send her a bouquet [03:09.113]My goal this year is a real one, gonna stack a million [03:12.535]And as soon as I do, Mama that 9 to 5 is through [03:15.540]And I know I ain't been callin', but I'm thinkin' 'bout you [03:18.439]And all the s**t that you been through [03:19.876]My girl and then my brother too [03:21.913]'Cause this life gets hard on this road, yeah it's true [03:24.996]I don't never tell you how much I be stressin', but I do [03:28.052]But I suck it up for who? my fans, and my mans [03:31.135]Who probably never ever had this type of lifestyle in they plans [03:34.609]Hoppin' in and out of vans, on the buses, on the planes [03:37.508]Gettin' brain from a ***** and thinkin' "Goddamn, what's her name?" [03:40.800]Sometimes I just shake my head and tell myself this is a shame [03:44.039]And then my other side kick in like, "*****, don't be so ******' lame" [03:47.017]Dang, what a life, another day, another night [03:50.126]At times this s**t is all blurry, pray and hope that God heard me [03:53.443]Just for those prayin' for me, man I know that y'all worry [03:56.787]But I ain't never failed and you can bet I never will [03:59.530]Cole! [04:00.287][Bridge] [04:01.097]Young ***** with his jeans low [04:04.493]Nice guy, just got a mean flow [04:07.314]Never seen rich but he's seen poor [04:10.083]Mr. Dollar and a dream in case she know [04:12.852][Hook] [04:13.610]Hey, I gotta dollar and a dream, that's all a ***** got [04:15.804]So if it's 'bout that cream, then I'm all up in the spot [04:17.737]I got a dollar and a dream, just a dollar and a dream [04:23.536][Outro] [04:24.346]Hey, 'cause ***** that's life, and trust me I'm livin' [04:27.481]Look what a ***** made out the s**t that I was given [04:30.615]Look what a ***** made out [04:33.750]Look what a ***** made out [04:36.911]Got a dollar and a dream [04:40.594]Three [by:哥谭英雄蝙蝠侠] [00:07.536]嘿,这里是J.cole,你的教导主任 [00:21.930]我赚着票子但也怀着梦想,这就是我的全部 [00:27.233]只要跟钱有关,我就会尽力争取 [00:30.472]心无杂念,只有钱与梦想 [00:37.629]与你同行,让你感受我的痛楚 [00:40.712]须思考的东西太多,不知道怎么扛下的 [00:43.925]不成熟的思想与社会的邪恶将我置于身于黑暗 [00:47.112]生活已不能更糟了,Stevie也摘下了他的墨镜(Stevie Wonder,汽车城唱片旗下一位盲人歌手) [00:50.273]希望仍未出现,而我已经无法忍耐 [00:53.251]我周围的人也都被黑暗吞噬,迷失在药品中 [00:56.620]清楚事情变得越来越糟,脑子也越来越乱 [00:59.990]勉强将信任置于街头,十多年来也与帮派混熟 [01:03.647]生活极其失落,只有上帝仍在关怀我 [01:06.312]他们说过不会背叛我,但我受到了秋天般寒心的背叛 [01:09.211]告诉我,贫困潦倒的时候该怎么办 [01:12.163]生活的压力让人抬不起头 [01:16.343]你会失去希望,内心不再温暖吗 [01:18.981]不再奋斗,增长的只是年龄 [01:22.534]或者不再追逐名利,而去追逐初心 [01:25.015]无论是天使还是恶魔,都眼睁睁看着小弟为王 [01:28.098]J.cole万岁! [01:29.717]初生牛犊们不怕虎 [01:32.539]心地善良才能被人尊敬 [01:35.647]贫困中能吸取经验 [01:38.416]有权势有梦想,要知道那得福气好 [01:41.969]这就是全部 [01:43.223]只要有钱,我能付诸所有 [01:46.148]我拥有梦想和钱,但仅仅只是梦想和钱 [01:52.757]准备就绪,整装待发,把你吓得抽筋 [01:56.415]赚的盆满钵满,光鲜亮丽,一打一可以吊锤你们 [01:59.837]你淘汰了,因为遇见了我,小人只会在背后说坏话 [02:03.102]我想要买个商场,但这穷的连p都没有 [02:06.759]以上就是我的经济来源 [02:08.300]兄弟们把钱洗干净后我也就不装了 [02:11.461]我经营着这座黑暗之城 [02:13.786]我也曾经像你一样忙碌 [02:15.327]老铁我的包是Louis的,好好看好好学 [02:18.488]我歌词写得更走心,更用心 [02:22.041]就像莫扎特与Humphrey Bogart的合体(Humphrey Bogart:传奇男演员) [02:25.384]努力奉献社会,生活对我来说只是虚无缥缈的 [02:28.101]黑子们打我主意的时,我就预见到了随之而来的恐怖 [02:31.366]很难找出身边的告密者 [02:34.318]但我透过表象,看见本质 [02:37.610]当他们重新开始计划时,我直接上去截胡 [02:40.666]我为了那个机会,正在扰乱你们的所有计划 [02:44.036]我希望有人能辅助我,但他不能比我聪明 [02:46.935]击垮你的信心让你不能超越我 [02:49.966]你也不会像我一样厉害,只能默默羡慕 [02:53.440]你没有我的优点,但你有我的缺点 [02:56.627]听好了,虚伪,孤独的家伙们,我是如你所见般光鲜亮丽 [02:59.866]我没咋和家人联系,但依然能经常从我妈口中听到的大名 [03:03.001]你不知道我没关系,但你得知道Kay(Kay:女歌手) [03:05.926]她也和我一样努力,我都很崇拜她 [03:09.113]今年订个小目标,先挣它个一百万 [03:12.535]我一旦赚到钱,妈妈也会感到高兴 [03:15.540]一直想你们但又不敢打电话给你 [03:18.439]想着与你们经历的时光 [03:19.876]想着那个她,想着我的兄弟 [03:21.913]因为一路上我们共度难关,我儿豁 [03:24.996]从来没告诉你们我压力有多大,那是真的累 [03:28.052]但我那么努力是为了谁?为了粉丝,为了兄弟 [03:31.135]我的艰苦有些人一辈子也体会不到 [03:34.609]面包车,公交车,飞机上我都在忙着工作,不能松懈 [03:37.508]累的有时候都会忘了小姐的名字 [03:40.800]有时我也摇摇头告诉自己要随时振作 [03:44.039]而且心中的天使告诉我要快速前行 [03:47.017]生活不易!明日复明日,明日何其多 [03:50.126]意识变得模糊不堪,希望上帝能听见我的祈求 [03:53.443]那些为我默默祈祷的人,我知道你们的苦心 [03:56.787]所以我不能失败,你可以坚信我不会失败 [03:59.530]J.cole万岁 [04:01.097]初生牛犊不怕虎 [04:04.493]心地善良才会被尊敬 [04:07.314]贫困中能吸取经验 [04:10.083]雨露均沾那得靠福气好 [04:13.610]我赚着票子但也怀着梦想,这就是我的全部 [04:15.804]只要跟钱有关,我就会尽力争取 [04:17.737]我拥有梦想和钱,但仅仅只是梦想和钱 [04:24.346]因为这就是生活,永远坚信自己还活着 [04:27.481]看,他们在践踏我的果实 [04:30.615]看看他们的恶劣行为 [04:33.750]看看他们的卑鄙心理 [04:36.911]梦想与金钱并存 [04:40.594](Dollar and a Dream三部曲)


