Friends on the Other Side歌词 歌手Keith David-专辑The Princess and the Frog (Original Songs and Score)-单曲《Friends on the Other Side》LR

苍半凉2021-12-10  72

导读:《Friends on the Other Side》歌词 歌手Keith David的专辑The Princess and the Frog (Original Songs and Score)单曲《Friends on the Othe…

Friends on the Other Side歌词 歌手Keith David-专辑The Princess and the Frog (Original Songs and Score)-单曲《Friends on the Other Side》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Friends on the Other Side》
歌手:Keith David
专辑:The Princess and the Frog (Original Songs and Score)

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《Friends on the Other Side》歌词:

[00:01.2]Don't you disrespect me little man. [00:04.44]Don't you derogate or deride. [00:07.60]You're in my world now, not your world. [00:11.55]And I got friends on the other side. [00:15.70]He's got friends on the other side. [00:21.38]That's and echo,gentleman. [00:22.19]Just a little something we have here in Louisiana a little parlor trick, don't worry. [00:26.81]Sit down at my table. [00:29.72]Put your mind at ease. [00:32.51]If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please. [00:38.33]I can read your future. [00:41.16]I can change it 'round some too. [00:43.12]I look deep into your heart and soul. [00:46.52]You do have have a soul, don't you,Lawrence? [00:49.15]Make your wildest dreams come true. [00:51.56]I got voodoo, I got voodoo. [00:53.73]I got things I didn't even try. [00:56.28]And I got friends on the other side. [00:59.63]He's got friends on the other side. [01:03.71]The cards, the cards, the cards will tell. [01:08.25]The past, the present and the future as well. [01:11.38]The cards, the cards, just take three. [01:16.39]Take a little trip into your future with me. [01:23.70]Now you, young men are from across the sea. [01:29.2]You come from two long lines of royalty. [01:34.27]I'm a royale myself on my mother's side. [01:37.41]Your lifestyle's high. [01:40.20]But your funds are low. [01:43.55]You need to marry a little honey who's daddy got dough. [01:47.17]Mom and dad cut you off, huh, playboy? [01:51.9]Now y'all better get hitched. [01:52.87]But hitching ties you down. [01:53.88]You just want to be free, hop from place to place. [01:57.35]But freedom takes green. [02:01.30]It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need. [02:05.78]And when I look into your future it's the green that I see. [02:09.49]On you little man, I don't want wanna waste much time. [02:12.89]You've been pushed around all your life. [02:16.37]You've been pushed around by your mother. [02:18.93]And your sister and your brother. [02:21.75]And if you was married. [02:23.86]You'd be pushed around by your wife. [02:27.63]But in your future the you I see. [02:32.5]Is exactly the man you always wanted to be. [02:37.3]Shake my hand, come on boys. [02:40.33]Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand? [02:46.9]Yeah. [02:48.75]Are you ready? [02:50.5]Are you ready? [02:51.79]Are you ready? [02:55.15]Transformation central. [02:56.55]Transformation central. [02:57.77]Transformation central. [02:59.11]Transformation central. [03:00.88]Transformacation central. [03:02.91]Can you feel it? [03:06.10]You're changing, you're changing. [03:07.4]You're changing alright. [03:09.81]And I hope you're satisfied. [03:13.72]But if you ain't don't blame me. [03:17.2]You can blame my friends on the other side. [03:23.7]You got what you wanted. [03:26.41]But you lost what you had. [03:31.41]Hush. [by:伏地魔sama] [00:01.2]你胆敢不尊重我 小胖子 [00:04.44]你竟敢诽谤我 嘲弄我 [00:07.60]这是我的地盘 当心点 [00:11.55]我还有来自魔法世界的朋友 [00:15.70]他还有来自魔法世界的朋友 [00:21.38]这是回声 先生们 [00:22.19]别担心 这只是我们路易斯安那州的一丢丢小把戏而已 [00:26.81]欢迎来到这里 [00:29.72]试着放松自己 [00:32.51]放轻松你才能看清我的十八般武艺 [00:38.33]我知道你的未来 [00:41.16]我还能改变这一切 [00:43.12]我能看穿你的心和灵魂 [00:46.52]你有灵魂的对吧 劳伦斯 [00:49.15]让你狂野的梦想成真 [00:51.56]我有魔法 我有魔法 [00:53.73]我有无穷无尽的魔法 [00:56.28]我还有来自魔法世界的朋友 [00:59.63]他还有来自魔法世界的朋友 [01:03.71]塔罗牌 塔罗牌 会显示未来 [01:08.25]过去 现在 或是不久的将来 [01:11.38]塔罗牌 塔罗牌 抽三张牌 [01:16.39]来看看你的未来有什么秘密 [01:23.70]你这个年轻人漂洋过海来到这儿 [01:29.2]你还有尊贵的皇室血统 [01:34.27]我母亲也是皇室贵族 [01:37.41]你心比天高 [01:40.20]但命比纸薄 [01:43.55]想翻身你就得找个有钱老丈人 [01:47.17]爸妈不给零花钱了吧 小少爷 [01:51.9]你感觉备受束缚 [01:52.87]束缚让你十分痛苦 [01:53.88]你只想要获得自由 踏上旅途 [01:57.35]但是潇洒需要代价 [02:01.30]只有钱 只有钱 只有钱才能实现 [02:05.78]在你的未来里我只看到钱 [02:09.49]至于你 我不想浪费时间 [02:12.89]一辈子只能做跟班 [02:16.37]生来被人使唤 你妈妈 [02:18.93]你姐妹 你兄弟 [02:21.75]这还不算啥 等你结了婚 [02:23.86]当心你的妻管严 [02:27.63]但在你的未来 你看呐 [02:32.5]这个才是你真正想做的人 [02:37.3]握个手吧先生们 [02:40.33]来握着充满罪恶的手 [02:46.9]耶 [02:48.75]准备好了吗 [02:50.5]准备好了吗 [02:51.79]准备好了吗 [02:55.15]超级大变身啊 [02:56.55]超级大变身啊 [02:57.77]超级大变身啊 [02:59.11]超级大变身啊 [03:00.88]超级超级大变身啊 [03:02.91]感觉到了吗 [03:06.10]你在改变 在改变 [03:07.4]在改头换面 [03:09.81]我希望你会喜欢 [03:13.72]就算不满意也别怪我 [03:17.2]你只能怪我那魔法世界的朋友 [03:23.7]得到梦寐以求的 [03:26.41]也会失去你所拥有的 [03:31.41]嘘


